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Server Application

United States
September 20, 2012

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• Over 6 years of IT experience in the areas of design, development, implementation, support and user training for various intranet/internet applications and 4 years of extensive experience in IBM WebSphere administration

• Extensive experience in optimization of enterprise applications using IBM WebSphere Application Server 4.x/5.x/6.x,7.x,Workload Management (WLM), Resource analyzer, JNDI, IBM HTTP Server (1.3.x/6.x), Apache (1.3.x/2.0.x), LDAP, JMS, DB2/UDB (7.2.x/8.0.x), Oracle 9i/10g on Unix and Windows platforms (Solaris, AIX and Windows 2000/2003).

• Experienced in installation, configuration, tuning, security, backup, recovery and upgrades on IBM AIX, RedHat Linux and Solaris

• Experience in migrating to Red hat Linux from AIX.

• Expertise in configuring JDBC Providers, Data Sources, Virtual Hosts, Load Balancing, Clustering, SSL, Global Security using LDAP.

• Experienced in Installing Fix Packs and Migrating to latest versions.

• Installed and configured Siteminder webagent with Apache/IHS webservers on AIX 5.3/6.1, RHEL 5.x/6.1

• Installed and Configured Web Sphere Application Servers on Solaris, AIX and Windows.

• Expertise in installing the primary and secondary nodes & federating to the DMGR, configuring with backend database and configuring LDAP through Tivoli directory server with and without Process Server.

• Good Experience in maintenance of the WebSphere Application Servers on different UNIX platforms and setting up the development, testing and Production environments

• Installation and support of IBM HTTP Server on Windows and UNIX

• Experienced in Deployment of J2EE application Archives (jar, war, ear) on WebSphere Application Servers.

• Expertise in identifying components causing problems in performance using Tivoli Performance Viewer.

• Experience in distributed systems using the J2EE Technologies for various services and integrated with WebSphere

• Experienced with Client Server Architecture using backend RDBMS – DB2/UDB, Oracle 9i/10g and SQL Server 7.0

• Conversant with all phases of software development life cycle.

• Support for IBM WebSphere Application Servers maintenance and troubleshooting on 24x7

• Experience in DNS, NFS, LDAP, sendmail, ftp, remote access, security management, system troubleshooting skills

• Experience in Java Memory Tuning like examining Garbage collection, Detecting over utilization of objects, Detecting Memory Leaks,Performing Memory Leak Testing.

• Experience in Shell scripting (bash, ksh) to automate system administration jobs

• Experience in Installation and configuration of TCP/IP on AIX/Solaris and Windows NT/2000/XP clients and servers

• Experience in Performance monitoring & tuning using Resource Analyzer /Tivoli Performance Viewer, Wily.

• Expertise in configuring WebSphere in multiple topologies using clustering and web server in Demilitarized zone (DMZ).

• Expertise in Problem Determination through the log files to analyze the problems and/or interact with IBM support to solve problems by applying patches/fixes.

• Created IBM Problem Management Records (PMR) to report WebSphere Application Server problems.

• Good knowledge about IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances which is easy-to-deploy network devices (XML appliances) that simplify, help secure, and accelerate XML and Web Services deployments while extending SOA infrastructure.

• Good knowledge of Various other application servers such as Weblogic,JBoss,Tomcat.

• Good knowledge of various other Websphere servers such as Websphere Portal Server, Websphere Process Server,Websphere MQ and portal server.

• Excellent client relation skills and the drive to complete tasks effectively and efficiently where customer services and technical skills are demanded as well as the ability to communicate effectively with all levels of management and the client community

• Extensive Experience in 24*7 production support.

• Excellent communication skills and strong team player


• Bachelors in Technology from JNT University, India


Operating Systems: IBM AIX 4.5/5.1/5.2/5.3, SUN Solaris 8/9/10, LINUX (REDHAT, Suse), Windows NT/2000server, Windows XP/98/9.

Databases: ORACLE8i/9i/10g,DB2/UDB7.2/8.0,SQL Server .5/7.0/2000, MS-Access 2000.

Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, ASP, spring, JSP, java SE/EE, VBScript, soap, web services.

Web Servers: Apache WebServer 1.2.2/1.3/2.0, IBM HTTP Server 1.3.28/1.3.2/2.0.42/ 2.0.47/6.0, Apache 1.3/2.0, IIS 6.0, iPlanet., Netegrity Siteminder Policy Server 5.5, 6.0

App Servers: IBM Web Sphere Application Server 4.0/5.0/5.1/6.0/6.1/7, Tomcat 5.0

Methodologies: SDLC and Object Oriented Design



Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. (“FIS”) Apr-2011 to Till date

Middleware administrator

• Installed, configured, administered and supported WebSphere Application Server v6.1,v7 on Linux.

• Applied webservices feature pack v9 and Websphere application server fixpack 31..

• Configured SSL using the CA signed certificates.

• Configured SSO using Siteminder.

• Deployed the applications on the Websphere Application Servers v6.1, v7...

• Extensively involved in create/modify personalization Business Rules and configured to use this rules to all other regions like DEV, TEST, QA and Production regions.

• Configured the HP Diagnostics to WebSphere Application Servers.

• Configured WebSphere Application Server on multiple platforms for both horizontal and vertical clustering.

• Worked on preparing roadmaps for installations and guided team in preparing installation documents.

• Generated the certificate requests for VERISIGN CA and installed the certificates for WebSphere.

• Automated the administrative task using the Jython and Shell scripts.

• Performance tuned the JVMs following the IBM best practices and implemented the changes required with respective to our environment.

• Experienced in installing and configuring WebSphere Process Server Dmgr profiles, base server profiles and enabling security using LDAP.

• Monitored, Optimized and tuned J2EE based solutions in both single node and clustered environments.

• Extensively used the Thread Analyzer to detect and analyze application problems.

• Interpreted log files to locate and solve application server problems.

• Experience in enterprise service bus (ESB) model which is used for designing and implementing the interaction and communication between mutually interacting software applications in Service Oriented Architecture.

• Setting up horizontal clusters for Work Load Management (WLM) and Failover support.

• Configured remote HTTP Server Plug-in on IHS to work with WebSphere Application server.

• Extensively worked on HTTPD .conf files

• Built new application server instances as needed per requirement for production releases and provided production support through releases.

• Configured Virtual Hosts, Web Applications and Web Resources and JDBC drivers.

• Opened PMR with IBM to resolve the issues.

• Provided the 24/7 on call support.

Environment: IBM WebSphere Application Server v6.1,7,0,,IBM Extremescalev7.0, HIS v7/6.1,ApacheWebserver 2.2/2.0, RHELv5,AIX,Solaris,JAVA,Sunone Directory Server,F5,

Snap-On Business Solutions, Richfield OH Jul 2010 – Mar 2011

Websphere middleware administrator

Snap-on Business Solutions designs productivity solutions that provide practical access to actionable information. We design and deliver electronic parts catalogs, accessory sales tools, warranty process management solutions, and manufacturer network development services.


• Installed, configured, administered and supported WebSphere Application Server v6.1,v7 on AIX and Solaris.

• Deployed the applications on the Websphere Application Servers v6.1, v7.

• Database Migration from Cloudscape to Oracle for CP and FS instances and to DB2 for Personalization Rules Engine instance.

• Cluster configuration for Primary and Secondary nodes, which includes pre federation and post federation tasks

• Experience in migrating operating systems from Aix to red hat Linux etc.

• Considerable experience performing day-to-day operations like deploying portlets, creating pages, exporting configurations, and configuring access control using XMLAccess utility..

• Extensively involved in IBM Web Content Management (WCM) administrative tasks like creating the libraries and templates, Defining Work flow items, Creating Syndicators and Subscribers.

• Extensively involved in create/modify personalization Business Rules and configured to use this rules to all other regions like DEV, TEST, QA and Production regions.

• Installed and configured the Wily’s Introscope v 7.2.1 to App Servers.

• Configured the SSL for webservers and LDAP for secure communications.

• Generated the certificate requests for VERISIGN CA and installed the certificates for WebSphere.

• Automated the administrative task using the Jython and Shell scripts.

• Enabled the global security using IBM Tivoli Directory Server.

• Installed and configured the Wily’s Introscope v 7.2.1.

• Monitored the performance of the Sun JVM’s using Wily’s Introscope v 7.2.1 and Tivoli Performance Viewer.

• Monitored the heap dumps using advanced monitoring and analysis tools such as Jmap and Jhat.

• Configured the Apache Webserver in accordance to the Applications.

• Performance tuned the Sun HotSpot JVM’s.

• Involved in designing of the Stress Testing scenario using Load Runner.

• Configured the Oracle 10g DB to Websphere Application Server.

• Involved in reviewing the Java code to detect the memory leaks.

• Performed various Stress tests to bench mark the limitations of the environment and to resolve the Bottle Necks.

• Provided 24/7 on call support.

Environment: Java, J2EE, IBM WebSphere Application Server v6.1,v7, IBM Tivoli Directory Server, Apache Web Server, Oracle10g, Unix (Solaris 10,AIX),Load Runner, Site Minder,BMC Patrol.

Standard and Poor’s New York, NY Mar 2009 – June 2010

WebSphere Administrator

Standard & Poor’s is known to investors worldwide as a leader of financial- market intelligence. Standard & Poor’s provide investors who want to make better informed investment decisions with market intelligence in the form of credit ratings, indices, investment research and risk evaluations and solutions.Standard & Poor’s is also known as an independent provider of credit ratings.


• Installed and configured WebSphere Application Server ND 6.0 and IBM HTTP Server 6.0

• Installed, Configured, Administered and Supported WebSphere Application Servers 6.0 on Windows and UNIX environment.

• Installed and configured multiple IBM HTTP Servers and enable to use Round-robin technique to load balance the traffic to different Application servers using Plug-in.

• Configured WebSphere Workload Management using horizontal and vertical clustering.

• Developed Jacl and Ksh scripts to automate the maintenance process of the WebSphere Application servers and managed the backup/restore of Deployment Manager Configurations.

• Installed and configured IBM Edge Server and Network Dispatchers for load balancing

• High availability and recoverability planning and implementation

• Involved in designing Websphere Application Server load balancing and failover by using WorkLoad Management (WLM), horizontal and vertical scaling

• Developed WebSphere Application Server regular administration tasks automated by using WSCP and XMLConfig scripts

• Active involvement in monitoring server performance, network traffic to reduce performance bottleneck by enhanced performance ensuring upstream queuing

• Configured the Web Server interfaces, session management, virtual hosts and transports for WebSphere Application Servers

• Applying software maintenance, program fixes and keeping the system software releases current

• Configured WebSphere resources like JDBC providers, JDBC data sources, connection pooling, JavaMail sessions

• Deployed Session and Entity EJBs in WebSphere.

• Implemented WebSphere Global Security using LTPA and Tivoli Directory Server

• Built the JACL and JYTHON scripts for automating the admin tasks.

• Provided support for System Integration and application flow in a production environment

Environment: Java, J2EE, DB2, IBM HTTP Server Domino Go Web Server (DGW), Web Sphere Application Server 6.0,Sun One Directory server,AIX,Win2003.

Hartford Insurance, Hartford, CT Sep 2008 – Jan 2009

WebSphere Administrator

The Hartford is a leading provider of life insurance, group and employee benefits, automobile and homeowners insurance and business insurance - as well as investment products, annuities, mutual funds, and college savings plans.


• Installed and configured WebSphere Application Server 5.1 and administered the process of deploying the Enterprise Components in AIX and Solaris environments.

• Components to run java beans, servlets, JSPs were built and deployed on the WebSphere Application Server.

• Maintained WebSphere servers on different UNIX platforms, development, testing and staging environments for on-going application development.

• Developed UNIX shell scripts, which automates the WebSphere Administration (recycling the application server, deploying customer applications, logs rotation, monitor applications state, etc,).

• Designed the flow of the Application and deciding the Technologies to be used.

• Configured performance tuning WebSphere and OS level.

• On going problems troubleshooting day to day.

• Implemented LDAP security models using Sun One LDAP (SSO) and IBM secureway (LTPA).

• Performance tuning in the aspect of Database Connection Pooling. Built reports for tracking the Workflow.

• Implemented standard backup procedures for both application DB and WAS administration DB.

• Implemented creation of Server groups and clusters in WebSphere Application server and cloning of servers (vertical and horizontal).

Environment: Java, J2EE, IBM HTTP Server, WebSphere Application Server 5.x, UNIX (AIX, Solaris), SQL Server 2000.

FedEx Services, Memphis, TN Feb 2007 – Aug 2008

WebSphere Administrator

FedEx is led by FedEx Corporation, which provides strategic direction and consolidated financial reporting for the operating companies that compete collectively under the FedEx name worldwide: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, FedEx Office, FedEx Custom Critical, FedEx Trade Networks and FedEx Services.


• Installed, configured, administered and supported WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on Linux, Solaris and Windows

• Provided technical assistance for Web Hosting team on various Application and Web Servers including IBM HTTP Server and Apache Web Server

• Created servers for clusters using server templates for WebSphere Application Server 5.0

• Integrating enterprise-wide J2EE applications and deploying in Websphere Application Server and managing security policies

• Managed connection pooling and registering web applications (Servlets, JSP) on WebSphere

• Configured WebSphere performance tuning and troubleshooting

• Created user roles and groups using LDAP and secured resources

• Involved in shell scripts to automate the maintenance process of the WebSphere and recovered the backed up Websphere configuration using XMLConfig tool

• Deployed EJB applications on IBM WebSphere 5.0 Application Server in UNIX platform

• Monitoring All Servers, shutdown and boot up, Network Support and Trouble Shooting

Environment: Apache, WebSphere Application Server 5.0, Solaris 9,AIX, IBM HTTP Server 1.3.28, Windows NT/2000, Oracle 8i and J2EE

BEE Technologies, Bangalore, India Mar 2006 – Dec 2006

Web Admin

BEE Technologies is an information technology services company that leverages deep industry and functional expertise, leading technology practices, and an advanced, global delivery model to help clients transform their highest-value business processes and improve their business performance.


• Supported a multi-function, multi-platform, multi-tier, mission-critical J2EE/WebSphere environment.

• Installed, configured, administered and supported WebSphere Application Server 4.0 in UNIX.

• Managed the security and performance optimizations for EJB containers and web applications in IBM WebSphere, IBM HTTP Server and Apache web server.

• Involved in configuring the WebSphere load balancing utilizing WebSphere Workload Management including horizontal scaling and vertical scaling.

• Installed and configured IBH HTTP Server

• Involved in ongoing research, development and testing of WebSphere, IBM HTTP Server, Directory Server components and supporting products.

• Problem determination using log file.

• Provided J2EE application deployment, and troubleshooting support for development groups.

• Provided call center support by 24x7 shift rotation basis.

• Created Web components which act as clients and interact with EJB’s

• Used XSL/XSLT to transform the data into html format

Environment: WebSphere Application Server 4.0, UNIX, Windows 2000, IBM Http Server

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