Wanda I. Perez
Develop in the company the skills that I already have tomake the most of the experiences acquired in this job.
Job Conection Center Inc
Coordinacion de Eventos
Septiembre. 2024
Instituto Educativo
Facturacion y Cobro de Planes
Medicos. Julio-2024
en Alimento y
Nutricion(EFNEP) Junio-2024
Sept. 2017 –Febrero 2024
Agricultural worker • warehouse and farm • SyngentaSeedsCorp. August 2023 –Nov.2023
Maintenance technician • Hospital and Office • Keep Clean Services January 2020 –April 2020
Assembler • warehouse • U-Line Corporation
My responsibilities in those positionswere mostly punctuality, customer service, product and service quality, packaging and production.
Key Skills
Communication, critical thinking,
collaboration, teamwork,
empathy, adaptability, time
management, problem solving.
I am attaching this letter tomy resume as part of my application for thisposition.As you can see, I have experience in customer relations and manufacturing, for this reason, I dedicate much of my time to improving communicationsand human relations. In addition tomy experience, I can also offer your company new ideas and a fresh perspective. I would love to collaborate with your organization in the future, so thank you very much for considering my application for this position. If you want more information or want references, do not hesitate to contact me.
Receive a cordialgreeting, WandaPerez
[Available upon request.]