Eeowe William Lassallé
Frans Ww OY ah COM GOLA
HU3-F 4-3 AVG
ClassA Licence — +qnker ondorsenent
O Tratec vidlaviehS 14s+ 3 years Uy Plus years eyeerie4(¢
O evenratle AcCCi AHS Al crate Baltimect Vr ckiks
© Fellows Sheol
Home address \SV6\ Woodsville road Rraydywike MD AO EIS
SY §cO Easxetn M ary lon
32300 Peach Orch ard Rp Pocorolce crhy MPD AIS S
Stars date Dec S*h BAA
YEA date Feb Fh A023
Job Bushes _Drve Day cab with AYO AK 4% +r a lers
Aelveiks Dry, Refrigerated Freeze Product to cUStOCmey
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End date Novembsg ACA
Nok Domes OLR: tole) Gnv Oy S26 edn) eo ac ae
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Mi chee Buss 423-499 ~\6a4