Shakil Qureshi
Coral Springs, Fl
305-***-**** begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 305-***-**** end_of_the_skype_highlighting
• 3+ years experience in Software Testing
• Performed both Manual Testing and some Automated Testing on Client-Server and Web-based applications.
• Performed Negative and Positive Testing
• Testing expertise in performing Interface, Functional, GUI, Regression, and Security Testing
• Extensive experience in Black Box Testing
• Moderate experience in testing with Automated Tools (Quality Center /Quick Test Pro)
• Hands on experience with all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
• Proficient in different phases of Testing like System Testing, Unit Testing and Integration Testing
• Extensive experience in implementing QA Methodologies, Test Cases, Test Scenarios and Test Deliverables
Most Recent Experience
I have been taking QA classes to brush up on my QA skills. Classes consist of QA methodology, manual testing (hands on and theory), QC and QTP. I am finishing these classes in early May.
IRT December 2009-Feburary 2010
Customer Service
Global Response Corporation December 2008- December 2009
Customer Service
Pediatrix June 2007 – November 2008
QA Analyst
Pediatrix is a company specializing in providing medical care to high-risk pregnant women, premature newborns, and critically ill new borns and children. My work consisted of manual and automatic testing of the program OBR (Other Billing Registration). This program manages a database of patients and their medical records. Doctors can utilize OBR to readily find information about their patients and have information about their billing and registration.
• Performed manual and automated testing on company’s application (OBR)
• Attended weekly peer meetings to discuss the performance of other members in order to strengthen the team of QA testers
• Provided Help Desk level 2 product support and attended various meetings relating to new and upcoming products by the company.
• Worked with DBA’s and Developers as part of an intricate process of improving the efficiency of the application
EDS April 06 – May 2007
QA Manual & Automation Tester
This application specializes in providing customers with the ability to achieve financial development and growth through innovative products and reliable financial consultation. Loan Processing System allows you to originate new loans, save loan documents, and track loan transactions. Payments can be made at any time during the term of the loan. They can be applied towards the scheduled payment or according to rules set by the user.
• Primarily involved in Manual Testing
• Aided in preparing Test Scripts and Test Data to meet the business requirements
• Integrated requirements with the test cases manually
• Developed and implemented Manual Tests
• Performed ad-hoc testing on the application to test how it performs upon encountering unexpected data
• Performed End-to-End testing manually and closely worked with Developers and System Engineers to clearly identify and resolve technical problems
• Developed automated test scripts using Quick Test Pro
• Analyzed user requirements, attended Change Request meetings to document changes and implemented procedures to test changes
• Conducted the Functional, System, Integration, Regression, and performance of the Web application
• Performed Functionality and Security testing of the User authentication
• Analyzed the application and decided which parts to be manually tested and which to be tested automatically
• Verified and validated that the system functioned properly and without error using certain stress conditions using Load Runner
• Regression and Functional testing using Quick Test Pro and used Quality Center for tracking the defects and reporting to the Developer
• Created and executed test cases based on software requirement and test plan using Quality Center
• Evaluation of critical problem/issues during testing and reporting them in Quality Center
• Conducted weekly status meeting with team members and coordinated with Development, Business and QA teams for the progress of the work done in application
Environment: Mercury Quick Test Pro 8.2, 9.0, Mercury Quality Center 9.0, ASP, VB, HTML, Windows Platform
PNC Financial Services, P.A. January 04 – March 06
QA Analyst
PNC Bank Corporation is one of the largest diversified financial service organizations in the US. Its major businesses include Regional Community Banking, Fixed Income, Corporate Banking, Private Banking, Mortgage Banking, Secured Lending, Asset Management and Mutual Fund Servicing. PNC Bank’s Treasury Management division offers a comprehensive portfolio of electronic and paper based receivables, payables and information and investment solutions, as well as global product offerings.
• Analyzed user requirements and software requirement specifications documents
• Documented requirements using Mercury Quality Center
• Developed the test cases to test functionality and interface of the application
• Worked with VB functions and involved in synchronizing the Test Scripts using Quick Test Pro
• Used Quick Test Pro for Regression Testing on each new build of application under test
• Developed test case scenarios for functional testing of web applications developed in HTML and XML
• Prepared test data for the AUT as per specifications
• Maintained Quick Test Pro Test Libraries and Executed Test Plans
• Executed Defect Management using Quality Center and Configuration Management with Visual Source Safe
• Provided regular test reports to management
Environment: Java, J2EE, C++, Servlets, Quick Test Pro, Quality Center