Mary Fitzgerald Humphrey
Beaufort, SC 29902
• OBJECTIVE: To inspire a passion for lifelong learning and help expand and improve our Continuing Education program. In order to accomplish this I will collaborate with our business and education community and assess their needs. Then, I will help strengthen and implement a collaborative approach between instructors, students, and our business and industry communities to best prepare our students and staff with skills they need in order to best serve our communities.
2010- May 2012 – Lesley University, currently completing a Masters in Education – Technology in Education
2005 - University of South Carolina, Masters of Arts in Teaching
2003- University of South Carolina, Bachelor of Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies, emphasis in Psychology and Education.
Adjunct Professor, Technical College of the Lowcountry, Beaufort, SC- Currently teaching my fourth course at TCL in the Early Childhood Education Division. This is an expanding field as research demonstrates so much critical learning takes place in the early years. It is critical to have a well-educated pool of teachers to help our youngest learners develop to their fullest potential.
Teacher, Shell Point Elementary School, Beaufort, SC.- Teaching Fifth Grade and Kindergarten with a standards-based, interdisciplinary, inquiry-based, technology rich, and “hands on”, approach.
Special Education Teacher for Emotionally Disabled Students, Lady's Island Elementary
Beaufort, SC. - Taught a self-contained, multi-age, class of students who were in a self-contained setting due to severe behavior problems.
Principal, Assistant Principal, Teacher, Agape Christian Academy, Lobeco, SC- Principal 2002 - Provided and coordinated staff development and supervision of all staff, students and curriculum. Served as Assistant Principal 2000 and 2001-Provided coordination and assistant supervision of all staff and student schedules, budget management, resolution of problems within the student body, parent liaison. Kindergarten Teacher from 1998 to 2000. English Teacher for grades 7-12 from 1994 to 1998.
Specialized Foster Care for children through: Family Resources, The Continuum of Care, and Jasper County Dept of Disabilities and Special Needs, Seabrook, SC
Provided treatment foster care for children with long-term disabilities. Family Resources was a Teaching-Family site. Continuum of Care and the Dept of Disabilities and Special needs are state agencies that contracted with me as a private vendor.
Co-Director, Genesis Home a program of Family Resources, Inc. Beaufort, SC Teaching-Family Model residential treatment program serving abused, neglected, emotionally disturbed and behaviorally disordered boys and their families. My husband and I as Co-Directors provided and coordinated treatment and parent effectiveness training for at-risk youths and their families, managed the budget, supervised the other staff at the home.
Served for three years as Grade-level chairperson
Served on School Improvement Counsel
Served as the Chairperson of “Kids Club” for two years and as a member for six years
Served on the Lead Technology Cohort for Shell Point
Served on PBIS as grade level representative for four years
Served on the Climate Committee for one year
Served on the Yearbook for one year
Served as a member of the PTO for seven years
Served as the Instructional Technology Lead Teacher Cohort team member for five years
Served as a Master Naturalist for four years
Served on the Reading Improvement Counsel for four years
Served on ELA, Science, and Social Studies content committees
Completed Mentor training
Completed Crisis Intervention Techniques Training for seven years
Participated on Curriculum Mapping Cabinet and Horizontal and Vertical Articulation Mapping
Participated in Best Practices for Struggling Readers training
Volunteer with the Backpack Buddies program since 2009
Sunday school teacher since 1986
Behavior Management Specialization