< ***** BQ:
Cochise Thomas
Tan Francisco, CO a5) 50ST ‘cochisetnonast gmail.com
‘ORTECTIVE: To obtain a Secrty, Warehouse or Case Manager postion ata grat company
© Five yeursasa ecerly + Fiveyearsava Case 7 Wire yeursasa Waren
Onticer Manager Sorter
+ Excelent Cosomer Service ‘Aer Mal es + Rea
Team Leer Men Work wll indesulyandinn —& Honexy
2 Airave Spot Stmeminameat 2 Cop otiing sm
+ SalacTating + Deine {rubem Solver Acep fdback
2 Was sandtene poplin Val CA Deer's Lene {Entemely Ougeng Appracable
$_Rosveciat rem 3 Come Acne Gad Cart
‘Comunity Jobs Program Participant
Patcipate in: Renu Building Office Letter Profesionsl Ponto Building and Linked workshops
Completed Job Skill’ Computer Lizray assessments and skill enhancement workshops
Completed nrodction wo Inersews, Elevator Piches, Mock Interviews workshops
Concent Comptes lto to Email Etqcte, Online AppaMtser Application workshops
Refer o/prticipted in Jb Now Recruitment sponsored bythe City & County of San Praia
Security Oticer
‘Guard pat, or monitor premises to prevent the, violence, oF infractions of rules,
Regularly lock doors and gates of entrances and eis o Secure buikings and remiss
[Anewer alarms and investigate distrbances,
Monitor enrance and exis, note aval and departure of employees, vistors, and eter persons.
Wine reports of daly sctiies eel iregelacin, smunary of tcideats, or named eccaences.
Warehouse Sorter
Receive, pack and unpack items tobe stocked on shelves in stockroom, warchouse, of Morag areas
Store items in an orderly and accessible manner in warehouses, relrgerato o freeze 0s
Examine, inspect, and prepare items fr delivery. Pack, organize, and inventory deliveries and returns.
“Maintain a high quality of product and services. Clean and organize workspace
‘Mark stock tems, using identification tags, stamps, eletic marking tools, or other labeling equipment
(Case Manazer
‘Bea mentor and ole mode for high sk youth, Maintain as history records and prepare repos
‘+ Enowuraging and supporting youth in achieving thei goals and improving thet academic kil,
{+ Hotp youths strengthen the soi esen, self-confidence, problem solving ski and soca emotonal sil
Teaching confit elution, listening and appropriate response, and cleat and effective communication.
+ _ Monin pertormnnse of self yo, ad ecpetaio to eas bnprovesnats sd the conte etn,
320. een CIP Trae "Young Comunity Developers ns Sun Fancaca, CX
120**-****** Sect) Ofcer ‘Sour Pot San Francie, CA
620******* Community Ambassador Cay & County of SF. San Francsen,CA
201462015 Warchuue Senter, San Fancnco Food Bank San Frais, CA
220******* Cave Manager Reninla Omega Youth lab San ramison,CA
120**-***** _ Wrapper Production Bimbo Bakery South San Francisco, CA
Ts, Windows, MS Weed, aveanay,
ee OWdJSHo——
Cochise Thomas
San Francisco, CA 15) 5024557 ochisetiomas gnal.com
‘San ose High School San Jose
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