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Well Being Personal Development

Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
September 27, 2023

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ESN Cagliari



Extra-University Studies

Work experience

University Education

Experimental thesis on the psychological causes and correlations of longevity in Sardinia.

Thesis on positive psychology and mindfulness as a useful tool for the development of executive and emotional functions. 2016 - 2020

2020 - 2022

University of Cagliari

University of Cagliari

Career in Psichology

Master in clinical and community psychology

2016 - 2017

Cooperativa la mimosa l La Maddalena

Social educator

2018 - 2019

Cus Cagliari l Cagliari

Social educator

200-hour course where we talked about emotional intelligence and the practice of mindfulness as a tool to improve it. 2020 - 2020

Instituto Europeo de Psicología Positiva

Emocional Intelligence and Mindfulness Course




I 'm a highly creative, proactive, and

optimistic individual. I 'm the type of person

who seeks stimulation because I 'm aware of

my potential and eager to utilize i t . I 'm

enthusiastic about learning and aim to be

recognized for my abilities, just as I hold

myself in high regard, knowing that I can

offer valuable contributions.

I prefer an in-person interview, as I believe

i t 's a better way to go beyond what's on

paper. Please don't hesitate to reach out to

me, challenge me, or place your trust in me.





Currently in Toledo (45004)


Alessandro Attolini

Deutch A1


English B2/C1

Personal development

Español bilingüe


Association that helps foreign students get comfortable in the city, organizing inclusive activities and events. Mindfulness Educators

80-hour certified course focused on Mindfulness Meditation MBSR program

Eight-week Mindfulness program based on reducing stress and improving quality of life through full consciousness. 2021 - 2022

2022 - 2022

Researcher Assistant l Universidad de Burgos

Research project to see if an application based on Mindfulness (Airefresco) reduces stress, anxiety, rumination, etc. and improve life satisfaction, calm, and emotional management

Founder Mindfulness course l Universidad de Burgos Meditation Course where I integrated several types of meditation, some yoga postures and talks on topics of common interest. Workshop teacher for schools l Asociacion Panacea

2018 - 2020


Association that helps people with disabilities

2015 - 2016

International Course I Yoga Instructor

200-hour course of anatomy, philosophy, practice of yoga postures, meditations, pranayama with laboratories for alignments.

Italiano Nativo


Wellness and Sport

Pilates, Yoga and postural exercices l Toledo

I taught specific classes on abdominal strength, pilates, circuits and GAP.

Founder/Manager l Centro Bienestar Integral "Tulatu" Professor and Manager of the Comprehensive Wellness Center: Trainer and Facilitator of personal development courses, Mindfulness, workshops, meditations and breathing techniques.

Positive Psychology, Science of Hapiness, Stress Managment, and Positive Psychiatry Courses I Coursera

Courses that I have followed on Coursera as a personal interest, among others


Health counsellor, active therapy and Mindfulness Therapy Alessandro Attolini

Workshops and activities for 6 schools in Toledo about emotional intelligence and mindfulness

BioHACKING and Breathing Techiques course

Course of 100 hr about biohacking: nutrition, exercice, mindset, breathing and sleeping. Wim Hof breathing techniques and other pranayama breathing techniques.

My name is Alessandro, and I am a passionate and dedicated health professional with a strong commitment to promoting health and well-being among people.

I am writing to introduce myself and express my sincere interest in collaborating with your organization to bring innovative healthcare initiatives.

I’m a health professional interested in the concept of health in an integrated way. I promote health through activities, workshops and projects for schools, centers and entities that can benefit them. I love being busy doing activities, classes and health support for different groups. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with diverse groups and my approach to healthcare is holistic and integrated, focusing on not only physical health but also mental, emotional, and social well-being.

I firmly believe that a comprehensive approach to health is essential for the overall development and happiness of people, and for reaching Good specific and strategic/general results. I am deeply passionate about personal development, leadership, and seizing new opportunities for growth and learning. The pursuit of self-improvement has been a driving force in my life, and I believe that this commitment can be a valuable asset to any community, organization, or company. I am convinced that my competencies and abilities can yield exceptional results. Personal development, for me, is a lifelong journey. It's about continually honing my skills, expanding my knowledge, and fostering a growth mindset. I relish the challenge of pushing my own boundaries and evolving as an individual. This commitment not only benefits me personally but also enhances my ability to contribute to the collective growth of any group I am a part of. Leadership is another area I am deeply interested in. I firmly believe that effective leadership is a catalyst for positive change. Whether it's leading a team, a project, or a community initiative, I am committed to inspiring and guiding others towards shared goals. I understand that leadership is not about merely holding a position of authority but about empowering and supporting those around me to achieve their full potential.

Furthermore, I am always eager to embrace new opportunities for learning and growth. I recognize that the world is in a constant state of change, and staying adaptable and open to new experiences is crucial. I actively seek out challenges and novel experiences that push me to develop new skills and perspectives. I am really excited about the opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of the wellbeing in mental, emotional and physical wellness field. I am committed to making a meaningful impact on the lives of those I serve and continuously expanding my knowledge and skills in this important area. With a strong background in various disciplines such as Pilates, yoga, postural training, HIIT, and specialized breathing techniques, I have honed my skills as a versatile and knowledgeable health and fitness professional. My dedication to promoting physical health and wellness is deeply rooted in my belief that a balanced body is essential for a fulfilling life.

What sets me apart is my comprehensive approach to well-being. My training and experience extend beyond the physical realm. I hold qualifications in psychology, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness, which enable me to address not only the body but also the mind and spirit. I firmly believe that true wellness encompasses both physical and mental aspects, and I am committed to helping individuals achieve harmony in these areas.

My goal is to offer a truly integrated and transformative wellness experience to your clients or members. I am confident that my expertise in both the physical and psychological dimensions of health can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those seeking holistic well-being. I am an empathetic, creative, and highly energetic individual with a profound interest in the field of wellbeing and mental and emotional wellness. Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated my commitment to helping individuals lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. My empathetic nature allows me to connect deeply with people, understanding their unique challenges and providing them with the support they need.

My creativity drives me to constantly seek innovative approaches to improve mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. I believe that a creative mindset is essential in developing effective strategies to address the diverse needs of individuals seeking support in this area. I am not only passionate about my work, but I am also dedicated to staying current with the latest developments and research in the field to provide the best possible care.

My active and energetic personality means that I approach each day with enthusiasm and a can-do attitude. I thrive in dynamic environments and am always ready to take on new challenges. I believe that my energy is contagious and can inspire positive change in the individuals I work with. I believe that my ability to learn quickly, coupled with my proactive nature, positions me as a strong candidate for the this role.

Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have consistently demonstrated my aptitude for rapidly grasping new concepts and adapting to evolving situations. This skill enables me to stay up-to-date with the latest research and methodologies, ensuring that I can provide the best support to individuals and communities. Additionally, my proficiency in multiple languages has allowed me to effectively communicate and connect with diverse populations, breaking down language barriers and fostering meaningful relationships with those I serve. I am committed to leveraging these qualities to make a positive impact in the lives of the individuals and communities I will be privileged to work with. I have a degree in psychology with a master's degree in community psychology with top grade in university of Cagliari (IT), which means I can promote health in communities and groups through projects and activities.

I am currently in Toledo (Spain) creating health projects in schools and centers. I am Italian but bilingual Spanish, since I am starting out here in Spain now, and I have B2 in English and, currently, I am learning German.

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to bring my expertise and passion for promoting health to people under your care. Together, we can develop tailored programs and initiatives that align with your organization's mission and values, ultimately making a positive impact on the well-being of the children in our community.

Inconclusión, I am convinced that my dedication to personal development, my passion for leadership, and my eagerness to learn and grow as a connected individual make me a valuable asset to any community, organization, or company. I am excited about the possibility of contributing my competencies and abilities to help achieve exceptional results and drive positive change. I am ready to commit to making people well, improving personal and group relationships, and promoting a positive group atmosphere and environment.

Any job that has this kind of opportunity is welcome for me. You can contact me at

1. +34-659-**-**-**

2. +39-349-***-**-**.

The first is Spanish and the second is Italian.

You can algo contact me:

Warm regards,


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