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Quality Supervisor

Gore, OK, 74435
$50,000 per year
June 24, 2008

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William T. Potts

Rt * Box ***

Gore, Ok *****



OBJECTIVE: My experience encompasses a diverse background of quality, manufacturing, contracting and production involving mostly defense products and some commercial product development. Skills include ISO 9000, AS 9100, Military and government specifications, Auditing, Kaizen events, KanBans, supply chain management, TQM, FAR and DFAR interpretation, teaming and other management skills. My goals are to utilize my experience and skills to enhance a company that wants to excel in quality processes and products.


University of Central Oklahoma, BA in English Education, Graduate 1977.


US Navy, E-4 Electronics Technician, 1968-1972 Honorable Discharge

US Navy Reserves, E-6 Gunners Mate Guns, 1972-1989 Retired.


1972-1974 TG&Y Stores, Department Manager, Sporting Goods.

Duties: Manage Schedule, Order Stock, Stock Shelves

Customer Service, File and maintain records of firearms


1974-1980 Civil Service, Tinker Air Force Base, Sheetmetal Mechanic

Duties: Build parts according to blueprints, repair and manufacture parts

to specifications and technical orders.

Accomplishments: Awarded several suggestion awards for the modification/wing splices on KC-135 aircraft.

1980-1984 Civil Service, Tinker Air Force Base, Contract Negotiator/Buyer

Duties: Purchase material for the Air Force, write contracts according to

applicable laws and regulations, maintain purchase files and delivery

to contracts.

Accomplishment: Negotiated the largest service contract with a Handicapped Agency for Tinker Air Force Base at that time.

1984-2007 Civil Service, Defense Contracts Management Agency, Industrial Specialist

and Quality Assurance Representative. Retired February 2007

Duties: Maintain delivery status of government contracts, Technical Analysis of Cost Proposals, Progress Payment Evaluation, Product Audits, ISO 9000 Process Lead Auditor, AS 9100 Process Lead Auditor, Quality Audits to correct program, Review of contracts to specifications and requirements, Pre-award survey performance lead, evaluation of suppliers for performance ability, First Article Inspection to AS 9102 and Government Specifications, performing risk analysis.

Commodity Certifications: Aircraft, Aerospace, Metals, Clothing and Textile, Electronics, Wood, Weapons, Missiles, Navy Special Emphasis Program, NASA, Boeing Aircraft, ISO 9000 Series Lead Auditor, AS 9100 Series Auditor and trainer, NDT certifications.

Accomplishments: While serving as Industrial Specialist, I found a large cost overrun at a government contractor that resulted in a savings of several hundred thousand dollars. I was the lead on the team that found, through the preaward survey process, that AT&T was capable of producing a communications system for the US Government. This resulted in a $2.5 billion award to that company. I was also the team coordinator for one of the initial TQM teaming efforts by the government. I was the designated SPC chart developer for the team in Oklahoma City. I developed the charts and distributed them to the Dallas region. These charts were used as a model for the charts used in the Dallas regional main office. As a Quality Assurance Representative, I was responsible for seeing that all my contractors made the conversion to ISO 9000 from the standard Mil-I and Mil-Q quality management systems. I was also responsible for auditing to ISO and AS quality management systems at government contractors. I taught the audit process to other government employees in the Dallas region. I also was one of the key components in the development, testing, implementation, and training of DCMA’s ALERTS (Advanced Liaison of Emergent Risk To Schedule) system used to notify customers, other government agencies and contractors of delivery delays and potential delays throughout the agency.

Feb 2007-Present: Cherokee Nations Industries, Quality Supervisor.

Duties: Receiving Inspection Supervisor, Inspection Procedure for Receiving

Inspection, AQL level, Training employees in the AQL, AS 9102 First Article

preparation, Evaluation of employees, Bell Helicopter production line quality

supervisor, maintain receiving inspection inventory at acceptable levels,

review of suppliers delivery and quality levels, supervise six employees.

Accomplishments: When assigned as the supervisor in Receiving Inspection, the receiving inventory stood at over 1500 parts and approximately $1.5M backlog. Applying AQL system, rewriting the procedure for receiving inspection and performing skip lots on deserving suppliers, we were able to reduce the inventory to approximately 200 parts and less than $100k. We are maintaining a 72-96 hours turnaround on received parts and accomplishing all the hot parts needed for the floor level. We have reduced the absenteeism in the department which has helped in the maintenance of the system. The department has passed all audits by both in house audits and third party audits.


1993-2002: Owner/operator of Movie Review video store.

Duties: Supervise up to 10 employees, scheduling, advertising, ordering and

maintaining stock according to current trends, P&L, maintaining records,

customer service, hiring employees, disciplining employees, training, loss

prevention, finding and researching suppliers, community service and

setting payroll to the budget.

Accomplishments: When I bought the store, the annual gross profit was approximately $93K per year. In as little as 4 years the annual gross was approximately $225K per year and the store had doubled in size, inventory and employees.


Awards and accomplishments have been many throughout my career. I have received Sustained Superior Award (2001 and 2006), Hammer Award recipient (1998-1999), Who’s Who Among Americas Business Leaders (1997), and several monetary and time off awards.

References: References can and will be furnished upon request.

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