(M) (405*-***-****
Bachelor of Science, Psychology
Emphasis on I/O Psychology
May 2022 to Present Progressive Engineering/Flagstone Foods
Summary: Accepted a contract to perform Environmental Engineering services for Flagstone Foods at 3 facilities located in El Paso, Texas; Robersonville, North Carolina and Dothan, Alabama. The contract is to provide expertise in the wastewater management at each of these facilities. Flagstone had recently purchase all 3 of these facilities and to date has not been able to meet permit requirements for the cities that the plants are located.
Communicate with equipment manufacturers of equipment installed and present quotes and items that I identified as incorrect or broken.
Develop projects for the re-routing of piping to better process total volume of wastewater required.
Meet with city officials or city manager to discuss existing NOV’s and work with cities and developed detailed progress plans with timelines to meet effluent limitations.
Investigate each facility to understand processes and wastewater contamination per process.
Assisted plant management by overseeing outside contractors and equipment manufacturers to repair and adjust equipment that reduced wastewater volumes.
Met with chemical suppliers for cleaning for each plant and reviewed each major chemical utilized by facilities and testing possible alternatives to reduce ability to meet permit limits with present equipment and processes of wastewater.
April 2020 to May 2022
I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in April 2020. The time needed to have 8 weeks of chemotherapy pump and 8 weeks of daily radiation treatments, along with surgeries and a final 12 chemotherapy infusions. Made it impossible to work full-time during this time period. I was fortunate to have developed a relationship with Wells Industrial Battery and Madwell & Madwell. That enabled me to still be active during those times, that I was physically able to perform consulting services to both of these companies.
January 2006 to Present Wells Industrial Battery & Madwell & Madwell
Summary: Provide consulting services for Environmental Health and Safety functions. and Human Resource and labor items.
Liason between Government and state agencies EPA, DEQ and OSHA and Wells Industrial Battery and Madwell & Madwell.
Wrote Safety Plan for both companies, to include any new required Safety Policies such as Covid.
Communicate with Customers and complete any customer required paperwork regarding EPA and OSHA requirements.
Perform inspections of facilities and document findings and provide recommendations for corrective actions.
Tier II reporting
OSHA 300
Lead exposure standard.
Provide information regarding DOT requirements related to transportation of Lead Acid Batteries and Lithium Batteries and the parts from recycling of Lead Acid Batteries.
May 2019 to April 2020 Duracoatings
EHS Manager Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Summary: Responsible for all EHS functions for multiple facilities of 140 employees. Downturn in Oil and gas drilling and coronavirus reason for leaving. Duracoatings performed chrome and zinc plating and also performed HVOF coatings to mud rotors and aerospace parts, with 2 operational facitilities.
Tier II reporting for 2 facilities
Quarterly Waste Reporting
Air Permit for emissions.
OSHA 300 for 2 facilities
Waste Minimization Plan and Disposal Plans. Tracked waste shipments to develop recycling goals. Developed recycling avenues for Tungsten Carbide, Aluminum Oxide, Filter media, sanding/grinding belts.
Waste Characterization of all waste streams. Performed weekly inspections of waste and modified/implemented waste labeling programs.
Chromium VI Standard –Scheduled employee IH monitoring and redesigned medical evaluations with occupational medical provider. Changed employee medical evaluations to follow OSHA standards.
Cadmium Standard-Set up IH evaluations to determine exposure levels.
Resolved existing NOV’s from DEQ involving air and waste findings from violations prior to employment.
Resolved existing NOV’s from DEQ involving stormwater and waste water violations prior to employment.
Responsible for Worker’s Compensation-change of worker’s compensation insurance carrier. Developed Return to work policies from work related injuries and personal injuries.
Developed detailed written Safety Plan.
Developed Job Descriptions to include essential demands, physical requirements & environmental requirements.
Developed Safety Team consisting of 6 team members to assist with inspections and resolving findings.
Implemented LOTO including procedures for individual machinery.
Satisified SHARP (OSHA) findings and achieved tax credits from findings prior to employment.
Resolved existing violations from OSHA from previous year.
Developed “Use of Company Vehicle Policies”.
Performed Human Resource functions as relates to labor issues.
January 2019 to May 2019 ASCO Aerospace USA
EHS Officer Stillwater, Oklahoma
Summary: Responsible for all EHS function within non-union facility of 300 employees. ASCO Aerospace manufactured parts via machining and ti-cad coating for the aerospace industry. Spirit Aerospace purchased ASCO Aerospace USA. Spirit Aerospace took over EHS functions of ASCO from other facilities with an excess of EHS professionals from nearby existing facilities.
Tier II reporting
OSHA 300
New Hire Training Orientation
Waste Minimization Plan/Recycling
Developed inspection protocol with safety team-JHA
Safety Committee Chair
IH Studies for exposure to Chromium VI
IH Study Facility Noise
September 2018 to November 2018 Anchor Glass
EHS Manager Henryetta, Oklahoma
Summary: Responsible for all EHS functions within union facility of 400 employees. Anchor Glass manufactures bottles and jars for the beverage and food industries.
Updated wastewater permit that expired in July of 2018.
Updated storm water plan by identifying outfall areas and completing SWPPP in DEQ format.
Developed contractor/visitor safety notification
Developed contractor requirements to perform labor on facility site
Developed Silica program for protection of employees working in areas of exposure.
Satisfied all requirements of consent decree for facility of agreement between Anchor Glass and the EPA.
February 2018 to September 2018 Reynolds Hot Spring Continuous Rolling
Safety Manager Malvern, Arkansas
Summary: Responsible for all Environmental and Safety functions within union facility of 400 employees. Reynolds melts, casts and mills aluminum into rolls for distribution.
Developed employee, contractor and visitor handbook.
Updated LOTO program
Changed required PPE per molten aluminum association requirements to lighter weight material to alleviate heat stress concerns but still provide required protection.
Changed prescription eyewear program by having vendor come on site bi weekly to fit and dispense eyewear on site.
Researched and adopted slip resistant footwear for Milling area, with still complying to molten aluminum standards.
Wrote SOP to provide a safer method to load and charge melters with solid aluminum.
Created an emergency backup system for cab cranes via emergency battery power to solve a safety issue regarding operation in Mill area.
Developed cut/puncture resistant glove program for prevention of hand injuries.
Responsible for Worker’s Compensation to completion.
September 2012 to September 2017 ATC Drivetrain LLC
EH&S Manager Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Summary: Responsible for all Environmental, Health and Safety issues for 1500 employees located at 5 separate facilities. ATC Drivetrain remanufactured transmissions for the auto industry.
Developed ISO 14001 program and received certification 2013.
Developed ISO 18001 program to be compliant with standard.
Developed and wrote Safety Plan involving 7 required written programs.
Completed JHA’s for all work stations for 5 facilities.
Reduced lacerations from 5 a month to zero over1 year period.
Developed policies and guidelines to reduce strains and sprains.
Handled all Worker Compensation claims and written policies regarding return to work rules and light duty programs.
Converted organization over to the new GHS program from MSDS program.
Reduced utilization of harmful chemicals and replaced with less toxic chemicals while still maintaining effective use.
Scheduled and provided training for forklift, eyewash, Hoist/ sling and harness for fall protection.
Applied and obtained all required permits for all facilities such as RCRA subtitle C, Storm Water, Waste Water and Air.
Mentor Safety Teams to correct Safety items within ATC facilities.
Responsible for Storm Water, RCRA, OSHA and Waste Water inspections from outside agencies.
Managed 4 waste water operators that operate pre-treatment facilities at ATC facilities.
Managed contract industrial Cleaning for machinery, improved first pass yield from 60% to 98%, which equates to over a million dollars in savings.
Reduced chemical spend of 1.3M a year to <$700,000.00
Coordinate with Human Resources to include training, hiring standards, discipline and attendance policy and procedures.
Developed Recycling Programs which included Used Oil, OCC, Paper, Pallets, Aerosol Cans, Latex Paint, Solvent, Scrap Metal, Batteries and Bulbs.
Conducted all Injury investigations and monitored all claims to resolution.
Developed laundry program for gloves and sleeves saving $5,000.00 a month from previous year spend.
2007 to August 2012 Southwest Facility Support/FAA
Environmental/Safety Manager Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Summary: Responsible for all Environmental/Safety related issues involving the Facility Maintenance Contract at the FAA facility. 5 Year Contract.
Developed SOP’s for department AMP-300.
Developed Lockout Tagout program and created placarding for 717 pieces of major equipment encompassing the FAA center.
Developed MSDS database which includes over 600 chemicals.
Replaced chemicals with toxic materials with chemicals that are less toxic in nature while still achieving results.
Implemented Oil Sampling Program to lower cost and lower waste products for vehicle oil changes and changing oil in Chillers and other
major pieces of equipment.
Managed Waste Water Facility and operator.
Developed internal Safety Inspections and weekly Safety Walks within facilities.
Managed ISO 14001 and 18001 programs for AMP-300 division by writing OC’s and SOP’s to handle significant aspects identified by FAA
Presented Safety advantages and Environmental advantages to change existing Chillers that use R-11 refrigerant to new equipment that
utilized R-134a.
Maintain 300 log for recordable injury accidents.
Developed EPA 608 refrigerant program and Energized Work Permit program.
2007 to 2008 Aerotek
Environmental Manager Oklahoma City, Oklahoma/General Motors
Summary: Responsible for all decommissioning activities involving closing of the Oklahoma General Motors Facility.
Maintained Storm Water Permit.
Act as sole responsible party in handling all waste associated with General Motors Manufacturing facility, and all 3 party projects from cradle to grave.
Characterize all waste streams and develop cost saving avenues for recycling.
Schedule all shipments; prepare all necessary paperwork for associated waste.
Provide appropriate containers and labeling of containers.
Work with 3rd party vendors to clean and ship equipment to other General Motors Facility.
2001 to 2007 Waste Management
IPS Resource Manager/Environmental Engineer Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Summary: Act as sole responsible party in handling all waste associated with General Motors Manufacturing facility.
Characterized all waste streams and develop cost saving avenues for recycling.
Scheduled all shipments; prepare all necessary paperwork for associated waste.
Provided appropriate containers and labeling of containers.
Conduct inspections (satellite, 90 day storage areas) on the facility for RCRA.
Maintain waste data for tracking purposes.
Implemented Waste minimization program, recycling program and ISO 14001 programs.
Performed storm water testing.
Maintained and scheduled releases of storm ponds.
Supervised UAW hourly during decommissioning activities.
Performed remediation testing and oversaw phase I, II and III for General Motors.
Managed Tank closures.