Curriculum Vitae SHAMSAN AL-ANSI
Sana'a Taiz Street Electricity Zone - Dhamar -Yemen 009********* 009***********
Sex Male Date of birth 07/09/1984 Nationality Yemeni WORK EXPERIENCE
Team Leader of Livelihood Improvement Project Hadhramout Governorate - Mukalla Countryside.( from 25/11/2021 to 25/04/2022).
Agriculture &Food Security Officer IBB and TAIZ Global Communities (from 03/03/2019 to 31/03/2020).
Team leader consisting of five members to carry out a field survey of 245 vegetable farmers within in Dhamar Governorates (jhran) the emergency response project - Agricultural Component No.
(200).Smeps.(from 04/03/2020 to 19/03/2020).
Training Groups of courses and workshops in the field of food security and improving livelihoods in Global Communities.(from 01/09/ 2019 of 04/09/2019).
Training Groups of courses and workshops in the field of food security and improving livelihoods in Smeps.(from 20/10/2018 to 25/10/2018).
Consultant of emergency project activities to support business continuity component (Livestock) in Dhamar Governorates (weesab al-safel) for three Smeps.(from 26/11/2018 to 03/03/2019).
Food Security Officer in the urban agriculral project in Yemen for 100 women in Sana'a governorate (Ywt org).(from 27/11/2017 to10/06/ 2018).
Manager of the Director General's Office Seed Multiplication Corporation (GSMC).(from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2015).
Trained the trainee of small rural producers of honey (8) Yemeni Governorates in the field of improved breeding queens and royal food production fund Economic Opportunities.(from 01/09/2012 to 01/08/2013).
Coach in the field of breeding and take care of bees to fund social development. Dhamar branch (from 14/04/2013 to 19/04/2013).
Experience in building regulator groups committees producers rural between rural communities fund social development. Sana'a Branch (from 29/04/2012 to 13/05/2012).
Experience in the preparation of the feasibility stud economic projects small and medium to fund social development. Sana'a Branch (from 25/10/2010 to 04/11/2010).
Coach in the field of breeding and take care of bees the component of agriculture and improve.(from 13/04/2010 to 21/04/2010).
Financing education projects and take care of the bees with support from the Social Fund for Development Sana'a Branch (from 01/04/2010 to 06/04/2010). Curriculum Vitae SHAMSAN AL-ANSI
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Latest Degree: Master. in Agricultural Sciences major: Animal and Poultry nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Thamar University, Yemen. from 27/11/2011 to 07/03/2016).
Bachelor degree. in Agricultural Sciences major: Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Thamar University, Yemen. from 04/09/2004 to 13/07/2009).
Webinar on sharing and exchange in ((the land information ecosystem in the Arab region)) 16 feb 2021( AARDO) and land portal foundation, in collaboration with other partners. from (16/02/2021 to16/02/2021)
Training Groups of courses and workshops in the field of food security and improving livelihoods in Global Communities (from 01/09/ 2019 of 04/09/2019).
Training Groups of courses and workshops in the field of food security and improving livelihoods in Smeps .(from 20/10/2018 to 25/10/2018).
A Training course in Equipment and Technology for processing and Value-addition to Agricultural produces at small Scale / Rural Level Bhopal (CIAE) Republic of India.(from 10/02/2015 to 24/09/2015).
Oversee the breeding and care of poultry during the completion of the Special Master's message of graduation project during the period (from 19/06/2014 to 29/07/2014).
Two Training courses in the field of education and care for the bees and breeding queens and royal food production
(trainer) with the Social Fund for development - Dhamar 14/04/2013 to 19/04/2013).
A Training course in the development of the value chain (supply chain management) fund Economic Opportunities in Sana'a (from 15/09/2012 to 25/09/2012).
Training Course (composition and organizational capacity-building for the groups and committees of rural producers between communities) Social Fund for Development of Sanaa (from 29/04/2012 to 13/05/2012).
A Training course on (Agricultural policies and management of development projects) Damascus - the Syria Arab Republic (from 11/09/2011 to 17/09/2011).
Training Course (animal diseases and beekeeping) to the Social Fund development in Sana'a (from 01/04/2010 to 06/04/2010).
A Training course in the field of Yemeni honey bees at the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine University of Thamar -Yemen,(from 20/04/2009 to 09/07/2009).
A Training course in skills supply and diction foundation the makers of life dhamar (from 05/09/2009 to 13/07/2009).
A Training course to raise awareness of civil rights and community participation among young people Dhamar Governorates (from 25/10/2008 to 27/10/2008).
Curriculum Vitae SHAMSAN AL-ANSI
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Mother tongue(s) • Arabic
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English good good good good Very good
Communication skills
Communication skills excellent.
Project management
Strong decision maker
Complex problem solver
Organisational / managerial skills
organisational / managerial skills excellent
Job-related skills
Good communication with others related project.
Computer skills
Excellent with computer of Microsoft Office™ tools and programme. Other skills
solve problems related to work under pressure
Hobbies and interests
Sports and reading and Enternet.
Driving licence
Local driving license.
Honours and awards
Research published:
Addition of natural zeolite to broiler chickens diet and its effect on performance, carcass traits and protein and calcium in blood 26 Oct 2018
Some of the factors affecting the vaccination of queen bees Yemeni honey May 8 to 9, 2010
Some of the factors impact on breeding queen bees Yemeni honey commercially May 8 to 9, 2010
Certificate of Experience in working (Agriculture &Food Security) of Global Communities Ibb 2020.
Certificate of Achievement in ( BSAFE) UN DSS Global Communities ibb 2019.
Certificate participation in the activities of the draft emergency to support the continuity business component livestock smeps Sana'a 2019.
Certificate of Experience in working (Food Security) of (YWTorg) Sana'a 2018.
Training certification in how to the formulation of projects organizations donor (for life development Curriculum Vitae SHAMSAN AL-ANSI
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organization) Dhamar 2018.
Experience Certificate from General Seed Multiplication Corporation(Gsmc) in the field administrative issues.
Certification of appreciation of thanks form General Seed Multiplication Corporation (Gsmc).
Training certificate of Agricultural Engineering Center Bhopal Republic of India.
Training Certificate of the Union of Arab Agricultural Engineers and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Syria Arab Republic.
Certificate of Research participation in the International Symposium (Saudi integration Yemeni optimal exploitation of bees wealth between the two countries).
(2) Certificate of Experience in the administrative and institutional work In the General Seed Multiplication Corporation (Gsmc).
(2) Certificate of Appreciation of thanks from the Agricultural Engineers Syndicate Yemeni Sana'a.
(2) Training certificate from the Social Fund for Development in Yemen.
(2) Training certificate of Agriculture and Irrigation Office to the rural development Participation - Dhamar project.
Training of the Agricultural Engineers Syndicate certificate.
Training certificate from the Economic Opportunity Fund.
Training Course from Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine University of Thamar.
Training Course from Social Fund for Development. Instructor certificate from the Economic Opportunities Fund.
A certificate of thanks and gratitude from khabish for coffee producers association-honey- fruits and vegetables.
(4) A certificate of appreciation from the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Thamar
A certificate of thanks and appreciation from the students' union at the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine University of Thamar.
Certificate of participation from the Life Makers Foundation Dhamar.