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Rockport, TX
May 31, 2023

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Chris Randall

*** **** ****, ********, *****, ***82

email: *************@*****.*** /// cell: 361-***-**** TikTok & Instagram: crazygodstory /// Facebook: Christopher Randall YouTube: /// Website: My specific calling from God is to strengthen other believers. For years He has been equipping and using me to do that. When First Baptist Church in Rockport, TX licensed me to be a minister, my pastor said that my path to ministry was not traditional, but it was valid. For years he had watched as the Holy Spirit built me into a pastor through extensive hands-on ministry experience that was a mix of vocational, bi-vocational and volunteer. Through Bible College God reinforced what He had been teaching me practically.

I began attending First Baptist Church (FBC) in Rockport, TX in January 2009, and God very quickly called me into ministry there. FBC had no children’s church program, and God led me to start one and lead it for over five years. I became immersed in children’s ministry, serving in AWANA, VBS, Summer Camps, and mission outreaches for kids. God also used me as part of a team that started a discipleship ministry at FBC. I spent four years helping to grow that ministry while learning the ins and outs of leading large-scale discipleship, including what does and doesn’t work. Those were the two primary ministries that God called me to at FBC, but there was much more He used me to do in and through that church. In March 2009 God had led me to start a nonprofit mechanic company where my fulltime job was fixing cars for broke people for free as a way to share the love of God with people. I never charged anyone for any the I did, but God always took care of the needs of me and my family and regularly used us to reach the lost with the gospel. I learned to live by faith and my life became unexplainable apart from God. At times felt like I was living in the book of Acts. In July 2021 I published a book about this chapter in my life titled “Crazy God Story: Faith Isn’t Blind” as a discipleship tool and give away free PDF copies. In February 2014, with the blessing of my pastor at FBC, I helped to launch The Rock Church (TRC) where I functioned as an elder as well as the Children’s Pastor. This was an exciting church plant whose goal was to reach people in our town that none of the established churches were connected with, and we had great success in that. We created and grew a large youth ministry that mostly consisted of teens who were previously unchurched, and also saw many believers who had walked away from the faith return to it. My previous years at FBC meant I had more church ministry experience than anyone else involved, and I became one of the key leaders who trained up many of the others. Until May 2015 TRC met in the evenings, and I was able to serve at both churches until that time at which I transitioned to TRC full time. My wife and I ended up finding out that my father was a pedophile and had abused two of our daughters. I continued to serve in ministry for a time, but eventually I stepped down in order to focus on the healing my family needed. While this is by far the worst, most shocking thing that’s ever happened in my life or to my family, I can look back and see God’s continual presence. This has been a time of refining in my life where God has taught me to rely on Him in a way that I didn’t know that I hadn’t been; He humbled me in order to make me useful to Him; and He gave me His heart for people and His eyes to see them the way that He does.

The words of Joseph have become an anthem in my life, “What was intended for evil, God intended for good.” While this will never stop being a messy part of my life, and my family will always remain somewhere in the healing process, God has used this situation to make me into a more effective tool in His hand that He has continually been using for His glory. Part of the healing process involved an eventual return to FBC where I’ve been ever since. Though I have not resumed my previous ministry roles, I have served sporadically on an as need basis.

In March 2019 God led me to start posting videos on TikTok about how to live by faith and follow Jesus. I had always sworn off social media before that, believing it just wasn’t something that was for me, but it was in fact the beginning of God calling me back into ministry. I now post content on multiple platforms, have over 300,000 followers, and my videos have been viewed over 20,000,000 times. I regularly receive messages and emails from people with a wide range of spiritual issues, and it results in me doing a lot of counseling. I also receive frequent messages from people all over the world who tell me about how the content I make is helping them grow in their faith. I’m not boasting in myself, but rather in the Lord. I have not taken a traditional path to ministry, but I have followed the one that God has led me down. He is now clearly calling me into fulltime kingdom work, and I’m searching out where that will lead me next. While I don’t yet know the exact role that will be, but I do know that He has equipped me for whatever it is. Sincerely,

Chris Randall

Chris Randall

213 Lazy Lane, Rockport, Texas, 78382

email: *************@*****.*** /// cell: 361-***-**** TikTok & Instagram: crazygodstory /// Facebook: Christopher Randall YouTube: /// Website: Summary .

A pastor with a passion for living by faith and following Jesus who is consumed with reaching the lost with Gospel at all costs and making disciples who do the same, is searching out God’s will for where that calling leads next.

• Teaching & Preaching

• Biblical Counseling

• Disciple Others

• Leadership

• Encourager

• Evangelism

• Adaptable

• Teachable

• Interpersonal Relations

• Communication

• Humility

• Faith

Ministry Experience .

Christian Content Creator & Social Media Pastor * TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube * May 2019 - Present

• Create videos teaching others how to live by faith and follow Jesus

• Regularly connect with people individually in order to give discipleship and Biblical counsel

• Market place ministry: meeting people where they are

• Current online ministry has over 300,000 followers: o this is not a boast in myself, but in God and how He has used me Missionary Mechanic * Affordable Auto Repair * March 2009 – March 2023

• Started nonprofit mechanic company with nothing but faith, my wife's blessing, and a call from God

• Full time job was to share the love of God by doing free auto repair to those in need

• My life became unexplainable apart from God; it often felt like we were living in a story in the Bible

• Fulltime job from March 2009 to June 2011 then became part time until March 2023 Elder and Children's Pastor * The Rock Church, Rockport, TX * February 2014 - September 2016

• Preached on Sundays to children and adults

• Led contemporary worship for Children

• Personally responsible for keeping the senior pastor accountable to God's Word

• Provided Biblical counseling for other leaders and congregants

• Church plant team member

• Responsible for designing and launching children’s ministry

• Planned and wrote Curriculum for VBS

Ministry Leader & Children's Church Director * First Baptist Church, Rockport, TX * January 2009 - May 2015

• Responsible for starting and leading multiple ministries and outreaches

• Wrote and delivered weekly Bible teaching

• Worked on a team to plan and execute the church's discipleship ministry

• Trained others to do ministry through hands on experience

• Recruited and led teams of volunteers for various ministries

• Started Children’s Church based on calling and vision from God

• Extensive work in VBS, kid’s summer camp and AWANA Education & Certifications .

• Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies * Calvary Chapel University * August 2013

• Certificate in Church Planting * Calvary Chapel University * August 2013

• Diploma in Biblical Counseling * International School Of Divinity * January 2011

• Licensed Christian Minister * First Baptist Church, Rockport, TX * April 2018

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