Hello, My names Adaleine Creighton. I am ** years old and i need a job asap. I as of right now i am out of school, but i am going to get my GED this summer. I used to work at KFC/Taco Bell in Claremont but the managers and adults there were very disrespectful toward minors and targeted me to do everything for them half of the time only the minors were doing there jobs and the adults would be outside smoking cigarettes or sitting im the office talking for hours. So i decided it was not for me ans i quit. but other than that i am a very good worker, i am super focused and always make sure things are clean and im fast when rushes come in, and i like having a job as something to do, i dont mind how much i get paid either aslong as its worth the amount i would be working if i got hired. Please let me know asap i would love to work here.