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Experienced Geologist, Resource Modeller

Phoenix, AZ
September 26, 2023

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*** ***** **** ***** • Chandler, Arizona, 85224 • 480-***-**** • PERSONAL

Born - August 11, 1956 - Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan, Canada Married with two children.

Good health and physical condition


A high level of expertise in most aspects of underground and surface mine geology; including mapping, sampling, diamond drilling, rock mechanics and grade control.

A specialist in the creation of 3-dimentional mineral resource and mine design models using modern geostatistics and resource modeling techniques.

An expert in Vulcan modeling and mine-planning software, with a good working knowledge of GemCom and other similar packages. An advanced level of expertise in micro and mainframe computers. Fluent in English with a good working knowledge of French and Bahas Indonesian. EDUCATION

BSC. GEOLOGY 1975 - 1979

Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

Winner of J.P. Bickell Geology Award

Additional credits in Computer Science

GRADE 13 DIPLOMA 1970 - 1975

Carleton Place High School Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada Winner of I.P. Sharp Computer Science Award



SENIOR RESOURCE GEOLOGIST JULY 2005 – SEPTEMBER 2023 Stantec Consulting Ltd. - Mining Group. Chandler, Arizona Senior Resource Geologist working for a consulting firm specializing in all aspects of underground and surface mining operations and design with both domestic and international clients. Primary responsibilities included the review of geological and mineral resource data with the client in the field and in the office, then constructing or validating associated mineral resource estimates. Projects have involved data review, validation, and resource modeling as a QP or CP to ensure 43-101, S-K 1300, and JORC compliance. This work involved review of data collection, analytical methods, and sample security measures used to check for compliance with industry acceptable standards. Additional tasks include the review and design of infrastructure and access drifts to developing mines. Recent clients and project involvement includes,

• McEwen Mining – QP for geology and resource sections of S-K 1300 Technical Report for the PEA of the Los Azules Deposit in Argentina.

• Arizona Sonoran Copper Company – QP for geology and resource sections of original maiden resource, then multiple PEAs, and most recently a PFS level NI-43101 Technical Report for the Cactus and Parks/Salyer deposits near Casa Grande, Arizona.

• Euro Lithium + Borates – Site visit and generation of a NI 43-101 compliant maiden resource for the Valjevo deposit in Serbia.

• American West Metals Ltd. – Site visit, data review, and preliminary resource estimation for the West Desert Zinc, Copper, and Indium deposit near Delta, Utah.

• Lisbon Valley Copper Corp. – Site visit, data review and update to an internal Ni 43-101 Technical Report for the Lisbon Valley Copper Mine near Moad, Utah.


Stillwater Mining Company. Nye, Montana

Responsible for the implementation of Vulcan® software at the company’s two mines in East Boulder and Nye. Work included construction of 3-dimensional models of the economic ore zones and major geologic features. Also responsible for the transfer of data from existing software and integration the Vulcan software for reserve calculation and short medium, and long-term planning. Additional duties included the training of mine geology and engineering staff in the use of Vulcan software. Other primary duty was the generation and annual updating of the company’s mineral resource and ore reserve reports for filing with the American Securities and Exchange Commission.


Mineral Resources Development, Inc. San Mateo, California Acting as a geologic consultant, primary responsibilities were mine exploration data analysis, geologic modeling, and resource estimation. Major projects included underground and open pit gold mines in the western United States and large-scale base metal and copper porphyry operations in South America. Work was associated with copper, copper/zinc, copper/gold/silver, and iron mines in Peru, Chile, and Brazil. Tasks included review and verification of sampling and drilling databases, geologic models, and geostatistical grade models. Work was done using a set of in-house analytical tools and commercial software. Advanced experience was gained in Vulcan, GEMCOM, Datamine, and several other mine modeling software packages. CHIEF GEOLOGIC MODELER MAY 1996 - AUGUST 1999

Getchell Gold Corp. Golconda, Nevada

Responsible for all aspects in the generation of Getchell Gold’s mineral resource and ore reserve statements. This included the interpretation of drill results, geostatistical analysis thereof, and generation of block models to estimate grades. Primary tools included various PC based database programs and Vulcan mine planning software running on Silicon Graphics UNIX based machines. Also, worked with the exploration department to build primary models of exploration areas to identify potential drill targets. Assisted in maintaining the PC and UNIX networks at the mine site and trained many of the mine engineers and surveyors in the use of mine modeling and planning software such as Vulcan. CHIEF GEOLOGIST - UNDERGROUND MINES MAY 1988 - MAY 1996 Freeport Indonesia Irian Jaya, Indonesia

Originally hired to act as senior geologist to develop a 2600 tonne/day, high grade, copper/gold mine within the Ertzberg complex in Irian Jaya. Duties included training and supervising a group of national geologists and support staff to provide ongoing monitoring of daily activities at the mine. Other duties included managing the diamond drill department, which at that time was drilling up to 80,000 meters a year in ore delineation and exploration programs. Later transferred to the mines technical services department and assigned responsibility for the generation of Freeport’s annual mineral resource and ore reserve statement. This involved creating and periodically updating computer block models for 6 skarn hosted copper/gold deposits. Other responsibilities included acting as mine’s computer system administrator with control over 100 PCs, 2 HP super-mini mainframes, and 3 SUN SPARC-2 workstations. One year was spent managing a group researching the viability of a copper leach operation at Freeport’s Grasberg mine. Ultimately, promoted to chief geologist responsible for all geological aspects of Freeport’s underground operations. SECTION GEOLOGIST APRIL 1980 - MAY 1988

Denison Mines Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada

Responsible for all geology and ground control issues in a section of a large underground room & pillar uranium mine. Duties included regular inspection of mining workplaces, mapping, grade control, and supervising the activities of a diamond driller and 2 samplers. Also responsible for the annual update of short-range mineral resources and potential ore reserves for a section of the mine. Regularly assigned to host visiting groups of geology students and VIPs, giving underground tours and instructional sessions. EXPLORATION PARTY CHIEF 1979 - 1980

Utah Mines Ltd Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Led a group of part-time students and junior geologists conducting geophysical surveys to evaluate the potential usefulness of a highly sophisticated multi resistivity instrument. Surveys were conducted on or near active mine sites across eastern and northern Canada. Data was shared with other mining companies in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the instrument. Project was completed in the spring of 1980.

SEISMOLOGIST 1975 - 1979

Energy, Mines & Resources, Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Summer employment as a first-year student at Lakehead University led to permanent part-time employment as a seismic technician. Duties included daily operation of a small seismic station on campus with events coded and telexed to the head office in Ottawa. Summer employment included a tour of duty at a major scientific seismic array in the North-West Territories of Canada. PUBLICATIONS

Schappert. A.L., 2020 “Digging up Old Dirt”, a presentation of bringing a pre-NI 43-101 Mining Project into CIMM Best Practices compliance for filing. Presented at the Arizona SME conference December 2020 and repeated at the SME National Convention in Salt Lake City, February 2021.

Schappert. A.L., 1995 “Geology and Mineralization of the Ertzberg Skarns, Irian Jaya, Indonesia”, Proceedings of the 17th International Geochemical Exploration Symposium, May 1995.

Schappert. A.L., 1990 “The Seismicity of the Tembagapura Region” Proceedings of the IAGI Conference in Bandung, Indonesia, December 1990.


February 2020, inducted into the Maptek, Vulcan Software Hall of Fame, one of only 4 people to be presented this award every four years.

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