English Professional
Spanish Native
Visual Arts
Degree in Computer Science, with 9 years of experience as a developer and systems analyst. During my career I have played roles such as:
1. Algorithm programmer for the automatic recognition of patterns in images from cell phones as well as those resulting from drone flights and obtained from
satellites, using up-to-date artificial intelligence techniques.
2. Team leader in projects for the development of web applications, (API-RES) services, and applications for mobile devices integrated.
Data analyst represented in databases (Mongo DB,
MySql, Postgres, Sqlite).
3. In the development of the applications in which I have participated, artificial intelligence techniques (CNN, ANN) have been applied using libraries such as Opencv and tensorflow, and they have been programmed using different technologies (Java, Python, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Nodejs, Quasar, Flutter, Nestjs, Angular, Laravel, Vuejs, Django, Wordpress ).
These projects have addressed issues of information management, automation and integration of administrative processes, map managers for Geographic Information Systems, tools for the process automation in SEO, image classification using pattern recognition and statistical analysis of survey responses.
I practice agile methodologies in the organization and control of the progress of the projects in which I participate, relying on tools such as: ClickUp, Quire, Jira, GitLab.
For version control I have used as a tool: Git, GitHub and Gitlab In my professional development I have always had as a priority to encourage professionalism, respect and optimism in the members of my team as well as sincerity . I consider myself a person who positively values the initiatives of my colleagues, empathetic, proactive, with analytical skills, results-oriented and above all customer-oriented, with the ability to adapt and make decisions, willing to learn and experience new things. in order to improve the final product.
Currently I would like to be part of a project that allows me to grow professionally and personally, and at the same time be able to add value to it.
Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas
Bachelor of Computer Science
Sept 2008 - Jul 2013
Interamplify, Full Stack Developer
Sept 2021 –March 2023
1. Development of web applications for SEO information management. Using technologies like Laravel, and
MySQL Server
SolDev, Full Stack Developer
Jun 2021 – Sept 2022
1. Development of web applications for the promotion of video games. Using technologies for the FrontEnd such as Angular, and for the Backend Django and Postgres 2. Development of web applications for the management of online courses. Using technologies for the FrontEnd such as Angular, and for the Backend Django and
3. Development of web applications for advice on business management strategies. Using technologies for the
FrontEnd such as Angular, and for the Backend Nestjs and Postgres.
4. Development of web applications for the promotion and sale of sneakers. Using technologies for the FrontEnd such as Angular, and for the Backend Express and
Geocuba, Full Stack Developer
Apr 2020 - Agust 2022
1. Development of tools for classification of satellite images with deep learning algorithms using Python, Opencv, Nodejs, Tensorflow, Keras, Flask.
2. Development of a web application developed with Django and Vuejs to manage satellite images and their classifications used in agriculture.
3. Development of mobile applications for information management using technologies for the Frontend such as Flutter, and in Backend NestJS, Postgres.
4. Development of mobile and web application for the management of statistical information of the anti- Covid19 vaccination process using Flutter, Vuejs, NestJS and Postgres
5. Development of mobile applications for information management. Using technologies for the FrontEnd like Flutter, and for the Backend Python and GraphQL
DATYS, Full Stack Developer
Oct 2019 - Apr 2020
1. Development of web applications using Ruby on Rails, CoffeeScript, Javascript, Haml, Postgres, SQLite, MySql, Docker MongoDB to manage surveys and perform
statistic analysis
Geocuba, Full Stack Developer
Agust 2016 - Sept 2019
1. Development of a web application to control the production of the graphic industry using PHP, Postgres, Extjs, Zend Framework.
2. Development of a web application to control the contracting of the graphic industry using PHP, Postgres, Extjs, Zend Framework.
3. Web application development for inventory control and material demand using PHP, Postgres, Extjs, Zend
4. Development of geographic information systems in web environments using MapServer, OpenLayer and PostGis, image processing and classification tools that
complement the functionalities of these systems using Python.
5. Development of mobile and web applications with Java and Reactjs for geospatial information