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Devops Engineer Ci Cd

Brooklyn, NY
September 28, 2023

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Sowmith Reddy


Phone No: 614-***-****

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Professional Summary:

Overall, 8 years of IT Professional Experience includes Linux and System Administration with a major focus on DevOps, Cloud technologies, Continuous Integration/Deployment, Configuration Management, Source Code Management, and Virtualization technologies which includes Troubleshooting Performance.

•Provisioned the highly available EC2 Instances using Terraform and cloud formation and wrote new plugins to support new functionality in Terraform.

•Experience in Architecting and securing the Infrastructure on AWS using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, VPC, ELB, IAM, KMS, EMR, Cognito, API Gateway, Cloud Trail, Cloud Watch, Amazon SQS, SNS, SES, Config, AWS Kinesis, Lambda, Network ACLs, Security Groups, Route Tables, Route53, EKS, Elastic Beanstalk, Redshift and deploying applications utilizing all these services majorly focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and Autoscaling in AWS CloudFormation.

•Expert in various Azure services like Compute (Web Roles, Worker Roles), Caching, Azure SQL, NoSQL, Storage, and Network services, Azure Active Directory (AD), API Management, Scheduling, Azure Auto Scaling, and PowerShell Automation.

•Hands on experience on Backup and restore Azure services and in Design and configure Azure Virtual Networks (VNets), subnets, Azure network settings, DHCP address blocks, DNS settings, security policies and routing. Azure cloud services, Blob storage, Active directory, Azure Service Bus, Cosmos DB.

•Experience in Set up a GCP Firewall rules in order to allow or deny traffic to and from the VM's instances based on specified configuration and used GCP cloud CDN (content delivery network) to deliver content from GCP cache locations drastically improving user experience and latency.

•Developed Terraform templates to create load balancers (ELB), EC2 instances with auto scaling, monitoring on the fly for different environments such as QA, SIT, stage which will run on different VPCs.

•Extensively used Hashicorp Vault for Secrets Management.

•Worked on Java and .Net applications by automating their build from end to end, even by integrating test tools like SonarQube and Visual Studio using Jenkins.

•Implemented continuous integration and deployment using various CI/CD tools like Jenkins, bamboo and teamcity.

•Hands-on experience using MAVEN, ANT, and Gradle as build tools for the building of deployable artifacts (jar, ear & war) from the source and static code analysis using SonarQube.

•Having knowledge on Installation and Configuration of Nexus repository manager for sharing the artifacts within the company and efficient in using Nexus and Artifact Repository managers for Maven builds.

•Experience in working with container-based deployments using Docker, Docker images, Docker file, Docker Hub, Docker Compose and Docker registry, Used Docker-Swarm to maintain the cluster of containers.

•Used Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment, scaling, and management of Docker Containers. Worked on Microservices and deploying Microservices using Kubernetes YAML files.

•Having experience on Ansible and Ansible Tower as Configuration Management tool and writing playbooks that automate repetitive tasks, managing changes for critical applications for continuous delivery.

•Experienced in managing K8s charts using Helm and creating reproducible builds of the Kubernetes applications.

•Experience in implementing Spark processing, Kafka messaging, JBoss BRMS and Cassandra DB on the OpenShift container platform.

•In-depth knowledge of computer applications and Shell scripts (Bash), Ruby, Python, PowerShell and Azure PowerShell for automating tasks.

Technical Skills:

Operating Systems

Windows, Linux, Unix

Cloud Computing

AWS (EC2, ELB, S3, Cloud formations), Microsoft Azure, OpenStack, GCP

Version Control

GIT, GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket

CI Tools

Jenkins (Previously Hudson), bamboo, IBM build forge, Gitlab

Build Tools

Ant, Maven, Gradle.

Containerization Tools

Docker, Kubernetes.

Provisioning Tools

Chef, puppet and Ansible.

Network Protocols


Application Servers

Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss.

Web Servers

Tomcat, Apache HTTP, WebLogic & WebSphere, Redhat Satellite, Kafka.

Testing tools

Selenium, Sonarqube.


Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra NoSQL Database, postgres.


Bash scripting, Groovy, YAML, Power Shell Scripting, SQL, Java/J2EE, Ruby Python, Bash, .Net.

Bug Tracking Tools

JIRA, Atlassian, Remedy, Bugzilla


1.AWS Certified solutions Architect – Associate

2.HashiCorp Certified Terraform Associate

Professional Experience

JPMorgan Chase & Co., New York, NY January 2023 - present

Sr. Cloud DevOps Engineer


Designed cost effective and fault tolerant systems using EC2 instances, Amazon Machine Images (AMI), Maintained roles and groups using AWS Identity Access Management (IAM), also maintained user accounts, RDS, Route 53, VPC, RDB, Dynamo DB, Code Commit, SES, SQS & SNS services in AWS Cloud. And have experience in creating alarms and notifications for EC2 instances using Cloud Watch.

Provided highly durable and available data by using S3 data store, versioning, lifecycle policies, and create AMIs for mission-critical production servers for backup.

Involved in implementation of CloudFormation template for an AWS ECS cluster that deployed a containerized application. The template included the ECS cluster, task definitions, load balancers, and other resources required for the deployment.

Experienced in creating Nested CloudFormation stacks to create an AWS Lambda function and related resources. The parent stack created the IAM roles and policies, and the nested stack defined the Lambda function, including the code, memory size, and execution environment.

Configured AWS RDS Aurora database users to allow each individual user privileges to perform their related tasks.

Written Terraform scripts for AWS infrastructure as a code using Terraform to build staging and production environments.

Manage AWS EC2 instances utilizing Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing and Glacier for our QA and UAT environments as well as infrastructure servers for Git and Chef.

Integrated automated tests in continuous integration like GitHub Actions for nightly consignment run of scripts.

Extensively worked with Jenkins APIs to know various things like build status, count of builds, GIT commit version used by Jenkins builds etc. using Groovy.

Implemented CI and CD for application using Jenkins as CI tool for integrating different tools like Bitbucket, Maven, Junit, and Nexus Artifactory and used Ansible as configuration management tool for continuous deployment into testing, staging and Production Environment.

Worked on Container management by using Docker and by writing Docker files and set up the automated build on Docker HUB and installed and configured Kubernetes.

Worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing directory structures and managing containers in AWS ECS.

Created docker-compose.yaml file templates to deploy images in docker containers managed by Docker Swarm.

Managed local deployments in Kubernetes, creating local clusters and deploying application containers. Building/maintaining docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes and deployed Kubernetes using helm charts.

Implemented Ansible Tower for managing complex network deployments by adding control, knowledge and delegation to Ansible powered environments. Wrote Ansible Playbooks using Python SSH as Wrapper for Managing Configurations of my servers, Nodes, Test Playbooks on Azure instances using Python.

Wrote bash scripts to automate Nagios service check creation through usage of an SNMP index as an array to monitor production SMS binds to major cell phone carriers.

Expertise in monitoring System/Application Logs of server using Splunk, Amazon Cloud Watch, App Dynamics, and Nagios to detect production issues.

Created Jenkins pipelines for continuous safe and secure vault credentials delivery to customers.

Worked on Customer issues configuring vault namespaces and setup okta MFA and AWS authentications to Namespaces.

Developed Python, Perl and shell/bash scripts for automation of the build and release process and to automate certain processes for the smooth process of a build tool like Maven. Created and wrote shell scripts (Ksh, Bash), Ruby, Python and Power Shell for setting up baselines.

Utilizing Dynatrace to monitor the performance and health of applications, systems, and infrastructure. This involves setting up and configuring monitors, defining thresholds, and creating alerts to proactively detect anomalies, bottlenecks, or critical issues.

Strong preference for HashiCorp stack (Terraform, Packer, Consul, etc). Configured RDS instances using Cloud formation and terraform. Built Jenkins jobs to create AWS infrastructure from Bitbucket repos containing terraform code.

Environment: AWS, Jenkins, Nexus, Maven, Gradle, GitHub Actions, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, VMware, Web Logic, Tomcat, Cloud Watch, Github, Grafana, Hashicorp Vault, Ruby, Git lab, Nagios, YAML, Splunk, JIRA, AppDynamics.

GEICO, Austin, Texas February 2022 – January 2023

Sr. DevOps Engineer


Designed AZURE Resource Manager (ARM) templates and custom build steps using PowerShell. Identified and logged defects in Azure DevOps (VSTS) and interacted with developers to prioritize the issues.

Used Azure Express Route to set up a private connection to Microsoft cloud services such as a Microsoft Azure and Dynamic 365.Configured Azure Virtual Networks, subnets, DHCP address blocks, Azure network settings, DNS settings, security policies and routing. Azure API Management, Security, Cloud-to-Cloud Integration (Public, Private).

Involved in managing Private Cloud and Hybrid cloud configurations and practices in Windows Azure, SQL Azure, Azure Web and Database deployments. Upgraded and Migrated web applications to latest IAM framework versions and Azure platforms.

Build VMs availability sets using the azure portal to provide resiliency for IaaS based solutions VM scale sets using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to manage traffic.

Leveraged GCP cloud services such as Compute, auto-scaling and VPC to build secure, highly scalable and flexible systems that handled expected and unexpected load bursts.

Worked on GKE Topology Diagram including masters, slave, RBAC, helm, kubectl, ingress controllers GKE Diagram including masters, slave, RBAC, helm, kubectl, ingress controllers.

Configured Bamboo to integrate with other tools and systems, such as GitHub, JIRA, and Azure, resulting in a more streamlined development and deployment process.

Created Docker images using a Docker file, worked on Docker container snapshots, removing images and managing Docker volumes.

Created additional Docker Slave Nodes for Jenkins using custom Docker Images and pulled them to Cloud, worked on all major components of Docker like Docker Daemon, Docker Hub, Images, Registry.

Strong preference for HashiCorp stack (Terraform, Packer, Consul, etc). Configured RDS instances using Cloud formation and terraform. Built Jenkins jobs to create Azure infrastructure from BitBucket repos containing terraform code.

Strong experience on CI/CD tools Azure Devops and GitHub Actions to deploy applications.

Create AMIs by using Packer for production usage as part of a continuous delivery pipeline.

Designed and implemented Continuous Integration (CI) process using tools like Hudson with approval from development and other affected teams. Defined processes to build and deliver software baselines for internal as well as external customers.

Configured applications that run multi-container Docker applications by utilizing the Docker-Compose tool which uses a file configured in YAML format.

Implementing clusters using Kubernetes (EKS) and worked on creating pods, replication controllers, Name Spaces, deployments, Services, labels, health checks, Ingress resources and Controllers by writing YAML.

Deployed Kubernetes clusters on top of Servers using KOPS. Managed local deployments in Kubernetes, creating local clusters and deploying application containers. Building/maintaining docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes and deployed Kubernetes using Helm charts.

Implemented Ansible Tower for managing complex network deployments by adding control, knowledge, and delegation to Ansible powered environments. Wrote Ansible Playbooks using Python SSH as Wrapper for Managing Configurations of my servers, Nodes, Test Playbooks on Azure instances using Python.

Used Datadog to monitor/metric collections for applications in cloud-based environment.

Worked on creating deployment scripts using PowerShell and automated multiple daily maintenance tasks using PowerShell.

Installed, configured and Administrated of all UNIX/LINUX servers on Azure, includes the design and selection of relevant hardware to support the installation/upgrades of Ubuntu, CentOS.

Environment: Azure, GCP, Terraform, JIRA, YAML, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Powershell, Ansible, Jboss, Maven Gradle, python, Chef, openshift, Open source, Datadog, Nagios, Selenium, .Net

Humana, Louisville, Kentucky January 2021 – February 2022

DevOps Engineer/Site Reliability Engineer


Created Python scripts to fully automate AWS services which include ELB, Cloud Front distribution, EC2, Security Groups and S3. This script creates stacks, singe servers and joins web servers to stacks.

Deployed application which is containerized using Docker onto a Kubernetes cluster which is managed by Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS). Configured ‘Kubectl’ to interact with Kubernetes infrastructure and used AWS Cloud Formation Templates (CFT) to launch a cluster of worker nodes on Amazon EC2 instances.

Deployed and configured Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) for log analytics, and application monitoring in integration with AWS Lambda and CloudWatch. Then store those logs and metric into an S3 bucket using Lambda function.

Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub, whenever there is a change in GITHUB, our Continuous Integration server automatically attempts to build a new Docker container from it.

Created Jenkins CI/CD pipelines for continuous build & deployment and integrated Junit and SonarQube plugins in Jenkins for automated testing and for Code quality check.

Configured Kubernetes Replication controllers to allow multiple pods such as Jenkins master server in multiple minions. Managed Kubernetes charts using Helm, managed Kubernetes manifest files and created reproducible builds of the Kubernetes application.

As an SRE worked on setting up New Relic Monitoring on various application servers like Java, python, PSQL database on Kubernetes, on-prem servers, and EKS clusters.

Worked on Rancher for orchestrating Kubernetes pods, containers, and automated deployment process for various environments Dev, QA, Beta, Prod through Git Lab.

Worked closely with Developers to find SLI's and SLO's for monitoring applications and gathered Events for Triggers for infrastructure, APM, Synthetics, and Alerts to maintain 99.99 service reliability index.

Worked on setting up infrastructure agents, APM agents on applications in EKS cluster, on-prem servers, and creating dashboards for infrastructure monitoring, APM, synthetics, browser-related data using NRQL language.

Worked on automation of CICD process using Jenkins, GitLab and maintained Images in docker registry in Jfrog Artifactory, continuous delivery with rolling updated, blue-green deployments on applications on EKS cluster.

Used Datadog/Nagios to maintain server up-time along with Api-monitoring.

Worked on NoSQL database MongoDB to replica setup and sharing. Also experienced in managing replica sets. Installed, Configured, and Managed Monitoring Tools such as Nagios for Resource/Network Monitoring.

Environment: AWS, Java/J2EE, ANT, Maven, Subversion, New Relic, Shell/Perl Scripts, Python, SCM, GIT, Gitlab, Jenkins, Ansible, Tomcat, Jira.

Commvault, Hyderabad, India

DevOps Engineer Feb 2019–December 2021


Used IAM to create new accounts, roles and groups and polices and developed critical modules like generating amazon resource numbers and integration points with S3, Dynamo DB, RDS, Lambda and SQS Queue.

Used Python libraries such as Paramiko, Pycrypto, XML parser and logging libraries to develop automatic storage, networking deployment tool on scale-out environment with Linux and Troposphere libraries to create AWS Cloud Formation descriptions.

Wrote Chef Cookbooks for various DB configurations to modularize and optimize product configuration, converting production support scripts to Chef Recipes and AWS server provisioning using Chef Recipes.

Used Configuration management tool Puppet to automate the management of servers in test and Upgraded Puppet Masters, Agents, and Databases.

Environments: AWS (EC2, S3, Route 53, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, and RDS, Aurora), GIT, Chef, Docker, Selenium, Maven, Jenkins, ANT, Puppet, Ansible, Python, Jira, Nagios.

Accenture, Hyderabad, Telangana

Build and Release Engineer August 2017 – January 2019


Installed Jenkins/Plug-in for GIT Repository, Setup SCM Polling for Immediate Build with Maven and Maven Repository (Nexus Art factory) and Deployed Apps using custom ruby modules through Chef as a CI/CD Process. Created and configured jobs, script for custom command builder, agents in Bamboo.

Installed and configured Red Hat Linux, Established and scheduled activities in test and production environments. Experience in working GIT for branching, tagging, and merging.

Performed software configuration/release management activities for three different Java applications.

Environment: Subversion (SVN), GIT, Ant, Maven, Bamboo, Veritas, LVM, .NET, PHP, Web Logic, Sonar, Jenkins, JBOSS, Perl Scripts, Shell Scripts, Bash, AngularJS, Nexus, Jira, Apache Tomcat, Cloud Foundry, Oracle Database, UNIX/LINUX, Java/J2EE, HTML.

BirlaSoft India Ltd, INDIA

Java Developer/Linux Administrator July 2015 – July 2017


Implemented Java/J2EE Design patterns like singleton, MVC, Builder and Strategy patterns.

Involved in development of REST Web Services using Spring MVC to extract client related data from databases.

Responsible for Installation, configuration, Maintenance, Deployments, Update, Monitoring, performance tuning on Linux.

Installed Jenkins/Plug-in for GIT Repository, Setup SCM Polling for Immediate Build with Maven and Maven Repository (Nexus Art factory) and Deployed Apps using custom ruby modules through Chef as a CI/CD Process. Created and configured jobs, script for custom command builder, agents in Bamboo.

Environment: Java1.5, Oracle10g, Python, Web Sphere, Load Balancers, Subversion, Oracle9i, PL/SQL, UML, Toad, Windows, TCP/IP, UNIX/LINUX, Oracle10g, Kernel, Windows, TCP/IP, GIT, Hudson, Java, Ant, Windows, Shell, WLST, Apache Tomcat 5.5.

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