200-***-**** Proie
DXSAASREGOMAGOM yore for COFSW fr 8 yours. am a vary hard wor ae! h company
vilavays core rst, Inavelearned aot wih he rurbers and raring on how to
Tinamikcprocresng plant. Asap epariendent was hands on wh be
fmisoning ol ha plant rom ong of equipment oben rohed ng of
‘iw amployee. plznon workeng anor 5107 exo yous.
Plant Supecntondent, COFSW Lito, Tx. 79889 — 2018-Prosent
‘Strtod up the Teas pnt, dong aot frag ona ofthe new equipment. Dik
fyol and schedies at fret hen note raring part ofthe part. tam aso 8
‘sat corto ear or @aportors anc cram HST, when sol wo token
Hop wih bap changes and anyother workin the plant. Mako rounds nthe plant to
ako 0 wo aking a qualy product. {alo ep wth dy paring of
recon each day, ovrso 65 arployest cach dy. Labo have parce
‘uming he Dyer Eveporto, and FO.
‘tant Foreman Caltonia Daiios — 2008 - 2016
‘As aforeran my rponsbty was oh the supordsor run ho plant. Chock on
‘homicalovs, check C1P. chars, check enporater and der bo.
Dyer Operator Catfomia Dares — 2004 - 2008
‘Strtod 9s a cryer opto. Checking on mosses and scerch pads to make sure
‘wo wero making a quay pod. Ateroaing th dye sared ering
‘ferent equpment and was moved toa foreman postion.
omeore High School - Graduated 1976
rave a ruber of trent certian of tring. you need 0 see hem can
‘xo them), Evaporator Dryer, end AO experience,
Hey Maths - Plant Superisor = 230-***-****
\Lanrence Sos - rant Manager 806-***-****
Wa Wright - Plant Suportondent - 069***-****,