Cheryl Redden
ox *
Oakwood, I L 6 1858
Dawson Logistics, Danville, IL 61832---Account Manager Responsible for notification
April 2011 to June 2020 to customer regarding
delivery date required along
Had been working remotely since 2013
with providing warehouse
documents to stage material.
Entered all shipping
information into Carrier
website generating necessary
shipping documents
Dayton Freight Lines, Dayton, Assisted dispatch in early
OH---Receptionist/scheduling morning schedule. Made all
2000 to 2009 delivery appointments, and
Local facility moved from Tilton, IL to Arcola, IL getting directions for drivers
while answering phone calls
and welcoming visitors.
DACC, Danville, IL
2009 to 2011
Took nursing program pre-reqs