In accordance with the Section 395.2 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as amended in a Final Rule issued on December 23. 1994, FDUULHUV DQG GULYHUV DUH WR LQFOXGH DV RQGXW\ WKH WLPH D GULYHU VSHQGV 3HUIRUPLQJ DQ\ compensated work for any non-PRWRU FDUULHU HQWLW\ CERTIFICATION OF NON-MOTOR CARRIER COMPENSATED WORK I hereby certify that I have read the foregoing 1RWLFH and understand that any time I spend performing any compensated work for a non-motor carrier entity must be included as
RQ duty WLPH under the federal hours of service regulations. I further certify that: (Check appropriate block) Currently I am not performing any compensated work for any non-motor carrier entity; in the event I do perform work for a non-motor carrier entity for which I have been or will be compensated, that I will notify STG Drayage that such work has been or will be performed and I will provide details on the nature of that work. I am performing work for a non-motor carrier entity for which I am being or will be compensated and have or will provide details about the nature of that work to STG Drayage. Print Name
Signature Date
Monette Madison