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Web Services Stack Developer

United States
September 29, 2023

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Java Full Stack Developer


Seasoned Java Full Stack Developer with 5+ years of hands-on experience in designing, developing, and deploying scalable web applications. Proven track record of delivering high-quality software solutions on time and within budget.


Over 5+ years of professional experience in Requirements Analysis, Design, Development, and Implementation of Java, J2EE and client-server technologies.

Used testing frameworks like JUnit, HTTP Unit, DB Unit, STIQ, and JMock.

Good Knowledge on working with OAUTH2.0 to provide authentication and authorization to Rest services by exchanging Access tokens.

Good experience on DevOps tools such as Jenkins, Gradle, GitHub, Antifactory, Ansible, and Docker.

Proficient in using Amazon Web Services AWS. Extensive experience in focusing on services like EC2, VPC, Cloud Watch, Cloud Front, IAM, S3, Amazon RDS, Elastic Cache, SNS, SQS.

Experience with implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using SOAP and REST Web Services.

Expertise with employment of Spring Kafka and Zookeeper apart from JMS as messaging service.

Implemented Hibernate for the ORM layer in transacting with Oracle database and developed HQL queries for CRUD.

Proficient in utilizing AWS Lambda to build Serverless architectures and improve application scalability and efficiency.

Experience in writing test automation scripts using java, selenium WebDriver and TestNG which performed sanity testing on every deployment performed in QA environment.

Used Maven to build and deploy the application and used Jenkins as Continuous Integration platform (CI/CD) to setup the automated builds.

Skilled in developing User Interfaces using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, AngularJS, Angular2/4/7/8, ReactJS, NodeJS framework.

Strong knowledge and hands on experience of deploying applications using Kubernetes, cloud native application development, pivotal cloud foundry, JavaScript, Kendo UI, Java/J2EE technologies & RDBMS.

Strong experience in Spring framework modules such as SpringMVC, IOC, AOP, JDBC, JTA, IO, Spring Boot, Spring microservices, Spring REST, Spring Eureka, Spring Ribbon, Spring Netflix, SpringZuul, Spring Security.

Used Core Java 6, Java 8, J2EE, JSP, JDBC, RDBMS, Java Script, jQuery, Ajax, XML and Cordiant 5.6, using Oracle 11g as database J2EE platforms on Windows, UNIX.

Worked on Microservices for Continuous Delivery environment using Docker and Jenkins.

Experience working with various SDLC methodologies like Agile Scrum, RUP and Waterfall model.


J2EE Technologies: J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JSF, JIRA, Angular JS, JDBC, MVC, OOP, Grails, Hibernate, spring, XML.

Web Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, AWS, Mule ESB, HTML5, DHTML, XML, DTD, HTTP, HTTPS, Jquery1.8, jQuery UI, Angular JS.

Spring framework: Bean Factory, Application Context, Dependency Injection/IOC, MVC, Struts, Data Binding, AOP, JDBC, ORM, JMS, Security, batch jobs, schedulers (Quartz).

Distributed computing: SOAP WS, RESTful WS, JMS API, WSDL, JAXP, JAXB, JNDI and XML.

Languages: Java, PL/SQL, Bash, UML, XML, HTML.

IDE Tools: RSA, RAD, WSAD, Eclipse, NetBeans.

Web services: JMS, MQ Series, SOAP, Rest, WSDL, JAX-RS and JAX-WS.

Databases: Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server, MS Access, PostgreSQL.

Design Methodologies: UML, Rational Rose, Agile, SCRUM, TDD, XP

Version control Tools: SVN, CVS, Clear Case, Git.

Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux, Windows.

Testing Tools: JUnit, SOAP UI.


Bachelor of Computer Science from Gitam University, India

Master of Computer Science from University of Central Missouri, USA


Client: Comerica Bank, Dallas, Texas, United States (Oct 2022 - Present)

Role: Java Full Stack Developer

Description: Comerica Bank is a financial services company. It has Business Bank, Retail Bank, and Wealth Management. I worked for the Retail Bank module to delivers personalized financial products and services to consumers.


Involved in Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of application using AGILE methodology (SCRUM) in a Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach.

Implemented RESTful web services which produces both XML and JSON files to perform tasks, RESTful web service using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation, which leveraged both web & mobile applications.

Worked on Jenkins for continuous integration with Gradle and GitHub.

Developed all the UI pages using HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular 8, Ajax.

Performed continuous Integration/Continuous delivery on Jenkins build pipeline and fixed failure issues.

Implemented the security on microservices using Spring Boot Auth server which generated JWT tokens as OAUTH2 mechanism.

Building/Maintaining Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes Linux, Bash, GIT, Docker, on GCP (Google Cloud Platform). Used JUnit and Mockito for Unit testing.

Used Jenkins as Continuous Integration. Utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build, test deploy.

Developed the middle tier using Session Bean, Entity Bean / DAO and Business Objects. Database layer is developed using – Oracle while Presentation layer developed using JSP.

Use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor AWS resources & Amazon CloudWatch Logs to collect and store logs from AWS services.

Created Web services using Restful API’S for communication with other application modules to acquire data and validate.

Conducted research and kept up to date with the latest advancements in Java and Kubernetes technologies, incorporating them into development processes.

Developed application using Spring Boot, Java8, Hibernate, Web Services (RESTFUL).

Environment: Java8, Spring Boot 2.x, Restful, Spring Cloud, Jax, AWS, Lambda, Splunk, Cloud Foundry, Angular 9/11, AWS, Jira, REST API, Kubernetes, Python, Maven, GIT, Docker, IAM Kafka, SOAP, JPA and Microservices

Client: FedEx Office, Plano, Texas, USA (Aug 2021 - Sep 2022)

Role: Java Full Stack Developer

Description: FedEx Office, a subsidiary of FedEx Corporation, is a dynamic and technology-driven leader in logistics and business services. It specializes in providing printing, shipping, and business services. As a Java Developer i worked on projects that optimize and streamline logistics operations, contributing to deliver the excellence to the customers.


Developed Restful web services by using JAX-RS [JERSEY] for integrating multiple systems, created and read the JSON objects by using JACKSON libraries.

Worked with GIT which is used as a version control tool in the project.

Developed the UI Screens using HTML5, DHTML, XML, Java Scripts, jQuery Custom-tags, JSTL DOM Layout and CSS3.

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) implementation with Cucumber gherkin and Jenkins for continuous integration and continuous delivery.

Implemented access control, Authorization and Oauth2 authentication using Spring Security.

Created JUnit test cases to automate the testing of business logic.

Worked in configuring CI/CD tool Jenkins for project builds and automation of deployments.

Used Oracle as database and involved in the development of PL/SQL backend implementation.

Worked on the modernization of a legacy and outsourced UI technologies used were Angular JS 2/4, Angular Materials 2, CSS, Node JS, Express JS and AWS (Amazon Web Services).

Worked with marketing stakeholders to define requirements and provide technical guidance for designing scalable and fault-tolerant systems using Kubernetes and Docker.

Used Hibernate framework in persistence layer for mapping an object-oriented domain model to Oracle database.

Environment: JDK, JSP, Web Sphere, RAD, JDBC, XML, JSON, DOM, SAX, IBM WebSphere application server, AWS, HTML, Web Services, WSDL, SOAP, REST, SQL, PL/SQL, JavaScript, Oracle11g, PL/SQL Developer, Toad, Log4j, ANT, CVS, JIRA, Linux.

Client: Ageas Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Hyderabad, India (May 2019 - Jun 2021)

Role: Java Full Stack Developer

Description: Ageas Federal Life Insurance Co. Ltd. is an insurance company. It provides Different services and products to individuals to provide maximum value to policyholders. I developed and maintained digital platforms that enable customers to access and manage their policies conveniently.


Implemented configured JIRA issue tracking software with Agile plug-in across all the company functions.

Build Restful API web services using Node JS and Express JS and used a full complement of Express, Angular JS, Node.js, and Mongo DB to store and present assessments.

Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub and AWS AMI’s, whenever a new GitHub branch gets started.

Involved in writing exception and validation classes using core Java, implemented the user interface using JSP, XSL, Servlets, JavaScript, HTML, AJAX, CSS, etc.

Implemented Microservices into existing system architecture. Developed Microservices business components and RESTful service endpoints using Spring Boot.

Developed Junit test cases for DAO and Service Layer methods.

Building/Maintaining Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes Linux, Bash, GIT, Docker, on GCP (Google Cloud Platform). Utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build test and deploy.

Designed the frontend and developed UI screens as per the wireframes provided by business using Java Script, jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular JS and backend layer using spring framework, Hibernate and XML. IDE used is Eclipse.

Environment: JDK1.8, JSP, Servlets, EJB, spring, JavaScript, Hibernate, Multithreading, Cassandra, Query, Struts, Design Patterns, HTML5, CSS3, JMS, XML, Eclipse, Apache, Oracle ECM, Java 8.0, Struts.

Client: Apollo Pharmacy, Hyderabad, Maharashtra, India (May 2018 - Apr 2019)

Role: Java Developer

Description: Apollo Pharmacy is a pharmacy company that sells medicines, diagnostics and tele health online. It connects patients, pharmacies, and healthcare providers to create a seamless and convenient healthcare ecosystem. It has online medicine delivery app to browse through an extensive range of medicines. Each medicine undergoes a 3-step quality check.


Used Angular controllers to update entity models, and AngularJS custom filters to provide better search experience and used Angular service for Rest API calls.

Implemented a continuous delivery pipeline with Docker for custom application images in the cloud using Jenkins.

Developed Single Page Applications using Angular 8 framework, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Java 1.8, and Spring Boot.

Developed Automation Framework for Acceptance Testing using Cucumber BDD and JUnit.

Worked closely with DevOps teams to streamline the deployment process and implement CI/CD pipelines using Kubernetes.

Utilized AWS Lambda to optimize Backend processes and improve application performance.

Developed the persistence layer using Hibernate Framework, created the POJO objects and mapped using Hibernate annotations and Transaction Management.

Environment: Java/J2ee, JSP, HTML, CSS, Spring, Junit, Spring Batch, React, Spring MVC, PostgreSQL, JSON parser, J boss Server, Apache Tomcat server, Linux, shell scripting, Ant, Maven, FileNet, Web Sphere MQ, JMS, Awk, JRXML, Jasper Tool, Azure Functions / logic apps.


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