farimja***wgmailcom 192********** Islamabad Pakistan, 45510 Pakistan
My name i Farhan Fm ftom Pakistan Ive in Islamabad isa capital of Pakistan. Ive in Islamabad ND it's village
basically live in village Poana fagurian near margalla town Islamabad in 2005 may'b my grand mother take ane Bualo
an lhatstime Thave one goat i'smy gist I willareso am interested in farming jb I know about this jobs ND other like
planting ND others ND food piker know about illbit farming
«Crop Planting and Harvesting «Building and Structures Repair lillbit as helper
Hay Mowing and Baling
‘Ownwork Islamakad Pakistan, Pakistan # Repaired buildings fences and other pertinent structures to keep animals
Farm Laborer properly contained,
2023 - 1172025 ‘¢ Unloaded ings of seed, etlizerand animal feed and stacked in sheltered
‘ Cared for livestock by regubarly feeding and watering animals
Education and Training
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication
Punjabi: CL Punjabi: al
Ravanced Beginner
English: AL Urdu: al
Beginner Beginner