Greensboro, NC 27405
Summary Experience
Current Job Objective: Seeking a Art Business Owner
position where I can learn new * started and managed own art business,
skills and apply my creative selling original paintings and commissioned
talents. And computer skills artwork
Developed marketing strategies and
Skills created artwork for clients
Photographer: Worked as a freelance
Photography: photographer for a variety of events,
Skilled in all aspects of including weddings, parties, and corporate
photography, including lighting, events
composition, and editing. Collaborated effectively with clients to
Designing: Experienced in achieve desired results.
creating visually appealing and
effective designs for websites,
marketing materials, and social
Artistic: Proficient in various
mediums, including painting,
drawing, and sculpture.
Creative: Innovative and
imaginative, with the ability to
come up with unique and
engaging ideas.
Computer science: love
computer programming
Education and Training
Dudley high school
Expected in 01/2024