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AI Engineer

Quan Go Vap, Vietnam
September 12, 2023

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Anh Tu Phan

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ħ +843******** ć Ƣ 2001 ^ ] Personal Profile

Experienced machine learning and deep learning developer with expertise in integrating AI/ML models into applications and executing real life projects. Skilled in full stack software development and proficient in deploying AI/ML models using Docker, Kubernetes, and AWS/Azure Cloud. Currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Science specializing in AI and Data Science. Demonstrated commitment to research and a willingness todedicateextratimetoAIandsystemdevelopmentprojects.Experienced in leading small teams (5members)for short termprojects. Work Experience

FPT Software HCM, Vietnam

Data Scientist & AI Engineer Jun 2021 Aug 2023

• Build and deploy MLOps systems for the development and deployment of machine learning models.

• Perform timeseries analysis on streaming data to predict anomaly to optimize and reduce cost effectively.

• Analyze requirement and build up AI/ML model for several proposal to engage customer.

• Mentored three members, enhancing their analytics skills and teamwork, resulting in more effective collaboration.

• Develop features for applications in healthcare, video calls, chat, AI/ML etc.

• Build ETL pipeline from data warehouse to several data mart for a insurance applications.

• Gain experience and apply agile development methods to adapt to the evolving development styles of the companies. Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology HCM, Vietnam Data Scientist & AI Engineer Aug 2022 Jul 2023

• Research, develop and deploy prompt for a Chatbot with Machine learning and Deep learning on cloud (Azure).

• Lead a team of 5 members, providing guidance and ensuring clarity in their tasks.

• Experiment and enhance model accuracy up to 99%. Acquire datasets and share knowledge.

• Design and develop Back end to integrate with AI/ML model and Front end. Codelynx HCM, Vietnam

Software Engineer Intern Dec 2020 May 2021

• Work with a team to develop features (banner, landing page) and integrate with third party services (banking).

• Enhance Unit test to 90% coverage.

Technical Skills

Programming Python, C++, NodeJS, R, Golang.

AI Frameworks TensorFlow, PyTorch, MLOps (MLFlow, Azure Machine Learning), Keras, Scikit learn, NLTK, Spacy, Numpy, Pandas. AI Models Deep Learning (BERT, GPT, RNN, LSTM, Transformer, CNN), Machine Learning (kNN, SVM, Naive Bayes, Decision Forests). Back End Python, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, NodeJS, ExpressJS, JWT, SocketIO, Ruby on Rails, SQL, NoSQL. Front End ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Ant Design, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap. Cloud AWS (EKS, ECR, S3, ELB, Lambda), Azure (VM, Azure ML, Function App). Devops CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes, Linux, Shell Script, Git. Others Unix, Time Management, Teamwork, Leading, Presentation, Statistics, Mathematics, Data Visualization, etc. Education

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology HCM, Vietnam Master of Data Science Jan 2022 Current

• Being granted priority admission due to high academic achievements at the university.

• Working with the lecturer to build AI/ML applications.

• Courses: Intelligent System, Natural Language Processing, Automatic Speech Recognition, and Computer Vision. Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology HCM, Vietnam Bachelor of Computer Science GPA: 3.5/4.0 Aug 2019 Jun 2023

• Researching and applying AI/ML algorithms in image recognition, natural language processing.

• Achieving merit scholarships as recognition for outstanding academic performance. Le Quy Don High School for the Gifted Khanh Hoa, Vietnam High School GPA: 9.3/10 Aug 2016 Jun 2019

• Specialised in Mathematics.

• Passed with Distinction.

AUGUST 21, 2023 1

Certifications & Courses

Data Scientist Nanodegree UDACITY

• Learn the data science process, including how to build effective data visualizations, and how to communicate with various stakeholders.

• Code Python package and a web data dashboard, build ETL, NLP, and machine learning pipelines.

• Design experiments and analyze A/B test results, build recommendation systems.

• Build a open ended pipeline to train the and classify images project. Deep Learning Nanodegree UDACITY

• LearnthemostsuccessfulCNNarchitectures,andwhataretheirmaincharacteristics,apply thesearchitecturestocustomdatasetsusingtransfer learning, use CNNs for object detection and semantic segmentation.

• Study RNN architectures, design patterns for those models, and arrives at the latest Transformer architectures.

• Learn to understand and implement a Deep Convolutional GAN (generative adversarial network) to generate realistic images, with lan Goodfel low, the inventor of GANs, and Jun Yan Zhu, the creator of CycleGANs. Data Engineering with AWS UDACITY

• CreateSQLandNoSQLdatamodelstofitthediverseneedsofdataconsumers,useETLtobuilddatabasesinPostgreSQLandApacheCassandra.

• Create cloud based data warehouses, understand of data infrastructure, data engineering on the cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS).

• Use Spark to work with massive datasets, store big data in a data lake and query it with Spark.

• Build pipelines leveraging Airflow DAGs to organize tasks along with AWS resources with S3 and Redshift. Complete Data Science Training: Mathematics, Statistics, Python, Advanced Statistics in Python, Machine & Deep Learning


• Learn advanced Statistics, Mathematics, and Machine learning algorithms.

• Use state of the art Deep Learning frameworks and improve Machine Learning algorithms.

• Practice Statistical analysis, Python programming with NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, and Seaborn, Advanced statistical analysis, Tableau, Ma chine Learning with stats models and scikit learn, Deep learning with TensorFlow. Projects

ChatbotCATP AI Leader/Researcher

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Oct 2022 Current

• Design and maintain the Back End infrastructure, ensuring seamless integration of machine learning and deep learning models for natural language processing (NLP), and delivering a reliable and high performing Chatbot system.

• Conduct extensive research and implement state of the artmachinelearninganddeeplearningmodelsforNLP,resulting in improved accuracy and effectiveness of the Chatbot’s responses.

• Collaboratecloselywithstakeholders,including theHoChiMinhCityPolice,tounderstandandanalyzecitizens’inquiries,ensuring theChatbot’s responses are accurate, appropriate, and timely, and meeting the specific requirements of the project.

• Lead a team of 5 members, providing guidance and ensuring clarity in their tasks.

• AI Skills: Natural Language Processing, BERT, JointBERT+CRF, JointIDFS, SVM, kNN, TF IDF, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Pandas, Numpy, scikit learn.

• Back End Skills: Python, FastAPI, Postgres.

• Devops & Cloud Skills: Docker, Kubernetes, AWS EC2, EKS. TADA Platform Full Stack Developer/AI Developer

FPT Software Aug 2022 Current

• Investigate and develop robust data flow strategies, resulting in streamlined data processing pipelines and improved data quality.

• Developandimplementmachinelearningalgorithms,leveragingadvancedtechniquestoenhancedataanalysisanddeliveractionableinsights.

• Conduct in depth data analysis and utilized statistical techniques to extract meaningful insights from complex data sets, driving data based decision making.

• Collaborate effectively with cross functional teams to integrate AI solutions into existing systems, facilitating enhanced data processing capa bilities and improved system performance to 60%.

• AI Skills: SARIMAX, RandomForest, kNN, ANN, SVM, SGD, XGBoost, ResNet, HRNet, Pytorch, scikit learn, Tensorflow, Pandas, Numpy.

• Back End Skills: Python, FastAPI, Postgres.

• Front End Skills: ReactJS, Redux, Ant Design, Styled Component.

• Devops & Cloud Skills: Docker, Kubernetes, Azure Virtual Machine, Azure Machine Learning. Cerebral Full Stack Developer

FPT Software Jun 2021 Aug 2022

• Develop and maintain features including payment integration with Stripe, booking appointment functionality, and health questions flow, re sulting in a seamless and convenient user experience.

• Conduct research and implement a feature that selects medication plans for patients based on their answers in the health questions flow, improving the app’s functionality and enhancing patient care.

• Implement a chat server for patient doctor communication, facilitating effective communication and enhancing the user experience.

• Implement A/B testing and feature flagging to gather user feedback and make data driven decisions for app improvements, resulting in en hanced app performance and user satisfaction.

• Front End Skills: ReactJS, Redux, React Router, Styled Component.

• Back End Skills: NodeJS, ExpressJS, API, JWT, Knex, Python FastAPI, Postgress.

• Other Skills: AWS Lambda, IAM, S3, Docker, Kubernetes, Datadog. AUGUST 21, 2023 2

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