Gai Calvin
San Francisco, Ca 94109
Psychic experience
From: all my life up to present
I read cards using a regular deck of cards, this technique I have learned at an early age from my Grandmother who is a psychic reader from her time during the world war 2 Japanese war in the philippines. Besides reading a regular reading for people, her husband (my grandfather) would ask her to read the cards to see if the Japanese will bomb the particular bunker they are hiding among other townspeople with them, in her readings she was 100% accurate when the next bomb will hit. She saved thousands of lives. My mother and aunts also did readings and I started to do the same. I worked with my mom as a psychic card reading in Los Angeles for our clientele as by word by mouth within the community. I also worked with a company years ago based in the marina in Los angeles. I could also do remote viewing and palm reading.
March 15, 2021
Lina Calvento Personal Assistant/caregiver
● Sacramento, California
I was my mother’s Personal Assistant and her caregiver for 5 years, she passed away in 2021.
From: 2001 till 2019
I worked in the medical industry as a caregiver to private clientele. From: 1994 to 2001
I worked for Cedar’s Sinai Medical Center in the medical records as an administrative secretary.
High School Grad in St. Rita School in Philippines 1975 Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles 1975-1977
San Bernardino Valley College Business Major 1983 -1985 Barclay’s Career Institute of Business in Los Angeles 1985-1987