Name Given Name Additional Name Family Name
*** & More 411 & More
7.5 7.5
An Hotel An Hotel
Anna- Boue Mom Anna- Boue Mom
Antoine Antoine
Antoine Edmonds Tbone48 Job Antoine Edmonds Tbone48 Job
Ass Dinky ÐŸÐ Ñ Ñ Ñ Mail. ru Ass Dinky ÐŸÐ Ñ Ñ Ñ Mail. ru
Ass Dinky ÐŸÐ Ñ Ñ Ñ Mail. ru Ass Dinky ÐŸÐ Ñ Ñ Ñ Mail. ru
At&T At&T
Best Brother In The World Cortez Best Brother In The World Cortez
Betsy Betsy
Big Cuz Big Cuz
Big Cuz Red Big Cuz Red
Birthright Birthright
Bitch Erica Bitch Erica
Black Truck Toi Friend Black Truck Toi Friend
Brenda Brenda
Brenda Brenda
Brenda Lil D Brenda Lil D
Brenda New Number Brenda New Number
Brenda Ppls Brenda Ppls
BrennaðŸ BrennaðŸ
Briea Lil Mike Sis Briea Lil Mike Sis
Call Reboost Call Reboost
Car Policy Car Policy
Cash App Cash App
Catholic Charities Catholic Charities
Chappel Apartments Chappel Apartments
Charlie Elaine Charlie Elaine
Page 1
Check Balance Check Balance
Cortez Best Brother In The World Cortez Best Brother In The World
Customer Care Customer Care
Cuz Lil Mike Cuz Lil Mike
Cuz Mar- Mar Cuz Mar- Mar
Cuz Twin Cuz Twin
Cuzin Charles Cuzin Charles
Mr.d From Days Inn d From Days Inn
Da Da
Damita Damita
Damoe Damoe
Damor Damor
Daughta BrendaðŸ 🠗 Daughta BrendaðŸ 🠗
DaugthaaðŸ DaugthaaðŸ
DeeDee DeeDee
Deloris 7.5 Deloris 7.5
Deon Shurn Deon Shurn
Dinky Dinky
Doe Doe
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Erica Erica
Erica Erica
Eshia Eshia
Fatboy Fatboy
Father Bob Father Bob
Fatman Fatman
Freedman Freedman
Hotels.com Hotels com
Husband Of Airbab African Husband Of Airbab African
Isaiah Edmonds Isaiah Edmonds
Jackie Jackie
Janice 💞 Janice 💞
Janice Friend Janice Friend
Jaylee Jaylee
Jessica For House Jessica For House
Jhonny Wife Jhonny Wife
Johnny Johnny
Jonesse Jonesse
Judy For Work Judy For Work
Kat Kat
Kat Kat
Kat Frenn Kat Frenn
Keisha Keisha
Lady About House Lady About House
Lady I Put Application In For House Lady I Put Application In For House
Lala Lala
Lala Lala
Laquita Laquita
Page 2
Laquita Laquita
Laquta Laquta
Latina Michael Daughter Latina Michael Daughter
Laundry On Duke Laundry On Duke
Lester Lester
Lia Lia
Lia Lia
Lia Lia
Lia Lia
Lia Lia
Lil Dee Icecream Lil Dee Icecream
Lil Mik Lil Mik
Lil Mike Lil Mike
Lil Shawn Lil Shawn
Lorenzo About Houses Lorenzo About Houses
Lotion Lady Lotion Lady
Lyft Lyft
Mar Mar Baby Momma Mar Mar Baby Momma
Mary Mary
Mary 💠Mary ðŸ’
Mary Grandma Mary Grandma
Mattie Baker Mattie Baker
Meachii Meachii
Mechie Mechie
Mell Mel Mell Mel
Mellindie Mellindie
Mikie Mikie
Miss.Eartha Miss.Eartha
Missy Missy
Momma Momma
Mr.Boldie Mr.Boldie
Mykia Son Mykia Son
Nephew Nephew
New Landlord New Landlord
None None
Pastor Shanela Husley Pastor Shanela Husley
Poncho Cuzin Poncho Cuzin
Racheal That Do Hair Racheal That Do Hair
Ray Ray
Ree Ree
Ricg Ricg
Romes Miranda Romes Miranda
Sabrina Sabrina
Skip Skip
Sorrels lett Sorrels lett
Soul Food Lady Soul Food Lady
Stephanie Stephanie
Page 3
Storage Storage
Sunshine Quita Close Freind Sunshine Quita Close Freind
Tay Tay
Tbone314 Tbone314
Tbone43 Tbone43
Tbone43 Edmonds Tbone43 Edmonds
Tbone43 Edmonds Tbone43 Edmonds
Tbone48 Tbone48
Tez Tez
Tez Tez
The Happyes Dude The Happyes Dude
Title Loan Title Loan
Toi_hospital Rick Toi_hospital Rick
Tom Car Dealership Tom Car Dealership
Tummy Tuck Belt Tummy Tuck Belt
Twan Twan
Twan Twan
Tyra Tomlin Tyra Tomlin
Voice Mail Voice Mail
Voice Mail Voice Mail
Von Son Von Son
Wardell Chambley Wardell Chambley
Wavy Wavy
Wheel Chair Wheel Chair
Yolands Yolands
Yung Worker Yung Worker
Zon Zon
Page 4
Yomi Name Given Name Yomi Additional Name Yomi Family Name Yomi Name Prefix Name Suffix
Page 5
Page 6
Initials Nickname Short Name Maiden Name Birthday Gender Location Billing Information
Page 7
Directory Server Mileage Occupation Hobby Sensitivity Priority Subject Notes
Page 8
Straight man bitch
Straight man bitch
Page 9
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
Page 13
Group Membership E-mail 1 - Type
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
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* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts * Other
* myContacts * Other
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts ::: * starred
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts ::: * starred
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
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* myContacts
Page 14
* myContacts
* myContacts
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* myContacts
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* myContacts
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* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts ::: * starred
* myContacts * Rental
* myContacts ::: * starred * Other
Heavyd ::: Heavydd ::: Tbone34 ::: * myContacts ::: * starred *
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts * Other
* myContacts
Heavyd ::: Heavydd ::: Heavy ::: Tbone34 ::: * myContacts ::: * starred
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
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Page 15
* myContacts
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* myContacts
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* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts ::: * starred
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
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* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts * Other
* myContacts
Page 16
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts * Other
* myContacts
* myContacts * Other
* myContacts * Other
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts ::: * starred * Other
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
* myContacts
Page 17
E-mail 1 - Value E-mail 2 - Type
Page 18
Page 19
Page 20
****************.@*****.*** Home
Page 21
E-mail 2 - Value Phone 1 - Type Phone 1 - Value Phone 2 - Type
Mobile +1-256-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Home +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-417-***-****
Mobile +1-773-***-****
Mobile +1-833-***-****
Mobile +1-864-***-****
Mobile +1-929-***-****
Mobile +1-941-***-****
Mobile +1-970-***-****
Mobile 1-929-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 411
Mobile 446-22
Mobile +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-****
Mobile 747-7491
Mobile 226-0388
Mobile 825-9971
Work +1-314-***-**** Mobile
TextNow +1-314-***-****
Work 1-314-***-**** workFax
workFax +675-****-**** TextNow
Mobile 772-6
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 939-3441
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Work 1-314-***-**** Mobile
Work +1-251-***-**** Mobile
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 618-***-****
Mobile +1-636-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Work 233
Mobile 285-81
Mobile 367-5500
Mobile 717-6804
Mobile +1-678-***-****
Page 22
Work 225
Mobile 409-1253
Mobile 611
Mobile 1-858-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 616-9439
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
TextNow +1-314-***-**** Mobile
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-786-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Work +1-573-***-**** ::: +1-573-***-**** Main
Work +1-573-***-**** ::: +1-573-***-**** Mobile
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 397-7989
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 636-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 240-0957
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-****
Mobile 1-314-***-****
Mobile 598-3856
Mobile +1-618-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Page 23
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 388-9524
Mobile 1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 618-***-****
Mobile +1-618-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-618-***-****
Mobile 1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-201-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 326-5712
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 479-0538
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 600-5167
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 281-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 1-431-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile 479-8218
Landlord 1-707-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Work 678-***-**** Mobile
Page 24
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
TextNow +1-618-***-**** Mobile
Work +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-425-***-**** Mobile
Work +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-**** Mobile
Work +1-314-***-**** Mobile
Mobile 240-8088
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
bitch u aint mmartied hoe Bitch 222937422 Work
Mobile 800-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 1-314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 1-805-***-****
Home 1-805-***-****
Mobile +1-786-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 314-***-****
Mobile +1-314-***-****
Mobile 662-0171
Mobile +1-954-***-****
Mobile 1-314-***-****
Mobile 359-1377
Page 25
Phone 2 - Value
+1-314-***-**** ::: +675-****-****
+1-586-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-919-***-****
Page 26
314-***-**** ::: 1-618-***-****
Page 27
+1-305-***-**** ::: +1-929-***-****
Page 28
+1-214-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-606-***-**** ::: +1-606-***-**** ::: +1-636-***-****
39966 ::: 314-***-**** ::: 58254 ::: 314-***-**** ::: +1-551-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-551-***-**** ::: 39966 ::: +13142407
+1-314-***-**** ::: +1-551-***-**** ::: 314-***-**** ::: 39966 ::: 58254
Page 29
Phone 3 - Type Phone 3 - Value Phone 4 - Type
Home +1-618-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-**** Main
TextNow +1-314-***-**** ::: +675-****-**** Mobile
Mobile +1-505-***-**** ::: +1-210-***-**** homeFax
Home +1-314-***-****
Page 30
Mobile 1-618-***-**** ::: 314-***-**** Home
Home 978-87 Main
Page 31
Home +1-314-***-****
Home +1-314-***-**** ::: 462265
Home +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-**** WhatsApp
Home +1-314-***-****
TextNow +1-314-***-**** ::: +1-314-***-**** Home
Page 32
Phone 4 - Value Phone 5 - Type
+1-314-***-**** ::: +1-210-***-**** ::: +1-505-***-**** ::: +1-505-***-**** Home
Page 33
97887 Other
+1-256-***-**** Other
Page 34
1-214-***-**** Mobile
Page 35
Phone 5 - Value Phone 6 - Type Phone 6 - Value Phone 7 - Type Phone 7 - Value
1-570-***-**** Main 87424 homeFax +1-314-***-****
Page 36
Page 37
Page 38
Phone 8 - Type Phone 8 - Value Address 1 - Type
Other 1-662-***-**** Home
Page 39
Page 40
Page 41
Address 1 - Formatted
Red Roof Inn 3470 Hollenberg Dr Bridgeton MO 63044
Red Roof Inn 3470 Hollenberg Dr Bridgeton MO 63044
637 Foote Ave
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Page 42
Comfort Inn & Suites St. Louis 7133 Douglas Palmer Pl Hazelwood MO 63042 ::: 1350-1326 Bayonne Dr St. Louis MO 63138
Bieg Plumbing & Sewer Services Co, 2015 Lemay Ferry Rd, St. Louis, MO 63125
637 Foote Ave Webster Groves MO 63119 ::: 637 Foote Ave Webster Groves MO 63119 ::: 637 Foote Ave
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Page 43
38.578831,-90.330564 ::: 563-599 Market St St. Louis MO 63101 ::: St Louis Riverfront Trail St. Louis MO 63147
Antoine edmonds, 11544 Criterion Avenue Hotel St. Louis MO 63138 ::: Hotel Antoine edmonds 11544 Criterion Avenue St. Lo
Antoine edmonds, 11544 Criterion Avenue Hotel St. Louis MO 63138 ::: Hotel Antoine edmonds 11544 Criterion Avenue St. Lo
11837 Lackland Rd St. Louis MO 63146 ::: 637 Foote Ave Webster Groves MO 63119 ::: 637 Foote Ave Webster Groves MO
Page 44
Address 1 - Street
Red Roof Inn 3470 Hollenberg Dr
Red Roof Inn 3470 Hollenberg Dr
637 Foote Ave
Page 45
Comfort Inn & Suites St. Louis 7133 Douglas Palmer Pl ::: 1350-1326 Bayonne Dr
Bieg Plumbing & Sewer Services Co, 2015 Lemay Ferry Rd
637 Foote Ave ::: 637 Foote Ave ::: 637 Foote Ave
Page 46
38.578831,-90.330564 ::: 563-599 Market St ::: St Louis Riverfront Trail
Hotel Antoine edmonds 11544 Criterion Avenue ::: Hotel Antoine edmonds 11544 Criterion Avenue ::: Hotel Antoine edmonds
Hotel Antoine edmonds 11544 Criterion Avenue ::: Hotel Antoine edmonds 11544 Criterion Avenue ::: Hotel Antoine edmonds
11837 Lackland Rd ::: 637 Foote Ave ::: 637 Foote Ave
Page 47
Address 1 - City Address 1 - PO Box Address 1 - Region
Bridgeton MO
Bridgeton MO
Webster Groves MO
Page 48
Hazelwood ::: St. Louis ::: MO ::: MO
St. Louis MO
Webster Groves ::: Webster Groves ::: Webster Groves ::: ::: MO ::: MO ::: MO
Page 49
::: St. Louis ::: St. Louis ::: ::: ::: MO ::: MO
St. Louis ::: St. Louis ::: St. Louis ::: ::: MO ::: MO ::: MO
St. Louis ::: St. Louis ::: St. Louis ::: ::: MO ::: MO ::: MO
St. Louis ::: Webster Groves ::: Webster Groves ::: ::: MO ::: MO ::: MO
Page 50
Address 1 - Postal Code Address 1 - Country Address 1 - Extended Address Address 2 - Type
Page 51
63042 ::: 63138 ::: ::: Work
63125 Home
63119 ::: 63119 ::: 63119 ::: ::: ::: :::
Page 52
::: 63101 ::: 63147 ::: ::: ::: :::
63138 ::: 63138 ::: 63138 ::: ::: ::: :::
63138 ::: 63138 ::: 63138 ::: ::: ::: :::
63146 ::: 63119 ::: 63119 ::: ::: ::: :::
Page 53
Address 2 - Formatted
Page 54
Bieg Plumbing & Sewer Services Co, 2015 Lemay Ferry Rd St. Louis MO 63125
Comfort Inn & Suites St. Louis-Hazelwood, 7133 Douglas Palmer Pl, Hazelwood, MO 63042
Page 55
Address 2 - Street Address 2 - City Address 2 - PO Box
Page 56
Bieg Plumbing & Sewer Services Co, 2015 Lemay Ferry Rd St. Louis
Comfort Inn & Suites St. Louis 7133 Douglas Palmer Pl Hazelwood
Page 57
Address 2 - Region Address 2 - Postal Code Address 2 - Country Address 2 - Extended Address
Page 58
MO 63125
MO 63042
Page 59
Relation 1 - Type Relation 1 - Value Relation 2 - Type Relation 2 - Value Custom Field 1 - Type
Page 60
Page 61
Assistant Married Brother Married
Page 62
Custom Field 1 - Value
Page 63
U been cheating the whole time 1350 Bayonne uu never loved or cared about none of us
Page 64