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Mental Health Years Experience

Nashville, TN, 37215
September 21, 2011

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**** ********* ** *-* ● Nashville, TN ********- 298-3049 ● ********@*********.***

Robert Hendon


LCSW looking for Full-Time Employment in Social Service


Clinical Therapist-NASW member

Twelve years experience in Adult Mental Health and Geriatric Mental Health Therapy

Experienced working in a team approach in providing psychotherapeutic services to patients and their families, as well as providing group therapy, case management and discharge planning. Experience providing appropriate assessments, diagnoses, and interventions with patients.

LCSW since 2001

Hard-worker, Empathetic and Solution Focused

Professional Experience


Paradigm Health Services

Nashville, TN

Clinical Therapist in Nursing Homes in Middle TN and Western Middle TN.

Evaluated clients for mental health diagnoses and provided individual counseling. Teamed with nursing home staff and psychiatrists/and psychiatric nurse practitioners to identify solutions for at risk Seniors. Experience working with Veterans, PTSD issues, and Alcohol Abuse issues. Provided insight for social workers and psych nurses when needed and offered residents a chance to process their own thoughts and feelings in a safe environment. Provided staff support with grief issues. Took 4 month sabbatical to language school in Spain (Valencia) in 2007.


Centerstone Mental Health

Nashville, TN

Clinical Therapist for Adult Persistent Mentally Ill Population Conducted group therapy daily for Severe and Persistent Mentally Ill clients in Adult Day Program. Worked in providing support with those with PTSD issues as well as having experience with the dual diagnosed. Participated in staff meetings with psychiatrist to provide insight into the clients’ issues. Led LCSW supervision for MSSW employee and student interns. Spoke on behalf of my agency at Suicide Prevention forum in Jackson, TN for over 1,000 in attendance.

1998- 1999

Alive Hospice

Nashville, TN

Student Intern

Maintained caseload of terminally ill adult clients, providing in home support and therapy. Worked with supervisor to help co-lead a Grief Support group.

1997 1998

Senior Citizen’s Inc.

Nashville, TN

Student Intern

Worked with a caseload of geriatric clients in the Nashville community to provide services and support. Was co-facilitator with supervisor for Alzheimer’s Family Support Group.



9-97 5-99

University of Tennessee College of Social Work

Nashville, TN


9-92 9-95

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA

BA-Foreign Affairs Minor-History

Professional and Community Memberships


Personal Interests

Long distance running-marathons, mental health awareness



References available upon request.

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