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Software Engineering Web Development

Beaumont, CA
September 29, 2023

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P a g e * *

Ly Hoang Rivera

Software Engineering/Web Development Profile • 909-***-****

LinkedIn• Southern California, CA 9222

Solution-oriented and passionate individual with hands-on experience in software/web development and project management. Excellent in collaborating with cross-functional teams, refining specifications according to technical needs, and optimizing websites with effective animations. Instrumental in identifying problems/bugs, developing test routines, and assuring quality of external/internal web interfaces. Expert in improving performance of IDE/programming languages by analyzing software designing tools. Equipped with transferrable skills such as effective communication, problem-solving, and time management. Technical Proficiencies

Languages: Java/JavaScript, React, HTML/CSS, Data Structures, SQL, OOP, Dart/Flutter Tools: Cryptography, Design and Analysis of Algorithms (DAA), Visual Studio Code, MIPs Assembly Language/VHDL

Others: Unix Operating System, Computer Networks

Career Experience

Instep Management, Ontario, CA 2023

Account Manager

Responsible for delivering the highest standards of client-to-customer engagement to ensure customers have an experience unlike never before.

• Communicate well-thought-out and innovative brand awareness techniques to potential new clients in a friendly and professional manner.

• Collaborate with internal Sales Assistant and Sales Executives to identify opportunities to improve brand messaging and increase sales margins.

• Identify overall sales trends in the marketplace that would indicate adjustments to be made in the overall sales strategy for the community or in individual instances.

• Prepare and deliver presentations promoting our client’s brand in a professional and transparent manner to close sales opportunities and improve awareness of clients.

• Monitors sales and other key metrics to ensure maximum results that assist in the complete brand initiative and create a cutting-edge against the competition.

• Coordinate sales projects from start to finish.

• Deliver sales presentations and effective demonstrations to customers in a clear and concise manner. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA 2022 Web Developer

Designed and developed websites by using applications, scripting/authoring languages, and management/content creation tools. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to identify problems or bugs and design solutions. Built and optimized website with effective animations by refining specifications/requirements according to technical needs. P a g e 2 2

• Ensured quality of external and internal interface by developing/validating test routines.

• Utilized HTML, CSS and JavaScript to implement an interactive website for computer architecture course.

• Demonstrated graph/circuit, homework and assignments to students by applying animations and pictures.

• Engaged in study groups to maintain professional understanding of web development according to recent trends.

• Improved performance of IDE and programming languages involving Eclipse, IntelliJ and Visual Studio Code by conducting comprehensive research on software design tools. Education

Bachelor in Computer Science, 2023, CGPA: 3.83

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA Projects

Mobile Application Development

Developed task management application by using Dart/Flutter.

• Allowed task creation/delete options, task arrangement according to significance. Software Engineering

Accumulated Cal Poly Pomona Projects into one place by developing web application for Bronco Projects. Utilized React/CSS for front-end and Java/MongoDB for back-end while collaborating with fellow students.

• Enabled students to create projects and faculty members to recruit students along with all advertisements. Object-Oriented Design and Programming

Designed Cal Poly Pomona Parking Subsystem by using JavaFx and MySQL.

• Devised parking subsystem enabling customer information collection, vehicle addition in permit record, payment collection through credit cards and sending notification on customer’s email. Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Executed Classical, Divide-and-Conquer, Strassen’s matrix multiplication, and Selection Problem in three diverse algorithms.

• Delivered test strategies, data sets and assessments conclusions by drafting comprehensive reports. Additional Experience

Math Tutor, Chaffey College, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, 2018 – 2021

• Assisted students on math courses such as Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus I, Calculus II and Calculus III.

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