First Name: Malik Kashif Last Name: Habib
Address: House #139 Sector #3 K.T.S
City: Haripur Hazara
State: N.W.F.P
Country: Pakistan
Zip Code: 22800
Time Zone GMT +05:00
Phone Number: +92-995-******
Fax Number +92-995-******
E-Mail Address **.*******@*****.***
Work/Vendor History: Start with most recent:
#1: Company Name: Clover Productions
Type of Business: Web Designing/Data entry
From 2004 To 2007
Address: Plot 140 Sector #3 Khalabut Township Haripur Hazara
Phone Number: +92-321-*******
Job Description: Flash Web-Designer, Data Entry Officer & Graphic Designer Supervisor: Independent
May we contact the above? Yes
Hours of Availability: Please state in relation to CST in the U.S.
From To
Days: Monday Saturday
Evenings: Monday Sunday
Nights: Monday Sunday
List days you are not available: Friday in day time
Weekend Availability:
Saturday: 7:00am 12:00pm
Sunday: 7:00am 12:00pm
Holidays: No
Personal References (No family members):
1. Name Madiha Khan Relationship Neighbour Yrs. Known 10
Email Address: *******@*****.***
2. Name Malik Khurram (Lt.Co Pak Navy) Relationship Neighbour Yrs. Known 17
Phone Number +92-304-*******
High School Graduate: Yes
College: Jinnah Jam-e-College Haripur Degree: Secondary School Certificate
Trade School: Hasdis Computer Masters College
Course of Study: Web Designing, Logo Designing, Graphic Designing, Data Entry Skills
Typing Speed 100 WPM Data Entry KSPH: 10000
Do you have any special skills related to becoming a Home Contracted Vendor? I am also a freelancer. I have taken many projects for data entry. I am also teaching English in Computer College.
List Computer(s) and other Office Equipment you currently have: 2 Intel Centrino with Dial up connection, Printing & Scanning Machines.
Current ISP Connection: Dial-up
Current Windows Application: XP
Signature K-Man