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Optical coating engineer

new port richey, FL, 34655
November 12, 2009

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A flexible and results-oriented Design and Manufacturing Engineer with 20-year experiences of specializing at high quality laser coatings and precision telecom coatings as well as in-depth knowledge of vacuum techniques and semiconductor devices for process setting, retooling, trouble shooting, maintenance and repairing with solid track record in problem-solving skills and yield improvement.


• Hands-on optical thin film coating skills cover from UV, VIS to IR. Coating types include: Plate polarization beam splitter coatings with 20J/cm2 at 10ns at 1064nm; Single or multiple discrete wavelengths AR, PR or HR coatings; Broad band AR, PR or HR coatings; AR coatings on various crystal substrates, such as (LiNbO3, KNbO3, YAG, YLF, Sapphire, Si, Ge, ZnSe, InP, TeO2, KTP… );Narrow band filters (DWDM filters: 200G/100G/50G); Broad band filters (4 skips of 100G, 8skips, 16 skips…); Edge filters (longpass, shortpass and high transmittance at second harmonic wavelength); Gain flattening filters (GFF); Partial non-polarization beam splitter coatings; TIR+AR coatings and TIR+HR coatings; Metal coatings and enhanced metal coatings; Transparent conducting oxide (TCO) coatings: such as ITO coatings.

• Hands-on equipment skills include most commercial equipment such as Veeco: IBD system MBE system and MOCVD system; Oxford: ICP system, PECVD system and RIE system. E-beam coating chambers include Leybold: APS1104 with hot cathode as IAD; Optrun, Satis, Balzers: BAK 760; VPT:CITATION I 36, Denton: INFINITY 26; Airco, Temiscal, Varian. Other cold cathode plasma sources include CC-105, Mark II and RF plasma sources. DC sputtering, RF sputtering and Magnetron sputtering; Photolithography: MA5, Holography. Fast pickup new equipment due to solid background knowledge in optics, mechanics and electronics.

• Skill at diagnosing and debugging various circuit boards for power supplies at component level, help to reduce down time and save cost.

• Hands-on wafer fabrication process skills include HMDS vapor prime, resist coating, hot plate baking, hard mask coating, alignment, developer, wet etching and dry etching, RTA, metallization, BOE etcher, Gold and Titanium etching, lift-off process, backside thinning and polishing, dicing, scribing and wire bonding.

• B.S degree of vacuum knowledge from rough vacuum extends to ultra high vacuum; hands-on pumps include rotary pump, dry pump, Root’s pump, turbo pump, cryopump, ion pump, diffusion pump, and Absorption pump, etc.

• MSEE which concentrated on nanotechnology, main courses included advanced semiconductor physics, Semiconductor device fundamental, Nanotechnology, Quantum devices, spintronics and MRAM. Very familiar with the CdTe and CIGS solar cells from structures to characteristics.

• Ability to introduce six sigma approach to implement SPC, DOE, FMEA and micro analysis tools (SEM, EDX, XPS, XRD,AFM and FIB) for root causes, characteristics or reverse engineering of semiconductor devices or thin film coatings.

• Hands-on metrology includes Spectrophotometers (Perkin Elmer, Carry 5000 and Shamizu), RGA, Ellipsometer, Surface Profiler, Nanometrics, CD Measurement, AFM and SEM.

• Proficient at applying AutoCAD for mechanical design and make tooling drawings.

• Design Tools and software skills: Essential Macleod, TF Cal, Optilayer; AutoCAD, LABVIEW, BASIC programming, DOS, Excel, Word, Power Point.


VLOC, a Subsidiary of IIVI, New port Richey, FL 4/2007-1/2009

Coating process engineer:

• Champion of chamber’s ownership: responsible for design and process for IBS chambers and e-beam w/o IAD chambers, performed more than 100 new designs or modified designs with minimum test runs and achieved the best production yield in the partial reflection coatings.

• Leader of scatter team: Apply SPC, DOE and advanced micro analysis tools to nail down some major root causes of scatters, Bonus awarded by Management by Objectives (MBO).

• Champion of the Electronic Quotation Request (EQR) team, contributed over 100 designs to the EQR new database.

• Coordinator of new HR coating chambers’ production qualification: solved the cryopump downgrade due to heat load from substrate baking and modified e-beam guns to prevent potential contamination.

• Owner of design and process for a big CaF2 project: not only solved the coating adhesion but also improved the coating uniformity to less than 0.1% across the planetary in 10 of 13 inch diameter.

• Owner of PR coating factors which fixed the transmittance measurement accuracy.

• Main developer of thickness monitor project for IBS chamber from design to component assembly.

• Always a helper to the equipment team and mechanical drafter, from tooling design to equipment troubleshooting and improvement.

JDSU, formerly Agility communication, Goleta, CA 12/2004-1/2007

Wafer fab equipment Engineer:

Primary duty: Took care of all the equipment to use for fabrication of tunable laser chips from epi center to wafer fab:

• Implemented preventive maintenance (PM) and always flexible and fast responded to any production issues by troubleshooting and repairing, made wafer throughput double possible.

• Managed inventory of spare parts and applied Statistical Process Control (SPC) for equipment and key process parameter monitoring.

• Specialized at various vacuum pumps maintenance which assured their high efficiencies and longer lifetime.

• At component level debugged and fix many different power supplies/controllers: high voltage power supply for e-beam, Turbo controller for Molecular pump, RF generator for PECVD, Ion gun controller and Spin Coater control card, greatly reduced downtime and saved cost.

• Wrote manual for metallization station and reviewed documents for other equipment.

Second duty: process and thin film coating area:

• Through DOE approach, dramatically improved the facet coatings yield and quality by process parameter adjustment.

• Finished new ICP setup, tuning for production verification.

• Modified fixtures for bar chips, loading and unloading became more easily and quickly.

Alpha Omega Semiconductor Inc., Sunnyvale, CA 2/2004-12/2004

Intern of Failure Analysis (FA) Engineer

• Finished more than 100 FA cases for internal and customer returns through utilizing various tools (CAT, curve tracer, I-V, C-V, Oscilloscope, SEM) to measure or diagnose device characteristics.

Oplink Communications Inc., San Jose, CA 6/2001-1/2002

Coating engineer

• Designed and programmed process to fabricate DWDM filters and more than 15 different widths of broadband filters.

• Presented a novel monitoring approach for non-quarter wavelength thickness as a patent.

JDSU, formerly E-TEK dynamics Inc. San Jose, CA 12/1999- 6/2001

Coating engineer

• Built up a new annealing process for narrow band filters and broadband filters to accurately tune up the wavelengths, Extra salary awarded due to its high efficiency.

• Optimized process to fabricate various DWDM filters and broadband filters.

• Team member of retooling E-beam and Ion Beam Sputtering coating machines to develop 50G filters, key modifications included replacing the optical monitor system from hardware to software, enlarging crucible volume for coating materials.

Aurora Associates, Santa Clara, CA 7/1998-12/1999

Consultant as Manufacturing Engineer

• Implemented vacuum metal bonding, thinning, grinding and polishing for transducers to make Acoustic-Optic (AO) devices in small scale level, solved the metal coating scatters and pinhole issues.

• Applied photolithography and magnetron sputtering to fabricate electrodes for high frequency devices, solved the wire broken and delaminating issues while wire bonding and soldering.

• In-house designed and fabricated BBAR coatings for several kinds of high index crystal substrates, achieved not only excellent spectrum but also excellent mechanical characteristics.

Shanghai Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics, Shanghai, China 7/1988–7/1998

Project manager of high power laser coatings

Responsible for research and manufacture next generation high power laser coatings for Laser Nuclear Fusion Facility.

(1) Implemented coating machine retooling, major modifications included enlarging e-beam gun’s material capacities, updating optical monitor system and replacing vacuum pumping system.

(2) Breakthrough in design and manufacturing large flat plate polarization beam splitter with high laser damage threshold and excellent photo spectrum characteristics.

(3) Small scale fabricated many kinds of large aperture laser coatings for Laser Nuclear Fusion Facility.

(4) Built up a multi-chamber cleaning and drying system for substrates.

(5) Applied real-time experiments for thin film coating stress measurement.

(6) Improved the uniformity of coating areas through some special ways.

(7) Designed novel substrate carriers for heavy-duty laser glasses, so that loading and unloading the large-aperture substrates became easy and safe.


• “New type of He-Ne laser coatings with the functions of enhancing 632.8 nm and suppressing 3390 nm’’, Awarded by Shanghai Science and technology Council.

• Innovative coating mirrors for “611.9 nm Single Wavelength He-Ne Laser Device”. Awarded by Shanghai Science and Technology Council.


• Patent # 97106441: Plate Glass for Handwriting with Anti-reflection and Electric Heating Functions.

• Patent # 97234828: Warm Plate Glass with None Reflection.

• Patent pending: Drive IBS target spin by sweeping.

• Patent pending: Innovative E-beam emitter with water cooling.

• Patent pending: E-beam coating chamber design with compact and controllable gas flow.


• Hazard Communication Certificate #52727, issued by Safety Management System, 2005.


“Design and fabrication of high performance thin film polarization coatings” Appeared in the fourth National Laser Science and Technology Conference, Qingdao City, July 1997


MS of Electrical Engineering,

International Technological University, Santa Clara, CA, 2004

B.S. of Vacuum technology and equipment,

Hefei Polytechnic University, Anhui Province of China, 1988

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