Resume of
Mehedi Hasan
Contact No # 017**-******
Career Objective: The serve in a responsible administrative position at a well- structured organization and successfully apply acquired managerial and interpersonal skill to enhance organizational efficiencies.
Educational Qualification
B.A (Bachelor of Arts)
Name of the College : Maspara Degree College
Group : Humanities
Year of Completion : 2016
Board : National University
Result : 2.95 (out of 4)
H.S.C (Higher Secondary Certificate)
Name of the College : Maspara College
Group : Business Studies
Division : Dhaka
Year of Completion : 2013
Board : Dhaka
Result : 2.90 (out of 5)
S.S.C (Secondary School Certificate)
Name of the School : Maspara High School
Group : Science
Division : Dhaka
Year of passing : 2011
Board : Dhaka
Result : 3.44 (out of 5)
Personal Details:
Name : Mehedi Hasan
Father’s Name : Wazed Ali
Mother’s Name : Momtaj
Present Address : Vill: Baruria, Post: Ramkol, Thana: Pangsha, Dis: Rajbari.
Permanent Address : Vill: Baruria, Post: Ramkol, Thana: Pangsha, Dis: Rajbari.
Date of birth : 30-03-1993
Blood Group : O+
Height : 5` 7``
Nationality : Bangladeshi (By Birth)
Religion : Islam (Sunni)
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
National ID : 464*******
Computer skill:
=>Adobe Photoshop
=> Office Package and
=> Internet
Language Competency
=>> Bangle: Mother tongue.
=>> English: Fluent both in speaking & writing.
Anser VDP Taraning Completed
1 year Working Expriance as a TSM post at Pran RFL Company Ltd. Reference:
ASHA Machpara Branch
Mob : 017**-******
Prof. Dr. M. Kamruzzaman
Head Dept of Industrial and Production Engineering Dhaka University Engineering & Technology (DUET)
(Mehedi Hasan)