Daniel Boyd Vaughn
Attalla, Al. 35954
Primary phone- 205-***-****
Secendary phone-256-***-****
Age-26 Gender-male Race-White DOB- 8-17-83
High School- Etowah High School. Graduated 2002 and recieved diploma.
College- Gadsden State Communaty College. 3 years complete.
major in nursing, not yet graduated.
Past Employment-
Vaughn Outdoors.
Sept, 2005-Feb.2009 job- sales, collections, installed vynals
Pay, 4.00 per week
Reasion for leaving- layed off
Choice Fabracators.
Feb, 2004- Sept, 2005 Job- lead man, forklift operator,
Chemical and ecoat tech
Pay- 7.75 per hour
Reasion for leaving, better job found.
Trinity Food Service.
Jobs- Kitchen Manager, Cook
Reasion for leaving- closer job found.