Curriculum Vitae
Andrew P. Lush, P.G.
REGISTRATION Professional Geologist 4421, California
EXPERIENCE My experience includes work in geological and environmental services, including underground tank contamination assessment and remediation, soil and groundwater contamination studies for landfills, Class I waste disposal facilities, military bases, and various industrial sites, preacquisition site assessments, remediation system design, operation, and maintenance, and geologic studies. This experience spans a wide range of contaminants including fuels, heavy metals, fertilizers, pesticides, solvents, treated sewage effluent, and others. I also have extensive experience in structural geology, including seismicity and faulting. Clients have included industrial corporations, banks, the military, real estate professionals, and individuals. In several cases I have developed geologic conceptual models which have greatly improved the understanding of the subsurface environment and migration routes.
I have established and managed new offices, trained and mentored junior staff, and have performed quality assessment and quality control, and produced and reviewed proposals, work plans, and reports.
* Oversaw assessment and proposed pilot study for bioremediation of chlorinated hydrocarbon plume in West Sacramento. Work included soil vapor surveys and delineation with well groups to assess vertical variations. Contamination is present in three shallow aquifers and extends more than 800 feet downgradient from the source area.
* Characterization of groundwater near storage ponds for treated effluent from a wastewater treatment plant at Beale AFB. Directed assessment, monitoring well construction, monitoring, and maintenance of two closed landfills. Established a new geologic model which identified perched and deeper aquifers.
* Remediation and monitoring of nitrogen compound contamination at a fertilizer manufacturing plant in West Sacramento; contamination (nitrate and ammonia) is present in shallow perched aquifer and deeper confined aquifer. Remediation included installation of a collection trench to collect shallow groundwater resulting in substantial increase in effectiveness over an array of vertical wells.
* Directed all aspects of evaluation of soil and groundwater contamination in and around service stations and other sites with USTs in California, Texas, Nebraska, and Wyoming. Performed tasks including client and regulatory liaison, delineation of soil and groundwater contamination, logistical preparation and support, reporting of results, and recommendation and implementation of remedial measures. Remedial measures employed have included pump and treat, biodegradation, ozone sparging, soil vapor extraction, mobile and on-site dual-phase extraction, and passive bioremediation. Exploration methods have included hollow-stem, odex, and direct-push drilling, cone penetration testing, and hydropunch techniques.
* Landfill gas, groundwater, and surface water monitoring and cover maintenance at Beale AFB. Directed assessment, monitoring, and maintenance of two closed landfills. Established a new geologic model which identified perched and deeper aquifers.
* Delineation of soil and groundwater contamination near a fuel oil UST at DDJC Tracy.
* Conducted more than 2,000 pre-acquisition environmental site assessments of various properties in California, Wyoming, Nevada, Nebraska, and Texas.
* Provided litigation support for projects involving possible contamination adjacent to railroad yards, property transactions, and contaminated sites.
* Prepared a Remedial Action Plan and Verification Plan for cleanup of lead- contaminated soil at a State "Superfund" site in Sacramento.
* Designed and constructed groundwater and gas monitoring systems, prepared landfill closure plans and postclosure maintenance plans, and performed expert witness and agency liaison functions for a landfill in Sacramento, California.
* Evaluated contaminant levels at proposed building sites in San Francisco for compliance with the requirements of the "Maher" bill.
* Performed geologic studies for the Class I Hazardous Waste Facility at Kettleman Hills, California. Responsible for delineation of soil contamination below former unlined ponds and surface spreading areas, trench logging, excavation mapping, sampling of liquids and sludges in ponds, and excavation monitoring of large landfill cell prior to liner placement.
* Reviewed Phase 1 Environmental Assessments and subsurface environmental investigations for lenders, legal counsel, and other clients involved in property transactions and lawsuits.
* Provided historical research and independent sampling and analysis for defense counsel in lawsuit related to contamination of property adjacent to a railroad yard.
* Performed a Preliminary Endangerment Assessment and implemented cleanup of lead- and paint thinner- contaminated soil at a painting facility in Sacramento, including shoring and excavation of soil from below buildings.
* Provided environmental geological assessment for a proposed hospital in Fresno, California.
* Faulting study for the Class I Hazardous Waste Facility at Kettleman Hills, California. Assessed the potential for high-angle reverse faulting at the facility. Study included regional mapping, developing cross-sections, and logging of 2,000 linear ft of trenches.
* Evaluated seismic risk and setting for proposed nuclear waste repositories in the United Kingdom. Work involved literature survey of regional tectonic setting, historical seismicity, and seismic risk associated with underground facilities.
* Seismicity studies for the Class I Hazardous Waste Facility the Kettleman Hills, California. Helped develop seismotectonic model for region and provided input for seismic design.
* Review of tectonic history of areas along the Wasatch Fault, Southern Idaho, and Eastern Nevada.
* Geologic mapping in the Pilot Mountains, Utah and Nevada.
* Assisted in evaluation of rupture potential of reverse faults on the west side of the Santa Clara Valley, California. Work included logging and evaluation of trench and excavation exposures to evaluate Holocene offsets.
* Geodetic measurements of tilt arrays, level lines, distance meter arrays and alignment arrays to evaluate neotectonic activity in southern and central California.
* Assisted in mapping and evaluation of surface fault traces along the San Andreas Fault and other faults in the San Francisco Bay Area.
* Engineering geologic assessment of 250 miles of levees in the Mid-Valley (Sacramento) region for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
* Exploration geologist, responsible for evaluation and structural description of existing fields, lease holdings and offerings, and structural nature of Wyoming Folded Belt in Utah, Wyoming, Idaho and of the Basin and Range province in Nevada.
* Geologic studies related to a proposed Liquified Natural Gas Terminal at Point Conception, California. Studies included geologic mapping of trench excavations and sea-cliff exposures to assess fault rupture potential.
CAREER SUMMARY Environmental and Engineering Consultants, Inc. (2010-2011)
HDR | engineering-environmental Management (2008-2010)
Lush Geosciences, Inc. (1993 - Present)
Roger Foott Associates, Inc. (1989-1993)
Applied GeoSystems, Fremont and Sacramento (1986-1989)
Dames & Moore, San Francisco (1985-1986)
Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas (1982-1985)
Dames & Moore, Santa Barbara (1980)
U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park (Summer 1979)
W.R. Cotton & Associates, Los Altos Hills
ACADEMIC BACKGROUND B.S. in Geology, U.C. Santa Barbara, 1979
M.S. in Geology, University of South Carolina, 1982
PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Groundwater Resources Association
National Association of Groundwater Scientists
National Water Well Association
PUBLICATIONS Snoke, A. W. and A.P. Lush, 1984, Polyphase Mesozoic-Cenozoic deformational history of the Northern Ruby Mountains - East Humboldt Range, Nevada, in Western Geological Excursions, Vol 4, GSA, p 232-260
Lush, A.P., A.J. McGrew, A.W. Snoke, and J.E. Wright, 1988, Allochthonous Archean basement in the northern East Humboldt Range, Nevada: Geology, V16 p 349-353.