Stanton Alexander
*** ******* **, *********. **, 76012. United States • 817-***-**** • ******************@*****.*** PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY
Physically (h and consdenLious, with a Slrong commhment 10 1he success of 1he team and the company. SKILLS
• M~rchandiS(' n'.>SlOck • Rf s.canning devices
• Supervi.sion • Loading and unloading
• Juvenlory managemcnl • Mentoring and Lra1ning
• RFI ScannerS • Team manageme,u
• He.1.vy ur,mg
Job Corp
Order Picker Operator - June. 2021 to Present
Northern Tool -t- Equipment Warehouse - ArHngton. TX
• Stac.ked, org<miied, and palletized packages for efficient storage and movemenl.
• Operated warehouse equipment with cau1iun and according 10 manurac-turer im>tru<.'tions to reduce the rbk or acddents and malfunc.:tkins.
• Kept an eye on aisles and floor areas for neat.ness aod org.;tnization so forkllhs could operate effk.icntly lhrough-0u11.he warehouse.
• Used run.lHb. p:tllN jacks. hand trucks. and overhead c.·ranes to move items throughout the rdd lily.
• Kept work areas dean. neat, and org.111ited for maximum productivity and worter sarety. Ltad • March, 20L8 to June. 2021
Southwest Moulding & Millwork . Dallas. TX
• Ove..saw procedures for facility and equipment 1nain1euanc:e and modific:ation, dS well as machine replaceme11L
• Drills, c-uttl'rS, dies, guides, and holding devices were all aligned properly.
• Managed learn performance h)' 1raining. mentoring, disciplining, and motlvating employees.
• Trained a team ur ten din t labor etuployees to perform 1)roduct assembly and manuracturing.
• Fabricated large aod small,,arts accor<Ung to drawln~ and pul them 1ogethe.r as needed. Delivery Driver .. February, 2017 to January. 2018 Chadwell Supply • Coppell, TX
• Any issues with the delivery truck were reported to the next shift driver dnd shift lead.
• PrtHrip and post-trip safety lnspec.'tions were c-ompleted, with any defoct~ or malfonc.'tions being recorded and reported.
• Carufolly loaded items into the delivery vehicle to prevent damage durmg tr.11,SpOrl.
• lnSf) ted Lru<:k equipment and supplies and reported .any problems or sare1y hazards to supervlsors following eadl shir1.
• Loaded .and secured items in trucks to avoid parcel dainage durlng delivery.
• Comple1ed and submilte-d .all required logs and paperwork on .a daily basis.