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Quality Assurance Automation Test

San Diego, CA
September 26, 2023

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Anusiya Bai Mohanasundaram

Phone No:858-***-****


Over 5+ years of experience in the field Software Quality Assurance Testing with diversified skills in Manual and Automated Testing.

Extensive Experience in Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), V-Model, Agile and Software Test methodologies.

Extended expertise in QA in Automated Software Testing using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Jenkins, SOAPUI, REST API, Cucumber, Quality Center, Software Quality Assurance Testing.

Experience in using Jenkins as a Continuous Integration server to configure with Maven.

Have Java coding experience in Eclipse IDE for functional testing and regression testing for web-based N-Tier applications.

Experience in Drag and Drop, Scroll Down, Synchronization, Double Click, Checkboxes using Selenium Web Driver.

Ability in handling Ajax calls using WebDriver methods waits like Implicit, Explicit, fluent waits and thread sleep.

Specialized in user requirement analysis, documenting test plans, test suites, execution of test cases to verify application functionality against business requirements using Cucumber, Selenium WebDriver, SoapUI Pro, Appium, HP QTP and Test Complete.

Expert in writing test cases to handle Popups windows and Alerts using WebDriver and Alert interface class.

Experienced in using build automation tools such as Maven (to manage framework dependency jar files) and Ant for automating software build processes by configuring build dependencies in POM.XML.

Experience in testing Mobile Apps using Android Studio and Real Devices to test the application using Appium and AppiumDesktop.

Experienced in SQA (Software Quality Assurance) including Manual and Automated testing with tools such as Selenium WebDriver/IDE/Grid, TestNG, JIRA, POSTMAN, ALM and SOAPUI.

Experience in preparation of Test Scenarios, Test Cases, Test case reviews, Test data collection, Test Execution and defect reporting.

Working knowledge with functional testing, Cross Browser Testing using Selenium &TestNG to check that the web application works as expected in different browsers.

Experience in Web application testing.

Experience in preparation of automated test scripts to perform regression testing using Selenium.

Experience in Defect reporting and tracking using JIRA, ALM.

Experience in testing Webservices using SOAPUI, Rest.

Experience in working with Tortoise SVN, Git tools for version control.

Strong experience in Database/Backend testing using UNIX, Shell scripts, MSSQL Server, Oracle and SQL queries.

Good analytical and communication skills and ability to work independently with minimal supervision and also perform as a part of a team.


Testing Tools

Selenium WebDriver/IDE/GRID, QTP, HP QC, ALM, Junit, JMeter, Jenkins, JIRA, Cucumber, SoapUI, Rest API, Appium, Postman, Test Complete


HTML5, XML, CSS3, PL/SQL, C, C++, Java, JavaScript


Eclipse, IntelliJ, Ruby Mine, Behavior Driven, Data Driven, Keyword Driven, JUnit, TestNG, REST Assured

Web Debugging Tool

XPath, Firepath, Firebug

Mobile Testing Tools

APPIUM, Perfecto Mobile

Build & C I Tools

Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Hudson, Cruise Control


Agile-Scrum, Waterfall, TDD

Bug Tracking Tools

Micro Focus Quality Center, JIRA

Version Control Tool

GIT, Subversion (SVN)

Database Tools

Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, DB2

Operating Systems

Windows variants, UNIX, Mac


Client:Clinix Healthcare, Oct 2021 – Present - 2022

Role: QA Automation Engineer


Active participant of QA reviews and inspections to find potential defects and recommend corrective action.

Performed manual testing using different black box testing methods like ad-hoc, functional, UI, system, and regression testing.

Performed Cross- Browser and Cross –Platform testing to verify the application consistency on various builds in different web browsers and in different operating systems.

Developed modular & robust automation framework using Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber, TestNG and Java.

Selected the Test Cases to be automated and performed functional testing of the front-end using Selenium Web Driver& created Data Driven framework using TestNG.

Used Selenium WebDriver and TestNG to run parallel testing by creating Groups, and categorizing test cases.

Used Java language and TestNG framework for scripting. Used Maven for building the WebDriver project. Integrated with Continuous Integration tools Jenkins for running test on nightly basis automatically.

Implemented Automated execution of tests (nightly and need based) using Maven and Jenkins.

Configured Selenium WebDriver, Maven tool and created Selenium automation scripts in Java using TestNG prior to agile release.

Working on the Android module of the project where I was responsible for automating the app using Appium.

Developed manual and automated test cases to validate REST API web service. Validation was performed using Postman. Participated in internal and cross functional code and design reviews.

Developed manual and automated test cases to validate RESTful API web service.

Developed re-usable function using TestNG for the Test Automation.

Used BDD Cucumber by creating the Features and Step Definition files to execute test scripts.

Created automation test scripts using Selenium WebDriver and Java and involved in resolving existing test script issues in Selenium WebDriver.

Worked on Capturing Screenshots on Failure or Pass to analyze the test failure reason. Coordinated with application team to ensure resolution of all issues and completion of work on time.

Used Firebug and XPath for the web-based application testing with selenium for the commands and locator application.

Performed Web Services Testing and XML validation by creating test case suite using SOAPUI.

Executed tests and participated actively in system testing and regression testing.

Worked with the SQL statements to extract data from SQL tables and verify the output data of the reports on the browser page.

Validated soap response using various Assertions such as XPath, Contains, SOAP Fault, Schema Compliance etc.

Developed automation test cases, executed these test scripts from test lab and logged defects in ALM.

Played a key role in production releases and perform UAT test of the system.

Environment: Java, JavaScript, Selenium WebDriver, Eclipse, TestNG, Maven, Cucumber, APPIUM, Jenkins, SOAPUI, XPath, POSTMAN, Firebug, ALM, XPath, SQL, Oracle, Windows.

Client:Mechanics & Farmers Bank,Dublin, OH Aug 2020 - Sep-2021

Role: QA Automation Engineer


Extensively involved in all stages of testing life cycle, Test Driven Development methodologies (TDD), Software Testing Life cycle (STLC) using Waterfall, Agile methodologies.

Designed and Developed Test Cases for automated testing using Selenium, TestNG and Eclipse IDE.

Created test cases, scripts based on functional specification, prepared test data for simultaneous and combined Trade testing.

Involved in implementing customized automation framework.

Generated scripts with validation check points and synchronization points.

Prepared test procedures, test cases using business requirements.

Worked on test data management activities in helping out the team in providing test data for execution.

Performed Gap Analysis of business rules, system process flows, user administration and requirements.

Worked on distributed test automation execution on different environment as part of Continuous Integration Process using Jenkins.

Created and enhanced numerous test scripts to handle changes in the objects, in the tested application’s GUI and in the testing, environment using Selenium WebDriver.

Developed test automation scripts using Selenium WebDriver for regression testing of the various releases of the application.

Involved in acceptance testing using Cucumber and Selenium WebDriver.

Involved in validating the web services related to customer, account and transaction management using the Postman by sending HTTP requests and performing data validation.

Performed Selenium Synchronization using Explicit & Implicit waits.

Worked on Selenium GUI Object / element verification is done through XPath, CSS3 Locators.

Created XML based test suit and integrated with Jenkins Server to execute automation scripts on a regular basis by scheduling Jenkins jobs in different test environments with different test configurations.

Involved in acceptance testing using Cucumber, Selenium WebDriver and BDD Framework.

Involved in validating Sanity, functional, Integration and Regression test suites using Selenium and the request and response of the Webservice’s (SOA) through SOAPUI.

Used Firebug to do web-based application testing with selenium for the commands and locator application.

Used JIRA for bug tracking and reporting, also followed up with development team to verify bug fixes, and update bug status.

Used Git for code repositories and Maven for the dependencies.

Reported defects to developer and discussed about the issues in weekly status meetings.

Prepared user documentation with screenshots for UAT (User Acceptance testing).

Environment: Java, JavaScript,Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven, Jenkins, Cucumber, Postman, SOAPUI, Eclipse, Agile, HTML5, XML, XPath, JIRA, Firebug, SQL, Oracle, Windows.

Client:TestingXperts, Hyderabad, India Jun 2017 – may 2020

Role: QA Automation Engineer


Project is under Agile environment, I attended daily stand-up meetings, provided daily status on manual and automation test results. Attended sprint plan meetings to review the user stories and story points.

Conducted Automation/manual testing using the Standards, guidelines and structured methodology in testing the application. Analyzing Business Requirements.

Developed the automation test scripts in Selenium WebDriver using Java based on the design pattern Page Object Model for reusability.

Developed test scripts using Selenium Web Driver, ample use of Firebug to map HTML5 pages and Selenium to document reports, test results. Use of "Parameterization" techniques for a "Data driven" test. All development had done under Eclipse IDE.

Regression runs using Cucumber. Perform failure analysis of the test runs and fixing failed scripts.

Prepared Requirement Traceability matrix (RTM) to find out if the current project requirements are met and ensured its timely update.

Worked on Requirement Analysis, test case authoring, test execution and defect creation.

Used SQL queries to validate the data against database.

Participated in daily, weekly meetings and technical reviews. Prepared reports showing the testing efforts.

Created Maven project using Maven build automation tool to create dependencies like wars, jars.

Conduct regression and roll over tests between production and UAT builds.

Used Appium tool, for mobile testing in Android, IOS and other mobile applications.

Troubleshoot system issues by analyzing logs to set the QA environment.

Work on multiple projects simultaneously to move the overall QA process at a reasonable speed to deliver major releases on time.

Responsible for developing and executing of manual test plan, test cases for Webservice REST API testing.

Utilized GET, POST, DELETE in REST Assured tool for validating request and response of web services.

Developed automation test scripts using java/Selenium to test Web based user interfaces for different types of browsers. Validated the data from Front End to Back End tables in SQL Server Database

Prepared test cases for the system covering SRS document, design document, reviewing them with

the developers and finalized the test cases.

Developed, executed automation test scripts in Maven tool and logged defects in JIRA.

Tested extensive backend testing using SQL Queries to retrieve the data from the database and checked data integrity.

Performed End-to-End testing manually and was associated with User Acceptance Testing.

Actively involved with SCRUM and sprint meetings, managing product backlog, removing obstacles to progress, re-allocating resources where necessary, prioritizing and review milestones and accomplishments.

Environment: Java, JavaScript, Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber,APPIUM, TestNG, JIRA, HTML5, Eclipse, Jenkins, Maven, RESTful, Git, SQL, Oracle, Windows.

College and university

Sastra university



Year of passout


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