Rohernt Mrorales
Round' Rock, Tx 78681
rn o ra I es31 S8@ya h o o. co JrI,
n983 Gradua,te of Petershurg High School
****-**** ***ptre J,r. College
Da rlene M a ra les -7 37 -243-2050
M igue I Estra da-91 5-630 -1327
Sams Club 1985-1997
I startedi h,ourly position in receiving- Got prornotedl to supervisoro workedi on sales ffoor. worked front end plus ourtsidc sales. I go,t prom,oted to Manager in M,cAllen Texa,s over the front end. Moued to receiving, promoted to Dept. llllianager. A*ter 3
)fears in this program, I ulas prorfiiotad to Store Maniager in Corpus Christi Texas. Over. mf enrtire historywiith $ams CIub, I rnoved to Santa Fe NlMl. El Faso TX, Luhhock TX. and hack to El Paso TX as a Store Manager.
K-MART 1997-2002
I worked and trained in Luhbock TX. I got nly own store in Clovis NM. Due to stores closing I moved on to Lowes Home lmprovernent.
I started in El Paso TX as Operations Manager. After 8 months I got promoted to Store Manager in a drifferent store in El Paso TX. I wanted to get out of retail, so I left Lowes
RnD CIEAN l,NG SERUTCES 2007-present
ll own andloperate thir business. We started in Midland TX and uue recently nroved to Rou;ld Rock Tx to exp*nd, our husiness and be with our kidts and grandkids-