kelly shaffer
Creative Entrepreneur emphasizing leadership and a go-getter attitude.
I’ve bootstrapped businesses from the ground up and become a leader in the Optical Industry carrying over but not limited to 32 vertical markets.
An avid problem solver, quick in my feet and willing to go the distance for results. 4710 Fritchey Street Harrisburg PA 17109 717-***-**** *****@************.*** WORK EXPERIENCE
eye biz, inc. — Owner/Optician, inventor, artist
Vision Resouce of Central PA — Optician, Buyer
Swinger Mirrors — Inventor, Marketing & Sales Manager, Global Distribution, Amity House Restaurant — Manager
State Optical — Receptionist, Dr. assistant, Optician/Store Manager 10/1985 to current Present, Harrisburg PA
I created a unique high end Optical Boutique, marketed and grew eye biz to 3 locations. I invented a product and sold the trademark in 2021 thru 18 years of manufacturing, tradeshows and distribution, creating a new patent category in the process.
10/2018 to Present, Harrisburg PA
I was a volunteer at Vision Resource for the rst 3 years 3xs a month seeing patients, then in the past 2 years have been a hired contractor 3xs a month also.
9/01/2002 to 9/01/2020, Harrisburg PA
I invented a product called SwingerMirror, researched OEM for manufacturing, created a sales force of 70 reps world-wide and sold Swinger Mirrors to Fortune 500 companies Walmart, Spencer Gifts, Boscovs, Kay Jewelers while creating vertical markets in 37 industries etc
I created a team of 7 people to manufacture, distribute and build tradeshow booths all over the country. In 16 years through gorilla marketing we sold 2.1 million dollars of Swinger Mirrors. My team of 7 + my Opticians & admin people shipped product world-wide from my eye biz store. I disrupted the mirror industry and sold the Patent to a 26M $ corporation in 2020. 9/01/1977 to 9/01/80, Harrisburg, PA
Started out as a part time server while attending high school, learning all aspects of the restaurant quickly was promoted to Assistant Manger within a year growing the business through community interaction and increasing revenue then promoted to Manger while overseeing daily operations. EDUCATION
Central Dauphin East — business
9/01/1979 to 9/91/1982, Harrisburg PA / New Jersey During high school I knew I loved Sales & Service to others. Through our Co-Op program they placed me at a chain store Optical Center where I began my life long career. Achieved success through hand-on training and became a certi ed Optician through a trade school program.
06/1978 to 06/1981
I have an entrepreneurial spirit. During my Co-Op period I became an Optician Assustant and in 1986 opened my own optical Boutique called eye biz, inc. and still run it 36+ years later.