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Java Developer

Dallas, TX
June 27, 2023

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Full Stack Developer

PH NO: +1-469-***-****

Professional Summary:

Proficient in all phases of SDLC and working in conditions utilizing Agile (SCRUM), Waterfall and Test-Driven Development (TDD) advancement approaches.

Experienced in implementing OOPS Concepts using java/J2EE technologies such as Core Java Collections, Generics, Enums, Annotations, etc.

Well-versed with core Java concepts like collections, multithreading, serialization, Java beans.

Expertise working with: Core Java, Spring MVC, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring JDBC, and Hibernate.

Proficient in Java/J2EE Design Patterns including singleton, command, session facade, Model View Controller (MVC), Data Access Object (DAO), Factory, Adapter, Observer, and JMS components.

Experience in database connectivity (JDBC) for databases like IBM DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL.

Experience working with front-end technologies like HTML5, CSS, Servlets, JSON, JSTL, JavaScript, Bootstrap, XML, Angular JS, Node.js, AJAX, and jQuery.

Experience in developing and deploying applications on Cloud Platforms like Amazon Web Services.

Implementing and maintaining CI/CD pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment processes.

Using tools like Terraform, Ansible, or CloudFormation to define and manage infrastructure resources as code, configuring and integrating tools such as Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD

Managing and maintaining the configuration of software systems and infrastructure components.

Planning and implement strategies for scaling Elasticsearch clusters to handle increasing data volumes and user traffic.

involve adding or removing nodes, rebalancing shards, and optimizing resource allocation based on capacity planning.

Good working information in creating and sending Microservices related applications with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST API s and Spring Boot for Microservices.

Strong knowledge of NodeJS, events and events emitter, and Node Package Manager (npm).

Strong knowledge of implementing Node JS API including module patterns.

Experience in implementing the security on microservices using Spring Boot Auth server which generated JWT tokens as OAuth2 mechanism.

Extensive knowledge of XML-based standards and protocols such as WSDL and SOAP, Service Oriented Architecture SOA, development of XSD schemas, and implementing both SOAP and REST web services.



JAVA 11/1.8, Python, SQL, PL/SQL, Unix, Shell Scripting


Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Struts

Cloud Technologies

Azure, AWS, EC2, S3, Docker, PCF

Mark up Languages



Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL: MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB



Testing Frame Works

JUnit, Mockito, TestNG, TDD, BDD

Web Services



JBoss, Tomcat, WebSphere, WebLogic


Eclipse, RAD, NetBeans, IntelliJ

Version Control Systems

CVS, SVN, GitHub, Clear Case

Build Tools

Ant, Maven, Jenkins

Web Technologies

Angular JS, Angular 2/4/6/7/8/9, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS3, TypeScript, JSON, AJAX, Node JS, ReactJS, Redux, Backbone.js


UML, Rational Rose, SQL Developer, TOAD, Hudson, Log4J, SOAPUI, Rest Client UI, Postman, Grunt

Professional Experience Jan 2020- Present

CITI Group INC, Irving, Texas

Full Stack Developer


·Building a Database for vulnerability Reporting using Spring Boot Micro Services.

·Used Spring Integration and Spring Batch for data transfer, transaction management.

·Used docker for containerization of application and deployed the application through docker container to AWS cloud.

·Used and Implemented Springs Boot framework on with spring JDBC and spring JPA to store and fetch the data from DB.

·Used microservices architecture with spring boot to develop REST based web services.

·Used Spring session for maintaining user’s session information

·Configured Jenkins pipeline for deploying the application.

·Developed Angular-JS components such as controllers, Services, filters, models

·Implemented Angular Router to enable navigation from one view to the next as app teams performs application tasks.

·Worked with Apache Kafka and consumed the Kafka messages.

·Worked with Passport and JSON web tokens for authentication and authorization security configurations using Node.js

·Worked with Express.js for development of RESTful web services and middleware configurations.

·Worked with npm commands and using package.json for managing dependencies and dev dependencies of node js applications.

·Planning and implement strategies for scaling Elasticsearch clusters to handle increasing data volumes and user traffic.

·involve adding or removing nodes, rebalancing shards, and optimizing resource allocation based on capacity planning

Enterprise Fleet Management, St Louis, MO Feb 2019 – Dec 2019

Software Engineer


·Working in an Agile environment and participated in Scrum meetings through JIRA

·Developing Code for the new functionality and modifying existing functionality based on the client requirement, Technical Story/Tasks and Technical specifications (Tech Specs).

·Working on defining Swagger specs for REST APIs, understand REST principles, Guidelines.

·Experienced in working with SQL and NoSQL databases including Oracle, Mongodb and MS SQL Server.

·Responsible for creating an instance on Amazon EC2 (AWS) and deployed the application on it.

·Worked on AWS services to deploy static websites and dynamic Web Apps on EC2 using Elastic Beanstalk and Elastic Container Service-Docker.

·Worked on manual test scenarios and created the reports on test results.

·Created the test case in Junit 5 using Mokito and powerMokito.

·Worked on Spring REST development and created JSTL pages and routed data to UI.

·Worked on writing Ajax calls in extJs 2.0.

·Written service layers using Jaxb marshaling for souap UI rest calls.

·Provide solutions that address business needs by developing break-fix solutions and enhancements.

·Ensured performance, security, and availability of database for the application.

·Using Express for Node JS from end to end and Debugging code and front-end web applications.

·Used Express for Node.js to build RESTful APIs.

·Developed framework to consume REST webservices using Express for Node JS.

·Developed user interface modules using Express JS, HTTPS, CSS and bootstrap frame works.

·used PySpark's APIs to transform and manipulate data. which include tasks like filtering, sorting, joining, aggregating, and grouping data to derive meaningful insights.

·optimize PySpark jobs for efficiency and scalability. Which include tuning Spark configurations, leveraging Spark's in-memory processing capabilities, and partitioning data effectively.

BCBS, Chicago, Illinois Jan 2018 – Jan 2019

Software Engineer


·Worked on KSQL and created the KSQL streams to join the Kafka topics.

·Designed and developed the ksql streams from scratch by using the Kafka topics architecture.

·Created the micro services to consume data from the KSQL stream Kafka topics in Spring boot framework.

·Worked on creating the Kafka connectors to fetch data from Oracle DB.

·Deployed the micro services in Docker containers.

·Worked on version controlling tools like bit bucket.

·Participated in architectural level meeting to understand the flow of data between the database to design the KSQL Streams.

·Wrote SQL queries, stored procedures, modifications to existing database structure as required for addition of new features using Oracle database.

·Monitored the error logs using Log4j.

·Used Ant to build the application and deployed it on Tomcat Application Server.

·Used GitHub as a version control system and Jenkins for CI/CD.

·Used Eclipse as the IDE and used eclipse standard/ plug-in features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation, test case template generation, mutator /accessor code generation, and Git as version control.

·Worked with various AWS services like cloud watch, S3, Auto Scaling, RDS, Security Groups etc.

·Used Jenkins for Continuous integration.

·Implemented routing logic and navigation from screen to screen and implemented login functionality on the client side in Angular.

·Used Ansible to automate creation of s3 bucket, SNS topics, and Kafka topics in different environments.

·Experience with AWS API Gateway and Rest APIs.

·Validated forms using Angular and regular expressions by providing client-side validation and server validation.

·Configured AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Data Base subnet group for isolation of resources within AWS RDS.

·Provided support in the performance testing using JMeter task includes developing test plan, test script and reports.

·Used Spring MVC for implementing the Web layer of the application. This includes developing Controllers, Views, and Validators.

·Used Oath 2 which is a lightweight authentication framework with a central authorization server.

·And generates an access token to access a protected resource on a resource server.

·Oath 2 simplifies all the communications between the client, server, and content provider.

·Wrote SQL queries, stored procedures, modifications to existing database structure as required for addition of new features using Oracle database.

·Monitored the error logs using Log4j.

Used Ant to build the application and deployed it on Tomcat Application Server

Samsung, Dallas Texas

Software Engineer

Dec 2016 – Dec 2017


·Developed security framework with support for database security and integration with external security data stores such as LDAP.

·Developed framework to consume REST webservices using SPRING REST libraries.

·Developed user interface modules using Angular JS, HTTPS, CSS and bootstrap frame works.

·Provide solutions that address business needs by developing break-fix solutions and enhancements.

·Ensured performance, security, and availability of database for the application.

·Using Express for Node JS from end to end and Debugging code and front-end web applications.

·Used Express for Node.js to build RESTful APIs.

·Developed framework to consume REST webservices using Express for Node JS.

·Developed user interface modules using Express JS, HTTPS, CSS and bootstrap frame works.

·Integration applications done using tools like Maven debugging through logging frameworks like log4j.

·Implementing JSP Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL) along with Expression Language (EL).

·Creating custom, general use modules and components, which extend the elements and modules of core AngularJS.

·Used AngularJS as the development framework to build a single-page application and reusable AngularJS applications.

·Involved extensively in Code Reviews, Unit testing and Process Improvements.

·Used Java 1.8 features like stream and Lambda expressions.

·Used Java 1.8 Method References feature to point to methods by their names and used functional Interfaces.

·Implemented all the functionality using Spring IO / Spring Boot, Thymeleaf and Hibernate ORM.

·Executed JavaEE components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, spring transactions and spring security modules.

·Used node.js for the management on interchange of the data between the servers and Used NodeJS, Express JS to create server-side MVC framework with MongoDB.

·Consumed REST based Microservices with Rest template based on RESTful APIs.

·Used Spring Boot to build the Microservices for the system integrations.

·Created as well as consumed the SOAP as well as RESTful web services using WSDL, SOAP, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, CXF and JAXB.

·Used Microservices architecture with Spring Boot, Apache Kafka message broker, deployed to AWS.

Infrotech Pvt Ltd Mar 2014 - Aug 2015

Software Developer


·Worked with senior developers and provided expert support in developing and implementing the applications and Design and conduct code testing.

·Written algorithm improves the efficiency of existing application.

·Performed Unit Testing and Integration Testing for the Application using Junit Framework.

·Creating custom, general use modules and components, which extend the elements and modules of core Express JS.

·Used Express JS as the development framework to build a single-page application and reusable Node JS applications.

·Used Node.js Stream API for streaming web application development

·Involved extensively in Code Reviews, Unit testing and Process Improvements.

·Developed security framework with support for database security and integration with external security data stores.

·Written SQL Queries implementing Normalization to prevent inconsistencies of data.

·Good at writing DML, DDL Statements for querying data.

·Ensured performance, security, and availability of database for the application.

·Coding the entire HTML site from end to end and Debugging code and front-end web applications.

·Designed, developed a custom, single-page, responsive web application on front end using AngularJS.

·Used Kafka a publish-subscribe messaging system by creating topics using consumers and producers to ingest data into the application for Spark to process the data and create Kafka topics for application and system logs.

·Log4J was used to monitor the error logs and used GIT as version control tool.

·Followed the Maven build life cycle to build the application and deployed into WebSphere application server.

·Developed test cases and performed unit testing using Junit and writing the test cases for front end using Jasmine and Karma.


·Master’s Degree in Wilmington University Information Systems August 2016- April 2018.

·Bachelor’s Degree: 2010 – 2014 JNTUH - Sri Indu Institute of Technology

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