Freelance mainframe programmer
Available for work in France,
Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, UK or remote work in USA or Canada
tel : (33)
Technical Environment : Mainframe z/OS v2.5, IMS v13, CICS v5.3, DB2 v12, BMC (Fileaid, Abendaid, Expeditor), Mainview, Platinum, File Manager, Fault Analyzer, CFT, TWS, EPM, AVRS, z/OS Unix.
Technical know-how : CICS, IMS, DB2, COBOL, Rexx, ISPF, Assembler, DFSORT, MVS utilities, Mainview, RACF, cryptography, TWS, EPM and Unix Systems Services (shell writing and zFS management).
2022-present: Banque de France - z/OS production engineer
Solving production incidents.
Use of TWS.
Initializing new volumes. Storage Groups management.
Participating to IPLs.
Management of printing software EPM.
Writing of a procedure to transfert files by NJE JES2.
Writing a rexx for better automatization of SQL requests.
Management of zFS aggregates under USS.
Technical support to the integration team.
2019 to 2021 : Crédit Agricole – z/OS Technical Support
Conversion to COBOL V6.3.
COBOL program mass compile.
Mass extract of COBOL compilation parameters and of parameters
used at linkedit/bind of load module/program objects.
Mass transfer of COBOL programs in Windows 1252 or UTF-8 codepage.
Pacbase decommissioning.
Mass extract and compile of Pacbase programs.
Rexx to extract the Pacbase constant from a load module/program object
using awk with bpxwunix.
FTP transfer with codepage conversion.
Left outer join with DFSORT and CSV file creation.
Batch library processing with edit macros.
Tools to transfer libraries to Windows or Unix with codepage conversion.
Writing of COBOL and rexx programs.
Assembler program maintenance .
2015-2018 : BNP – z/OS Technical Support
Migration to COBOL version 6.1.
Mass conversion of PDS to PDSE.
Migration of Changeman version and technical support (ISPF, rexx, Assembler, COBOL).
Setting up Web Services under Changeman and z/OS Unix.
Writing of Unix shells.
Implementation of SQL and CICS coprocessors in COBOL.
SQL query optimization.
Writing of COBOL V6.1 programs and compile parameter optimization.
Modernization of assembler programs for a z13 machine.
Writing of rexx execs with access to JES2 and DB2.
2007-2015 : IBM – z/OS Technical Support
Technical support for CICS, IMS, Assembler, COBOL and USS.
Mass migration of full function IMS databases and DEDB.
Writing of an assembler program giving a DUMP of the
Working Storage Section of a COBOL program.
Traces in CICS, IMS and DB2 using MAINVIEW.
Writing of an IMS transaction triggering an AIX shell.
Conversion of system assembler programs to COBOL.
Expertise in DFSORT, ICETOOL, Fileaid, ADRDSSU.
Technical support on XML transfers between Unix, Windows and z/OS
and on codepage conversions and COBOL XMLparse.
CODEPAGE determination of an XML file using hexadecimal code
of special characters.
Use of the EDCICONV utility.
Codepage conversion in COBOL from Codepage 1147 to Codepage 1208 (UTF-8)
and to Codepage 1200 (UTF-16).
Génération of an XML file with COBOL.
Using DFSORT to generate an XML file.
Writing of a generalized program to crypt with AES.
Use of COBOL API for cryptographic signature of a field.
Integration of the CICS translator and of the DB2 precompiler in the COBOL compiler.
Analysis of the signature of a COBOL program.
Using dynamic allocation in COBOL with BPXWDYN or the environment variable
Use of external pointers in COBOL.
Obtaining, in COBOL, the MGMTCLAS associated to a file
with the IGWASMS module.
Injection of IMS transactions via TCP/IP in Rexx.
Tuning of Language Environment Run Time Options.
Extraction of DB2 LOB.
Definition of Fast Path IMS DEDB databases.
Access to IMS from CICS using APPC and TCP/IP.
Access with EXCI to CICS from IMS.
Analysis of S0C4 and S0C1 dumps.
Trace of IMS and CICS programs with Xpediter.
Searching the job having deleted a file in the SMS logs.
Extraction of a DB2 table in an Excel file.
Writing of rexx execs with access to JES2, USS, IMS and ISRDDN.
Execution of SDSF in batch.
Using RDz.
Sending mail from CICS and IMS.
Extracting IMS records relative to a deadlock and decoding with the DFSERA30 exit.
and WRITEQ TS for use with the CEBR transaction.
Mass convert of PDS files in PDSE with ADRDSSU to use COBOL V5.1.
Modification of a C program.
Practice of Control-M.
Installation of PACBASE PTFs with SMP/E.
In depth experience of file transfers between z/OS, Unix and Windows
with Codepage conversion.
2003-2006 : CREDIT LYONNAIS – Production engineer
Installing PKZIP for MVS.
Writing in rexx of a monitor program which submits and checks
the results of compression jobs.
Writing in rexx of a program to historize job results.
Writing of Unix shells.
Debugging of the use of the TCP/IP LPR LPD protocol.
Installing TASID, ISRDDN superset.
Install of a FTP server on Windows.
Writing of Streamweaver programs.
Conversion to Amode 31 of system assembler modules.
Maintenance of an assembler program generating CFT instructions.
Extraction of RACF information with a rexx exec.
Good knowledge of integration of CICS, DB2 and TCP/IP with RACF.
Writing of a rexx exec of a generator of jobs calling ADRDSSU.
Writing of a rexx exec accessing the JES2 spool.
Writing in C of a program which calls a rexx compiled module, passing parameters
by reference.
Writing a program calling dynamically FILEAID with the REFORMAT
control card, to transform a MVS file into a CSV file which may be
read on a PC with Excel.
Practice of TWS.
2002 : CREDIT MUTUEL DU CENTRE – ORLEANS, Systems programmer
Install of the EPM program product (Enterprise Print Manager).
Writing of a rexx exec to use EPM and sending the result by FTP.
SMS maintenance, modification of ACS routines. HSM maintenance.
Technical support and MVS, CICS and DB2 dump analysis.
PARMLIB maintenance and SYSPLEX parameters update.
Writing of a rexx exec to rename files in a new catalog.
RACF et MQ Series administration.
Implementing RRSF in between two RACF databases via APPC.
1980 – 2002 : CREDIT AGRICOLE – Systems programmer
Install of IBM products and third party products with SMP/E.
Install, maintenance and generation of IMS.
Programmation in CLIST, REXX, DL/I, CICS, DB2, assembler IBM.
Writing of error processing modules for IMS, CICS et DB2.
Technical support and MVS, IMS, CICS et DB2 dump analysis.
Conversion of assembler programs from IMS to CICS and from amode 24 to amode 31.
Writing of date modules in assembler and COBOL.
Writing of SAS programs.
Adaptation of 200 modules in assembleur (no error found in year 2000).
Writing of an IMS-CICS interface using EXCI.
Changing JCL procedures for MQSeries.
Use of SAS, SMS, HSM, MQ Series and RACF.
Good knowledge of RACF internals.
Excellent knowledge of JCL and of the MVS, DL1 and DB2 utilities.
I taught some courses in assembler, COBOL, VSAM, JCL and SQL.
I wrote:
- A program to recover deleted PDS members.
- A disassembler of COBOL load modules.
- File # 985 of cbttape.org : REXX execs from Marius Lewin.
Miscellenaeous :
- I wrote shells in bash using sed et awk.
- I used Git.
- I wrote an Internet site.
- I learned HTLM, JAVASCRIPT, Python, Java and C.
- User of Hercules TK4 on WSL Ubuntu on Windows 11.
Degree :
Master degree in mathematics from Paris University.