***** ****** ***** **** ***** nuniber: 915-***-****
San Antonio, TX, 78245 Ernail: Averyfelice2l@g·,nail.coni Ave,·y Felice B,·iriks
Objective: To obtain a position where I can utilize my resourceful Service skills that have a capacity to troubleshoot issues, and resolve needs quickly. iVIaintain a high level of professionalis1n. patience and efficiency to 1ninimize customer dissatisfaction as,vell as increasing customer loyalty. Skills: • Microsoft Office 2010
• Problem analysis/ Problen1 solver
• Blended Banker
• Custo1ner service orientated
• Adaptability
Education: Montwood Hhd1 School
12000 1'1ontwood Drive
El Paso. TX 79936
Ai1amarc College
3210 Dyer Street
El Paso TX 79930
Work Experience:
• Navigate CIV
• \Tirtual Library
• Aft.er how·s Fraud Trained
Graduation Date: June, 2 2012
Business Career Co-Op Program
Graduation Date: Nov. 5th 2012
GPA 3.5
Nursing Aide License
Online Virtual Service Repres e11tative 11: Wells Fa:i·go Nove1nber 2016- November 2018 Resolving banking issues in an efficient 1nanner. Currently 1ny resolution on my calls for Ql 2018 is at 93.3% year to date I a1n at 87.8% for fii·st call resolution. I have been effective with providing accurate infor1nation 1ny quality assurance score year to date is at 100%. Able to use knowledge and resources to handle customers ii1quiry or request all,vhile treating customer with adequate respect, and professionalism to 1nake customer feel value with in my phone calls Premier Military Banlter: Wells Fargo Nove1nber 2018- Present Working for this line_of business I handle all of our Military Members Accounts. vVe provide a white glove service for every customer. We go above and beyond,vith filing Cases for customers to resolve their issues to ensure we are a first call resolution tea1n. We open SMIS cases for our service. Me1nbers to ensure they receive then· benefits on the accow1ts they have with us. Currently I have been at 100% with 1ny QA. With our new NPS (Net Promoter Syste1n) in the month of January I have been at 94% with more then 10 surveys. For my calls I am able to deescalate to prevent any supervisor escalations. I do plenty of research for our clients even if it means reaching out to thii·d parties for them. I a1n a premie1·/inilitaxy banker with Wells Fa1·go financial institution I have worke d at I was apart of a tea1n that offe1·s services tailored to 1nembers of the armed forces. As a Military banker I offered various types of specialized accounts. perks and benefits. and services and options a ccommodating 1nilitary lifestyles. Ivly focus was on building strong customer relationships balanced with a strong 1·isk 1nitigating and compliance,dii.ven culture which fir1nly establishes those discipline s as c1·itical to the success of 1ny custo1ners and to my co1npany. I was accountable for execution of all applicable risk progra1ns (Credit. Market, Financial Crimes. Operational. Regulatory Compliance), w hi.ch includes effectively following and adhering to applicable Wells Fargo policies and procedures. ap propria.tely fulfilling 1·isk and compliance obligations. timely and effective escalation and re1nediation of issues. and making sound risk decisions. There is emphasis on proactive monitoring, gove1nance. r isk identification and escalation. as well as making sound risk decisions commens1.11·ate v.ri.th the busi ness unit's 1·isk appetite and all risk and ow· co1npliance prog1·am requiren1ents. I
210-***-**** Coiu·tney Drayton. Team Lead. Wells Fargo. San Antonio. TX
210-***-**** Chris De Leon. Team Manager. Wells Fa1·go. San Antonio, TX
210-***-**** R,ay Perales. Team Manager. Wells Fargo. San Antonio. TX