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Software Engineer Spring Boot

Jacksonville, FL
September 27, 2023

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Philip Jake Johnson

Professional Summary

Full-stack Java developer with experience developing dynamic web applications using Spring, Microservices, and React. Exposure working on a team in an Agile development environment to design databases, develop REST APIs, and create user-friendly, single-page applications. Truly passionate about coding and loves to solve puzzles and challenges and I aim to master the craft and improve as much as possible.

●Developed database queries and constructed complex data models using Hibernate and JDBC mapped to MySQL databases.

●Created back-end REST APIs using Spring Cloud and Spring Boot in a microservices architecture with Spring Cloud Gateway, Netflix Eureka, and Spring Data JPA

●Implemented authorization and authentication via Spring Security

●Developed user friendly visual interfaces for API documentation via OpenAPI 3

●Familiar with a variety of design patterns, such as Dependency Injection, Singleton, Factory, DAO, MVC, Front Controller, and Producer-Consumer

●Exposure to containerization and PaaS using Docker, Kubernetes, and AWS

●Experience leading a small Agile development team which worked alongside other small Agile teams to develop full stack applications.

●Exposure to integrating Spring Cloud frameworks such as Gateway, Service Discovery, Resilience4J, Load Balancer, and Feign Client

●Deployed applications to the Cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS)

●Experience with several markup languages: XML, JSON, HTML, YML

●Designed and implemented Web UIs with HTML, CSS, React, and Bootstrap

●Developed single-page client-side applications using React, JavaScript, AJAX, TypeScript, and ECMAScript

●Created unit tests for APIs through the use of JUNIT, Selenium and Mockito libraries

Technical Skills

•Software: MySQL Workbench, VS Code, Intellij Idea, Jenkins, GitHub, Maven

•Frameworks: Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring AOP, Hibernate, JDBC, Servlets, React, REST (Spring), JUNIT, Mockito, Selenium

•Servers: Linux/Unix, Apache Tomcat

•Databases: MySQL

•Languages: Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, XML, JSON, TypeScript, JSX

Professional Experience

Sound Payments (Full Stack Software Engineer) June 2023 – current

Microservices Message Translator

In this API I am responsible for retrieving messages from ActiveMQ so that I can translate payment requests. Created back-end REST APIs using Spring Cloud and Spring Boot in a microservices architecture with Spring Integration, ActiveMQ, and Dockerized applications. This api leverages a Postgress database.

●Connected the application to a relational database (Postgress) and queried/updated records using Spring Data JPA query methods

●Used JUnit to test Java methods and leveraged test-driven development (TDD)

●Used Selenium to test the Vaadin UI and leveraged test-driven development (TDD)

●Designed a user interface and implemented using Vaadin

Cognition Digital (Full Stack Software Engineer) April 2023 – July 2023

Advertisement Campaign Management Platform

In this platform, advertisement agencies and singular auto dealers can create their Advertisement campaigns through the platform and have it automatically connect to the Amazon DSP(Demand Side Platform). Advertisers can then track the status of their campaign order as well as the progress of any running campaigns. This platform also leverages Amazon Quicksight to provide business analytics to clients by enabling them to upload .csv data of their sales.

●Created back-end REST APIs using Spring Cloud and Spring Boot in a microservices architecture with Spring Cloud Gateway, AWS, RabbitMq, and Dockerized applications

●Connected the application to a relational database (MySQL) and queried/updated records using Spring Data JPA query methods

●In a BitBucket CI/CD pipeline, built the JAR file for the project using Maven, wrapped the application in a Docker container, and deployed the image to Amazon ECR

●Used JUnit to test Java methods and leveraged test-driven development (TDD)

●Used Selenium to test the React/Typescript UI and leveraged test-driven development (TDD)

●Designed a user interface and implemented using React, HTML, CSS, and Material UI

●Developed a single-page application using React and Typescript to create components

●Leveraged Redux to have components subscribe to state in the Redux store

SkillStorm (Full Stack Software Engineer) June 2022 – June 2023

Candidate New Hire Catalogue

Through a partnership with, potential employers can browse the skillstorm candidate pool. These candidates are ready for employment and are Veterans with an active security clearance. Future employers could then select a candidate via an MUI Card based catalog and set a time for interviews or just to inquire more information from Skillstorm about the candidate.

●Created back-end REST APIs using Spring Cloud and Spring Boot in a microservices architecture with Kubernetes, AmazonMQ, and Dockerized applications

●Connected the application to a relational database (MySQL) and queried/updated records using Spring Data JPA query methods

●In a Jenkins CI/CD pipeline, built the JAR file for the project using Maven, wrapped the application in a Docker container, and deployed the image to Amazon ECR

●Used JUnit to test Java methods and leveraged test-driven development (TDD)

●Developed a user-friendly visual interface for API documentation via OpenAPI 3

●Designed a user interface and implemented using React, HTML, CSS, and Material UI

●Developed a single-page application using React and JSX to create Cards that showcased candidate information such as skills, location, clearance held, and education

●Leveraged Redux to have components subscribe to state in the Redux store

Inventory Management System

The Inventory Management System is a proof-of-concept application for managing inventory levels for goods on a single page application with a simple and intuitive UI. The application allows users to create products and list their products for sale and manage available inventory.

●Created a back-end REST API using Spring MVC and Spring Boot

●Developed a single-page application with JavaScript and React to create components

●Leveraged Redux to have components subscribe to state in the Redux store

●Connected the application to a relational database (MySQL) and queried/updated records using Spring Data JPA query methods

●Designed a user interface and implemented using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap

●Used JUnit to test Java methods and leveraged test-driven development (TDD)

Expense Reimbursement System

The Expense Reimbursement Portal allowed employees to submit their expenses for reimbursement. The user typed in the amount for each expense and could be approved or denied by their manager.

●Served JSON data by marshalling/unmarshalling requests and responses using Jackson

●Leveraged Java Servlets to create a REST API for servicing incoming HTTP requests

●Configured Servlets and Filters in the web.xml deployment descriptor

●Connected the application to a relational database (MySQL) and queried/updated records using JDBC and SQL

●Built the WAR file for the project using Maven and deployed the application to Tomcat

●Used JUnit to test Java methods and leveraged test-driven development (TDD)

●Designed a user interface and implemented using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap

●Developed a single-page application using JavaScript and AJAX to update sections of the page dynamically in response to events

Custom Design Partners, Jacksonville, FL January 2021– May 2021

Fullstack Developer Intern

●Front end design and backend management with PHP for client business sites

● Management of online inventory for gun parts website using MySQL and wordpress CSV importer

AustinCSI LLC, Orlando, FL June 2014 – August 2015


●Responsible for testing AT&T web applications for User Acceptance

●Operated with ticketing systems such as Sharepoint, Jira, HP Quality Center and more

●Utilized Microsoft office suite and online repositories for data collection

●Work in a team environment and collaborate with co-workers on assigned projects

● Novice level programming with VB script for automation testing

E2I Creative Studio, Orlando, FL August 2012 – June 2014

3D Artist

●Lead 3D artist

●Operated with ticketing systems such as Jira, Trello o Managed daily university intern agendas

●Work in a team environment and collaborate with co-workers on assigned projects

●Fill in duties, or responsibilities, or achievements

USMC, Jacksonville, NC September 2006 – February 2008

MOS#6042 IMRL Asset Manager

●Basic rifleman

●Inventory manager responsible for overseeing aviation maintenance equipment


University of Central Florida Orlando, Orlando, FL Graduation: August 2014

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Media


● Oracle Certified Foundations Associate, Java: issued 08/31/2022

● AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: issued 03/01/2023

● Amazon Sizmek Ad Suite Certification: issued 04/16/2023

● Amazon DSP camaign Certification: issued 03/31/2023

● PCEP™ – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification: issued 08/06/2023

Relevant Training/Courses in Software Development

FSCJ Jacksonville, FL May 2021– May 2022

1 year of classes taken at FSCJ towards computer programming certification. Classes taken:






Personal Projects

Published Games:

Run On Home : Steam play store

This project is a 3.5D platformer game built in unity 3D and was published to the steam play store as a free download. It’s a horror/ comedy themed platformer with multiple endings and a robust Save/Load system based on the path taken by the player.

●Written in C# to implement the basic mechanics of a platformer collectathon game such as running, jumping, climbing ladders, ledge grabbing and etc.

●State driven enemy AI

●Multiple endings and unlockable features

●Save files are written in JSON as a proof of concept and for easy customization

Alberts Ascension : google play store

This project is a 3.5D endless platformer game

●Written in C# to implement the basic mechanics of an endless jumper/runner collectathon game

●Power ups

●High Score system


Phone: 904-***-****

Zip Code: 32225

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