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Mathematics and Computer Programming

San Diego, CA
March 16, 2023

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******@****.*** 858-***-**** San Diego, CA SUMMARY

A committed, kind, communicative well-rounded individual with confidence in multiple programming languages and specialization in the rigorous scholastic language of mathematics. Interested in combining the representational areas of Math with the sensational aspect of visual Arts into the field of computer science. EDUCATION

University of California San Diego GPA: 3.849/4.000 May 2025, La Jolla, CA Bachelor of Science in Mathematics-Computer Science Minor in Data Science (Applied)

Provost Honors: Fall Qtr 2021, Spring Qtr 2022, Fall Qtr 2022; Revelle Honors Seminar: Winter Qtr 2022 Relevant Coursework: Applied Linear Algebra, Intro/Differential Equations, Mathematical Reasoning, Vector Calculus, Basic Data Struct & OO Design, Accel. Intro to Programming, Software Tools&Techniques Lab, Introduction to Probability, Intro/Stochastic Processes I, Discrete Math & Graph Theory, Enumerative Combinatorics, Computer Organiz&Systms Progrm American International School of Hong Kong GPA: 3.893/4.000 June 2021, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Principal’s Honor Roll (Grades 10, 11, 12); Harvard Book Prize; Academic Excellence (from six Grades-11, 12 courses) COMPUTER SKILLS/PLATFORMS

• Proficient with Linux; MATLAB; LaTeX; Github Desktop, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Python; Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint; Google Drive; Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, iMovie; excel in Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Discord, Slack, Piazza)

• Experience with implementing Java, Javascript, Python, CSS, HTML languages

• GitHub account:


Maze Solver Summer 2022, La Jolla, CA

● Developed a maze solving program that solves a 4x4 maze with the shortest possible path using Java. Applied the knowledge of stack and queue as well as linked list, incorporated multiple helper methods and constructed mazes to test for the most efficient algorithm that solves a maze. AP CSP Final Project Spring 2020, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

● Developed an original interactive program using Javascript by developing a set of artistically-pleasing review games including study cards and notes to facilitate users to study AP CSP concepts in an engaging way. Undersea World Winter 2020, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

● Created an artistic scenery of a sea world with proficient use of Python. Gained proficiency in layout planning, code organization for drawing each element such as fish, sunbeams, and bubbles; developed the habit of code replication and code abstraction. Showcased proficiency in constructing the primitive building blocks of a graphical representation. Art Gallery Website Spring 2018, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

● Built a website used as an art gallery that displayed my interests in the drawing and painting mediums using HTML. Applied both knowledge of programming and passion for design and arts, integrated both through presenting a website with unique layouts, self-designed contents with a visually pleasing color-scheme and coherent structure. LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE

Astrophysics Class, American International School Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Project Leader Winter 2020 - Spring 2021

● Coordinated a class of 28, planned a collaborative project on the topic of immigration to Mars with sub-topics of rocket science, budget planning, international cooperation, and basement configuration, and combined the quarter-long research into a cohesive essay and a condensed presentation.

● Utilized knowledge of the solar system to formulate a long-term, applicable plan for the shared future of humans. Brought the far-reaching topic of immigration to Mars into close-sight, extended class content to shared human goods..

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