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Traffic Manager A Driver

2nd District, Kabul, Afghanistan
September 29, 2023

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Category of vehicles that the permission

have credit for them

All kind of motor

cycle and sidecar License

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

means of transport of Ministry of Interior Affairs

car (fast car) that the Security Affairs Assistant

total weight 's licit of Traffic Directorate

them, aren't more than Management of ratte

from ( 3500 ) kilo waa Permission's means of transpo

grams and or (7700)

pounds, plus to driver

+ they shouldn't has

more than (8) seats.

‘Means of transport of gia

porterage (lorry) that

the total weight’s licit

of them must be more

than (3500) kilo grams.

Means of transport of

transport the passenger " Q

(Bus) plus to driver, Eh Signature place of driver: (_ )


oe eae Serial No: 1106478

mean s of transport of

compo (means) of Traffic manager of province: (Paktit

From date of issue: (1398/12/21 Si

i i 11/03/2020)

permission's driving of

their driver have credit

for categories of ( B-C- Signature place of director of permi

D)but self, means of driver

transport aren't include

of these categories. 4

Special Note: After practical and theoretical exam ] Signature place of traffic manager

passed to Grade 4 B.

‘Traffic management (Pakctia)

‘Name: (Mohammad Arif)

‘The following points will remark in case of traffic control regulation offend Page No: 133 Reg. No: {1189} Vol No:1"

Car Excursion Ballet number of driving F/Name: Samar Gul

Contravention card




1-Inobservance of security distance.

2+ Incorrect tum and no light.


2- Driving in mode of drank intoxicants alcoholi

and or narcotics.

1- Escape from traffic accident place.

6- Addition ride nd adition lod from definite

Date of issue: (1398/12/21 Same to 11/03/2020)

Note: in case of lose or absent of this card, driver is respo

Serial No: 1106478

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