Ian J. McVeigh
*** ***** ****, ******** ** *****
Highly mo*vated Senior Execu*ve with a proven track record in both sales and sales management. Demonstrated success in long, complex sales cycles, product knowledge and building long-term rela*onships. Exhibited a consistent pa@ern of achievement within organiza*onal roles and is an inspiring and accomplished team leader. KEY AREAS OF EXPERTISE
• Sales
• Sales Development/Training
• Organiza*onal Turnaround
• Business Development
• Territory Expansion
Sonic Anatomic Pathology. A Division of Sonic Healthcare USA February 2021 to Present AusKn, Texas
Director of Business Development, Hospital Sales & Strategic Partnerships February 2021-Present Responsible for direc*on of product development, business development and strategic ini*a*ves throughout Sonic Anatomic Pathology Laboratories and Sonic Healthcare USA partner laboratories. Led the development of strategic partnerships with hospital pathology laboratories and oncology prac*ces. Developed Sales Ini*a*ve for launch of the AuraSeq Comprehensive Next Genera*on Sequencing test for targeted cancer treatment pathways. Responsible for recruitment and hiring of sales professionals. Responsible for managed care rela*onships and renewal of service contracts
• Fiscal year 2023 YTD growth $4.3 million
• Fiscal year 2022 growth $4.1 million
CBLPath, Inc. A Division of Sonic Healthcare USA September 2004-February 2021 Rye Brook, New York
Director of Business Development, InnovaKon & Special Projects May 2017- February 2021 Responsible for direc*on of companywide business development projects in current and emerging markets. Developed strategic ini*a*ves across the US in conjunc*on with Sonic Healthcare USA partner laboratories. Led na*onwide growth of our Endocrine/Head & Neck program in conjunc*on with our molecular tes*ng partnership with the University Pi@sburgh Medical Center. Responsible for con*nued recruitment and hiring of sales professionals
• Report Directly to the CEO/CMO
• Fiscal Year 2021 Revenue Growth $3.6 million
Ian J. McVeigh
301 Woods Road, Glenside PA 19038
Vice President, Sales May 2013 – May 2017
Responsible for leading the strategic development of commercial sales for a sub-specialized pathology laboratory throughout the eastern United States. Directed and supported sales regions in driving revenue in accordance with corporate goals and budgets. Repor*ng directly to the Chief Execu*ve Officer, responsible for liaising with the Chief Medical Officer and Director of Sales Opera*ons to direct company strategy and achievement of goals. Directed 3 Regions, consis*ng of 3 Regional Directors and 15 Execu*ve Sales Representa*ves. Responsible for launch of Thyroseq Next Genera*on Sequencing Program for indeterminate thyroid fine needle aspira*on
• Executed and implemented the 2014-2015 profitability analysis and company restructuring
• Eliminated non profitable product lines that led to a $12 million annual run rate improvement Regional Director of Sales June 2009 – May 2013
Hired and managed an 8 member execu*ve sales team throughout Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Responsible for leading sales teams to drive growth in Anatomic, Clinical and Molecular pathology markets
• Leader of one of the first regions in CBLPath to close a Best Prac*ce Business partner, Roxborough Hospital
• Guided region to $3.6m in new sales growth in FY2013
• Led growth of region to annualized revenue of $18m in FY2012
• Region of the Year-Fiscal Year 2012
• ‘President’s Club’ Winner—2010, 2011, 2012
Senior Sales ExecuKve September 2004 – June 2009
Created and established market share of anatomic pathology lab tes*ng services in southeastern Pennsylvania. Primarily called on ambulatory surgery centers and private prac*ces inclusive of ENT, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Urology, General Surgery, Breast Surgery, Ophthalmology and Podiatry
• Helped gain par status with managed care plans including Independence Blue Cross and Aetna
• Developed territory to annualized sales revenues of $5.2 million by 2009
• Consistently ranked in the Top 3 of CBLPath sales force
• 2008 Prostate Pathology Sales Representa*ve of the Year
• 2008 USA Cytology Sales Representa*ve of the Year
• ‘President’s Club’ Winner- 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Aerotek, Inc. September 1996 – September 2004
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
Senior Accounts Manager June 1997 – September 2004 Ian J. McVeigh
301 Woods Road, Glenside PA 19038
Responsible for all aspects of sales func*ons related to the placement of Chemical, Biotech and Pharmaceu*cal Professionals. Iden*fied clients that u*lize scien*fic staffing services by market research, cold calling, conduc*ng ini*al mee*ng presenta*ons. Gained market share by consistently forming las*ng partnerships by providing exemplary customer service. Familiarized myself with client’s industries and business interests, allowing for the iden*fica*on of specific staffing needs and achieving overall customer sa*sfac*on. Established business rela*onship with several high volume accounts, such as GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi-Synthelabo, AstraZeneca, Pharmanet, Johnson Maahey, Dermik Laboratories, UnitedHealth Group, Fujirebio DiagnosKcs and VWR InternaKonal. Managed the recrui*ng and administra*ve efforts required to properly iden*fy suitable candidates for client’s scien*fic needs. Worked with Customer Service division to maintain substan*al payroll of scien*fic consultants at various client sites. Hired internal employees to do recrui*ng, customer service and administra*ve du*es
• Awarded Aerotek Annual Sales Incen*ve Contests (2000 and 2002) genera*ng a minimum of $520,000 in aggregate profit in a year.
• Total sales for years 1998 - 2003 exceeds approximately $10 million dollars Technical Recruiter September 1996- June 1997
Recruited Chemical, Biotech and Pharmaceu*cal Professionals by properly matching the skills of poten*al candidates with suitable posi*ons. U*lized internal databases, internet tools and generated referrals from various sources to ensure constant incoming flow of qualified job seekers to meet the needs of clients. Regularly met with scien*fic professionals to discuss job opportuni*es. Performed reference checks ensuring the quality of abili*es for poten*al candidates
Washington College May 1996
Chestertown, Maryland
Bachelor of Arts: PoliKcal Science, minor in Philosophy Member of Washington College Shoremen Baseball Team 1992-1995 President of Lambda Pi Delta Fraternity 1995
Lambda Pi Delta Community Service Chair 1994
Face to Face Outreach Partnership 2010-Present
Volunteer at St. John’s Hospice 2009-Present
Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity 2007-Present
Chairman of Sponsorships for Oreland-Wyndmoor Liale League Board of Directors 2015-2020 Germantown Academy Community Service OrganizaKon Alumni Board Member 2006-2012