My name is Kornel Acs. I am ** years old. I working 3 years on a
high-quality studio in Hungary. My boss can make the shop from Hungary to Austria and this shop, in that village is too small for 2 worker. I'm flexible. I can change residence, i have no children. Unfortunately, no piercing
i'm doing. But i can do many types of creative areas such as
sculpture, special interior architecture, drawing, painting. I can speak
english, just a little bit.
The primary objective to develop, learn english, earn money and live in tattoo work, to comply with the requirements and if the style is like would the guests wants, then make a longer-term planning.
Maybe important. I work 6 months ago on new technology, with NEUMA air-based machines.(Carsson Hill) I have a full equipment machines, air compressor, is not to be nothing but power. If it is possible. Of course, if it's impossible, then the traditional machines is such this quality I can produce.
I send a couple of photos. If appropriate, then i send the total portfolio. (If you want another photos from painting, drawing,sculpture
work, then that is)
There are language difficulties, but mostly I'm learning English. If you need recommendation, please
contact my boss. www.myspace.com/bloodlinezoli
I look forward to the answer
Kornel Acs