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Research &Development Engineer

Alpharetta, GA
May 08, 2023

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Indian Space Research Organization and academic engineering Institutes.

Name:A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma D.O.B.11/19/1945.

CONTACT PHONE &ADDRESS: +91 27001988/+919********* Flat 208,

Srikar APTS. ST.NO. 8 TARNAKA, Hyderabad-500017 India

U.S. ADDRESS *9831 Talisman Drive,Johns Creek,Atlanta, GA,30022,U.S.A. Ph.702-***-****




D.O.B 19-11-1945


1. 1Yr. & 10Months as Sr./Research Assistant in Heat

Transfer Laboratory, Department of Mechanical

Engineering, I.I.T. Kanpur, India (1967-1969

2. 28Yrs. & 5 Months at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre,

Trivandrum, India from Aug.1972 to Jan. 2001.

RETIRED ASHead, Structural Testing Laboratory (with a team of 25

Engineers and 25 Supporting Staff), (Scientist/ Engineer G Scale for 2 years and

month) with Experimental Mechanics Lab., Holography

Lab.,Acoustic Emission Lab.,Honeycomb Proto Lab.,

and Integrated Structural Testing and Evaluation

Facility, Section Head, Engineer (SG for 10 Years,

SF, SE, SD for the rest of the period)


Vasavi College of Engg., Hyderabad. (June2002 to oCTOBER2007

as Head of the Department---Responsible for framing the

Syllabus for P.G.Programme and for sanction/approval of

the same; Responsible for proposing and getting

approval for additional Mechanical Engg. section)

4.Principal of J.N.I.T. from Oct 2007 to Dec 2009.

5.Professor, HOD, Mech.Engg.Dean (Admn), In-Chargr Principal

!(6months)From Jan, 2010 to Nov, 2011.

6.Professor, Mech.Engg.Dean, R&D, Aurora's Science and Technology Research Academy (ASTRA), HYDERABAD.from Dec, 2011 to Nov, 2013.






Member: Need Aspect Committee Quality Improvement

Programme Committee, Indents & Expenditure Steering &

Review Committee, Vendor Evaluation Committee, Inter

Disciplinary Research Steering Group, Special Task Team

for Study and Analysis of Failure Analysis Reports,

Intellectual Property Rights & Patents- Monitoring and

Co-ordination Team, Chairman for sub-committee for

finalizing specifications and documentation of

slip rings, Special Review Team for Aero-thermal

Coefficients and other central committees for

recruitment and departmental promotions(internal and

external), Space Scientific Committee etc.




*Design and realization of Amodular Test Rig for testing up to

1400 Metric Tonnes of Equivalent Axial Load (including

simulation of axial load, bending moment and torsion

moment MOt)





Establishment and development of the Experimental

Mechanics and Holography (for NDE and Metrology) Lab.,

Acoustic Emission Lab. Honeycomb Proto Lab. And

Structural Testing Facility



*Design and realization of a Test Rig for testing up to

1400 Metric Tonnes of Equivalent Axial Load (including

simulation of axial load, bending moment and torsion


*Design and realization of a 370 meter long ropeway

connecting three hillocks with cost effective rock

foundations (at Shilparamam, Hyderabad, a Tourist Place)






Machine Vision/Robotics (with interferometric aspects),

digital image processing, Special purpose Structural

Test Rigs,Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems,

Experimental Fracture Mechanics (Tight Crack Detection

and characterization), Nondestructive Evaluation, Fiber

Optics for (Solar) illumination, (Mechanical )Energy

Storage Devices, Limitations and Applicability of

Theoretical and Experimental Methods of Stress Analysis

(Hybrid Methods)

PUBLICATIONS (in National and International Journals

and Conferences) : 53

Areas of Work (related to publications) :

Photoelasticity, Holography, Acoustic Emission,

Structural Testing, Nondestructive Testing and

Evaluation, Image Processing, (Experimental )Fracture


International Journals(in which the papers are

published) : Experimental Mechanics (SESA), Materials

Evaluation, British Jnl. Of Nondestructive Testing,

Jnl. Of Optical Society of America, Applied Optics,

Jnl. Of Applied Physics, Jnl. Of Instrumentation, Jnl.

Of Applied Photographic Engineering etc.,

I can undertake industrial projects in Machine Design,

Machine Vision/Image peocessing,Sensor Development etc.,


Areas of Work (related to publications) : Photoelasticity, Holography, Acoustic Emission, Structural Testing, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Image Processing, (Experimental )Fracture Mechanics

International Journals(in which the papers are published) : Experimental Mechanics (SESA), Materials Evaluation, British Jnl. Of Nondestructive Testing, Jnl. Of Optical Society of America, Applied Optics, Jnl. Of Applied Physics, Jnl. Of Instrumentation, Jnl. Of Applied Photographic Engineering etc.,

International Conferences & Journals:

1.Srinath L.S. and Sarma A.V.S.S.S.R.,: "Role of Light-Ellipse in Photoelasticity and New Methods in Isoclinic Parameter Determination", Experimental mechanics, pp. 271-275, June 1971.

2.Srinath L.S. and Sarma A.V.S.S.S.R.,: " Effects of Stress-Induced Optical Activity in Photoelasticity", Jnl. of Phys.D. (Applied Physics), Vol. 5, pp. 883-895, May 1972.

3.Srinath L.S. and Sarma A.V.S.S.S.R.,: "Determination of Integral Fringe Orders in Photoelasticity", Experimental Mechanics, pp. 138-141, March 1973.

4.Srinath L.S. and Sarma A.V.S.S.S.R.,: "Determination of the Optically Equivalent Model in Three-Dimensional Photoelasticity", Experimental Mechanics, pp. 118-122, March 1974.

5.Sarma A.V.S.S.S.R. and Srinath L.S.: "Two Simple Graphical methods for Determining the Action of a System of Polarizers and Retarders", Jnl. Of Opt. Soc. Am., Vol. 66, No. 9, pp. 976-978, Sept, 1976.

6.Sarma A.V.S.S.S.R. and Kutty T.G.G.: "Simple Construction of Wave-Plates for Two or More Specific Wavelenghts of Lights", Jnl. of Phys. E. (Sci. INSTR), Vol.10, pp. 127-129, Feb. 1977.

7.Sarma, A.V.S.S.S.R.: "New Experimental Methods for Determining the Optical Parameters of Elliptic Retarders", pp. 2019-2030, Jnl. of phys. D. (Appl. Phys.), Vol. 10, 1977.

8.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and T.G.George Kutty, "Colour Photography in Photoealsticity" Jnl. of Appl. Phot. Engg., Vol. 4, 1978, pp. 200-204.

9.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and T.G.George Kutty, "Accurate measurement of Absolute Retardation Using Holography", Applied optics, Dec. 1978, pp. 3964-3968.

10.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and T.G.George Kutty, P.S.Mani, V.R.Ravindran, A.S.Sakaranarayana and S.A. Pillai, "Holographic Nondestructive Testing (HNDT) of Propellant Grains", Materials Evaluation, Vol. 42, No. 8, 1984, pp. 1025-1028,1034.

11.T.Chelladurai, A.S.Sankaranarayanan, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and A.R.Acharya, "Integrity Evaluation of Large Kevlar-Epoxy Pressure Chambers Through AE-Potential and Limitations", Proc. 1oth International Symposium on AE, Oct. 90 held in Japan.

12.S.A.Pillai, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and G.Subrahmanian, "Image processing for the Whole Field Determination of Isoclinics and Isochromatics",Exptl. Mech., Vol. 32, pp. 24-29, March 1992.

13.S.A.Pillai, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, G.Subramanian and T.K.Varadan, "Detection and Characterisation of Tight Cracks by Using Photoelastic Coating", Materials Evaluation, pp. 367-392, March, 1992.

14.V.R.Ravindran, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and V.Unnikrishnan Nair, "Holographic Non-Destructive Testing of Low-Modulus Materials", Materials Evaluation, pp. 1057-1065, Sept. 1992.

15.V.R.Ravindra, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and V.Unnikrishnan Nair, "Non-Destructive Testing of Low-Modulus Materials Using Bending Load", The Br. Jnl. of NDT, Vol.35, No. 8, pp. 429-432, Aug. 1993.

16.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, V.R.Ravindran, P.S.Mani and S.A.Pillai, "Holographic Tomography Using Image Processing", paper presented at 14th WCNDT during 6th to 13th Dec. 1996 at New Delhi, Proc. 14th WCNDT, Oxford & IHB Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1996, p-1499.

17.V.R.Ravindran, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and V.U.Nair, "A Fringe Spacing Analysis Technique for the Interpretation of Holographic Non-Destructive Testing (HNDT) Data", paper presented at 14th WCDNT during 6th to 13th Dec. 1996 at New Delhi, Proc. 14th WCNDT, Oxford & IHB Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1996, p-1477.

18.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, P.S.Mani, S.A.Pillai, V.R.Ravindra and K.V.Rajendran, "Holographic Quantitative Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE)", paper presented at 14th WCNDT during 6th to 13th Dec. 1996 at New Delhi, Proc. 14th WCNDT, Oxford & IHB Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996, p-1503.

19.T.Chelladurai, A.S.Sankaranarayana, S.V.Subba Rao, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, A.R.Acharya and R.Krishnamurthy, "Acoustic Emission Technique: An Effective Tool for the Integrity Evaluation of M250 Maraging Steel Aerospace Pressure Chambers, paper presented at 14th WCNDT during 6th t0 13th Dec. 1996 at New Delhi, proc. 14th WCNDT, Oxford & IHB Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1996, p-1477. - This paper was given best paper certificate.

20.Jeby Philip, S.A.Pillai, M.S.A. Natarajan and A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Remote Measurement of Displacement in Three Orthogonal Directions Using Digital Video Imaging", Proc. of International Conference on Theoretical, Applied Computational and Experimental mehanics, Dec. 1-5, 1998 at IIT, Kharagpur.

21.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, P.S. Mani, Binu P. Thomas and K..Rajendran, "Holographic Non-Destructive Evaluation of Structural Components", Proc. of International Conference on Theoretical, Applied Computational and Experimental mechanics, Dec. 1-5, 1998 at IIT, Kharagpur.

22.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, S.A.Pillai and Jeby Philip, "A Novel Method of Utilisation of Birefringent Coating as an Effective NDE Tool", Proc. of Int. Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics, held at IRDE, Dehradun, Dec. 8-11, 1988.

23.P.S.Mani, Binu P. Thomas, K.V. Rajendran and A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Some Aspects of Automation in Holographic Non-Destructive Testing", Proc. of Int. Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics, held at IRDE, Dehradun, Dec. 8-11, 1998.

Papers Accepted for presentation and publication in proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM-2000) at Singapore during Nov 29th to Dec. 1st, 2000. (24,25 and 26).

24.P.S.Mani,Binu P.Thomas, K.V.Rajendran and A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, " Effective Chara cterisation of Defects Through Holographic Non-Destructive Testing".

25.S.A.Pillai, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, J.B.Philip,"Remote Real Time Monitoring of Criticality of Crack Locations in Pressure Vessels Using Photoelastic Coating During Pressure Test".

26.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, P.S.Mani, Binu P.Thomas and K.V.Rajendran,"Holographic Micro Analysis for NDE and Strain Measurement" (Presented at National Conference on NDT held at Calcutta during Dec. 14th to 16th, 2000.)

Publications in National Journals or proceedings of National Conferences:

27.JA.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and Srinath L.S.: "Photoelastic Analysis with Stokes Vector and New Methods for Determining Characteristic Parameters in Three-Dimensional Photoelastcity" Jnl. of Aero. Soc. Ind., pp. 300-306, May 1972.

28.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and Kutty T.G.G. Amba Rao, C.L.: "Applications of Laser Systems for Structural Analysis of Space Vehicle Components", paper presented at All-India symposium on Lasers and Laser Systems - Held during Oct. 29-31, 1976, at I.I.Sc. Bangalore, India.

29.M.Satyanarayana and A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Measurement of Fracture Toughness of Solid Propellants", Proc. of 14th ISME Conference held at Roorkee, Oct. 19-20, 1981.

30.P.S.Mani and A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Stress Analysis of Axi-symmetric Problems by Pseudo 2-Dimensional Technique", paper presented at 37th AGM if Aero. Soc, Ind, held during Dec. 29th & 21st, 1985.

31.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, V.R.Ravindran, "Holographic Interferometry - A Powerful NDT Tool", paper presented at the National Symposium on Metallorgraphy and NDT during Feb. 19-21, 1986 held at BARC, Bombay (Appeared in proceedings).

32.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and P.S.Mani, "HNDT - Some Development at Aspects", Feb. 19-21, 1986 held at BARC, Bombay (Appeared in proceedings).

33.S.A.Pillai, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma and P.S. Mani "Image Processing Application to Holographic Strain Measurement", paper presented at Seminar on Fiber Optics and Holography, held at Madras, Jan. 4-5, 1992.

34. P.S.Mani, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Insitu Holography Using Ruby Laser During Ground Testing of components", Proc. of 10th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers held at I.I.T., Kanpur, Feb. 1995 (Allied Publishers Ltd)

35.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "StaticallyDeterminate Loading System for Ground Testing", Proc. of 10th National covention of Aerospace Engineers held at I.I.T., Kanpur, February 1995 (Allied Publishers Ltd.)

36.S.S. Masuthu, M.S.A. Natarajan, E.M. Basha, Isac Daniel and A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, " Static Structural Qualification Tests - Some Practical Aspects of Test Rig and Instrumentation", Proc. of 10th National Covention of Aerospace Engineers held at I.I.T., Kanpur, Feb. 1995 (Allied Publishers Ltd)

37.JS.A.Pillai, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, G.Subramanian and T.K.Varadan, "Digital Image processing for the Determination of Isochromaties in Photoelasticity, "Jn. Aero. Ind, pp. 127-130, Aug. 1995.

38.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, S.S.Masuthu, Isac Daniel and M.S.A. Natarajan, "Some Studies on the effect of boundary conditions during structural qualification Tests", Proc. of 5th NASAS (National Seminar on Aerospace Structures) Testing, Design and Development during January 18-19, 1996 at I.I.T. Bombay (Allied Publishers Ltd.)

39.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, S.S. Masuthu, M.S.A. Natarajan and Isac Daniel, "Some Studies on Factors Influencing Strain Distribution in a Component During Structural Testing", Proc. of 5th NASAS (National Seminar on Aerospace Structures) Testing, Design and Development during January 18-19, 1996 at I.I.T. Bombay (Allied Publishers Ltd.)

40.S.A.Pillai and A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Studies on the Effect of Joint on Local Strain Distribution", Proc. of 5th NASAS (National Seminar on Aerospace Structures) Testing, Design and Development during January 18-19, 1996 at I.I.T. Bombay (Allied Publishers Ltd.)

41.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Speckle Techniques and Photoelasticity for NDE", (Invited talk), Proc. Seminar on Recent Advances in Non-Destructive Evaluation Techniques 10th May, 1996, ISNDT, Tivandrum Chapter, pp-42-52

42.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Holographic Interferometry in Materials Evaluation", (Invited talk) for Symposium on Laser Applications in Materials Science and Industry", LAM-I 97, to be held during February 26, 28 1997 at IGCAR, Kalpakkan, Tamil Nadu.

43.Jeby Philip, Pillai S.A., Sivasubramonian B, Narasaiah, B.Kunhikrishna M, Sarma A.V.S.S.S.R. and Sundaresan M, "Weight Reduction Studies on a Launch Vehicle Component by Photoelastic and FE Methods", Paper to be presented/ Published in Jnl. of Aero. Soc. Indian, Annual Conference January 31- February 1, 1997, Trivandrum.

44.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Some Contemporary Advances in Experimental Mechanics - Future Requirements (Invited paper), pp. 368-379, Proc. of the National Seminary/Fourteenth Convention of Aerospace Engineers on Recent Advance in Experimental Mechanics, March 15-16, 2000 held at IIT, Kanpur, Allied Publishes, New Delhi.

45.Jeby Philip, S.A. Pillai, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, and R.Vijayakumar, "Non-Contact Measurement of Elastic Modulus at High Temperature Using Digital Video Imaging", pp. 380-387, Proc. of the National Seminary/Fourteenth convention of Aerospace Engineers on Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, March 15-16, 2000 held at IIT, Kanpur, Allied Publishes, New Delhi.

46.S.A.Pillai, Jeby Philip and A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Remote Monitoring and Evaluation of Stress Intensity Factor at Critical Crack Locations Using Photoelastic coasting During Hydro Proof Pressure Testing," pp. 388-395, Proc. of the National Seminary/Fourteenth Convention of Aerospace Engineers on Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, March 15-16, 2000 held at IIT, Kanpur, Allied Publishes, New Delhi.

47.P.S.Mani, Binu P., Thomas, K.V.Rajendran and A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Detection of Critically Strained Zones Through Holographic Interferometric Technique", pp. 396-405, Proc. of the National Seminar/Fourteenth Convention of Aerospace Engineers on Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, March 15-16, 2000 held at IIT, Kanpur, Allied Publishes, New Delhi.

48.S.A.Pillai, Jeby Philip and A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Photoelastic Coating Technique for Tight Crack Detection". Pp. 155-160, Proc. of the National Seminar on Non-Destructive Evaluation - The Indian Scenario and the challenges ahead, held at Trivandrum (ISNT Trivandrum Chapter), 10-12, December 1998.

49.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, P.S. Mani, Binu P. Thomas and K.V. Rajendran, "Holographic Micro Defect Analysis", pp. 161-165, Proc. of the National Seminar on Non-Destructive Evaluation - The Indian Scenario and the challenges Ahead, held at Trivandrum (ISNT Trivandrum Chapter)

1.S.A. Pillai, Jeby Philip, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Photoelastic Coating Technique for Tight Crack Detection", Proc. National Seminar NDE, 1998, ISNT held at Trivandrum, 10-12 December 1998.

2.A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, P.S. Mani, Binu P. Thomas and K.V. Rajendran, "Holographic Micro Defect Analysis", Proc. National Seminar NDE, 1998, ISNT held at Trivandrum, 10-12, December 1998.

3.S.A.Pillai, Jeby Philip, A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Non Contact Measurement of Elastic Modulus Using Digital Video Imaging and Speckle Photography", Proc. National Seminar on Characterization of Metals 20-21, August 1998, Trivandrum.

53 A.V.S.S.S.R.Sarma, "Photoelasticity and Holography - NDE Applications", Invited paper for Journal of ISNDT, March 2000, pp.41-50.

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