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General Foreman Safety Training

Candaba, Pampanga, Philippines
January 03, 2025

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Dalwinder Singh (Applicant)


: # ***/* ***** *****,

Backside T.V. Centre,

Jalandhar – 144002

M) 981**-***** 836*******

E-mail ID : *****************@*****.***

Academic Qualification

Matriculation from Punjab School Education Board, Chandigarh

Higher Secondary(Science Group) from Punjab School Education Board, Chandigarh

Graduation(Economics and Finance) from Punjab University,

Has completed Leadership for Safety Excellence, Construction Safety Training Systems (HSE)

Computer Skills

MS Office

Professional Experience

I have 16 years work experience in Gulf and 5 years experience in India working on various sector in construction, including road, civil infrastructure, Exavation. Earthworks and land scapes 1. IRAQ : M/s Som Dutt Builder Ltd.

Status : Roads Foreman

Project : Building and Roads

2. MUSCAT : M/s Shand Ltd U.K.

Status : Road and Excuvation Foreman

Project : Dams and Excavation

3. JORDAN : M/s Som Dutt Builder Ltd.

Status : Roads Foreman

Project : National Highway Roads

4. MUSCAT : M/s Desert Line Projects LLC.

Status : General Foreman

Project : Highway Road and Dams, Excavation

Sur beautifaction & pipe line

5. DUBAI : M/s Khanshaeb Engineering LLC

Status : General Foreman Civil /Road

Project : Highway Road/ Excavation

Job profile :

o I have experienced sr. foreman, the role involves full responsibility for all aspects of production of the Company's range of architectural cladding, bridge beams, heavy engineering elements, GRC. o I was independently incharge of earthwork. I have experienced in excavation of cutting, filling and bulk earthworks. I was handling various activities like Earth work roads, road formation, sub-grade, road base and laying asphalt on highway roads in Gulf’s.

o I have experience in deep excavation for bridges, pipe lines, shifts, handle, and implements the necessary equipments.

o I have experience to coordinate several major activities while analyzing and resolving specific problems. o I have experienced to create detailed plans, utilizing work in crews as effectively as possible to mobilization.

o I have experience to control 150 labour and passed all works through consultant. I was engaged in safety control. I have pass HSC courses.

o I have experience to read, write, understand drawing and specifications. SAFETY:

Knowing and understanding the requirements of and liabilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act

Knowing, understanding, communicating and ensuring compliance with the safety regulations (Occupational Health and Safety Regulation and Code) and safety policies and procedures

Identifying needs for crew safety training and facilitates delivery of training Participates in and monitors “safety tool box meetings”

Participates in and monitors “safety tool box meetings”

Ensures completion of initial safety and hazard assessments (Field Level Risk Assessments [FLRAs])

Expedites answers to any technical safety questions

Participating in safety/incident investigations and reviews LEADERSHIP and SUPERVISION:

Ordering manpower as required

Assigning crew tasks

Supporting job training for apprentices and facilitating mentoring of apprentices by journeymen

Recognizing, addressing and resolving issues/problems among/between crew(s)

Setting and maintaining work standards and outlining behavioural expectations to ensure crew morale and productivity

Applying the company’s corrective action policy where applicable PLANNING and SCHEDULING:

Identifying and/or verifying that the field installation work package (FIWP), which includes all tools and materials required by the crew are available and complete

Identifying needs and deficiencies in the look ahead plan/schedule and communicating these to the appropriate persons

Reviewing and adjusting specific workface activities and task schedules to meet established production schedules

Communicates and coordinates with other trades to avoid and resolve conflicts LABOUR RELATIONS:

Identifying needs for crew LR training and facilitates delivery of training

Expedites answers to any LR questions

Ensures a respectful and inclusive LR work environment

Understands the importance of apprenticeship training

Promotes, supports and facilitates teamwork and harmony between all construction crews by promoting and fostering a positive, visible teamwork attitude among all project crews, regardless of craft makeup. QUALITY CONTROL:

Overseeing the execution of the work, including quality and production, by ensuring that the crews work to job specifications and follow drawings

Reviewing inspection reports and coordinating resolutions to deficiencies ADMINISTRATION:

Ensuring foreman’s logs or diaries are maintained

Reporting on crew production, work progress and change

Approving material requisitions to address any deficiencies in FIWPs

Completing quality control reports when required

Completing required information or data

Reviewing time cards

Personal Particulars

Fathers’ Name : Mr. Teja Singh

Date of Birth : 25/10/1958

Martial Status : Married

Nationality : Indian

Communication Skills : English/Hindi/Punjabi/Urdu

Passport No. : S 8239978

Passport Validity : up to 2028

Driving Licence : Oman Ltv(Expired in 2004)

Previous Salary : 6000 Dh

Expected salary : 7000 Dh negotable

Dated :26/09/2023

Place: Jalandhar


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