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Bus Driver School

Grass Valley, CA
March 04, 2023

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le Résuménuã


Thomas Lundbaek


see supporting documents on LinkedIn




Conceived In the Summer of Love, born/raised in Greenbrae, Ca. 1st generation Danish-American

Family Daughter, & Son 12/12/05, & 06/26/08

Currently Seeking Permaculture Certification TBA

Presently On-call Building & Restoration Specialist [freelance] 06/06/2019 present

Dry Water Productions, Inc. Founder/CTO [S-Corporation] 05/04/2012 —- present

Recently Handyman Heroes [multifaceted building/construction] 2019 --- 03/27/2020

Abacus Group Builders & Momentum Builder [build/demo/construct] 04/01/2019 --- 06/16/2019

Marin Airporter, Inc. [Transit/Charter/SPAB/Bus Driver] 09/16/2015 --- 03/16/2018

Substitute School Bus Driver [Dixie School District] 04/29/2015 — 09/16/2015

Preliminary Single Subject Teaching Credentials [Visual Arts] 07/30/2013 — 08/01/2018

In-Home Foster Counselor [St. Vincent’s Foster Care Agency] San Rafael, Ca. 09/03/2010 — 06/27/2015

Lead Children’s Religious Educator Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin 09/09/2012 — 06/15/2014

“3” Licenses Bay Area Traffic Violation School Instructor [Sierra-Lobo Management] 06/05/2010 — 01/25/2013

Sole Proprietor The Chair Doctor & Table Surgeon [license # 028543] Bay Area 09/30/2011 — 06/30/2013

Small Business Late Bloomer Arts [Commissions, Street Vending & Farmers Markets] 10/10/2003 — 2006

Freelance Handy-Man Arboreal, Custom Painting, Home Repair, Masonry, Remodeling 1998 — 2003

Woodworking Porteous / Custom Furniture & Design Ignacio, Ca. 10/1995 — 1997

Steel Forging Mitchel Weiner Co. Inc. /Builders, Designers, & Restoration Specialists 02/ -- 12/1995

Guest Artist Lecture, Demo, & Direction in Anti/Syn-clastic Forming Techniques 11/ -- 12/1992

[Pasadena School of Design Jewelry Dept.]

Internship Assistant Jewelry Instructor [College of Marin] Fall 1990

Studies Abroad Danish Language/Culture/Economics/History/Politics/Arts & Crafts 09/1987 — 12/1989

[Krabbesholm Folkehojskole, Skive, Danmark]

Clay Animation Thanks to Steve Davis [Super 8 mm films] Corte Madera to Fairfax 1981 — 1985


(education & training)

Lisences Class: B, C & M1 + School Bus (S); Passenger (P); Tanker (N) endorsements 04/29/15 — present

Certificates of Clearance Livescans [multiple ] 2009 --- present

CPR & AED Healthcare Provider American Red Cross/EMS Safety Services 05/06/2010 --- 06/30/2015

General Water Safety Certificate American Red Cross 09/11/2013 — present

Higher Learning Sonoma State University 2nd BA, Ca. Summer 2011 —- Fall 2013

Dominican University of Ca. San Rafael, Ca. Spring 2009- Fall 2011

Bachelor of Arts - Education Degree S.F. State University Fall 2007 Fall 2008

College of Marin Kentfield, Ca. Fall 2006 Spring 2007

San Francisco City College S.F., Ca. Sp. 2001, Sp. Fall 2005

NCLB [Compliance] 07/30/2013 — 08/01/2018

CSET Single Subject Competency Waiver granted 08/08/2012

CSET Multi Subjects passed 03/2008

CBEST Reading/Writing/Math passed 08/2005

Sculpture Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree [Academy of Art College] S.F. Ca. 02/01/1993 — 12/17/1994

Jewelry & Speech Santa Monica Junior College Santa Monica, Ca. Fall 1992

Graduate Gemologist Gemological Institute of America Santa Monica, Ca. 02/28 — 08/28/1992

Illustration & Jewelry California College of Arts & Crafts Oakland, Ca. Spring 1989 — 1991

Advertising Diploma Academy for the Creative Arts Aabyhoj, Denmark 05/16/1988

Graduate Redwood High School Larkspur, Ca. 1984 --- 1987

Side Orders


Memberships San Francisco School Volunteer beg. 01/14/2005

Rebild National Park Society, Inc. since mid ‘80’s

Danish Soldiers Club, of Northern Ca. since late ‘70’s

Young Scandinavians Club since 02/21/1969

M.A.W.S. 3rd Stage Graduate San Rafael, Ca. 07/1996 — 07/1997

Mountain Medicine Mountain Medicine Institute Yerba Buena, Ca. 05/1990

Blue Scout Leader Hassalager, Danmark 1988



Silver Poet Award World of Poetry Sacramento, Ca. 02/1989

First Prize & Scholarship Kaplan Institute / Marin Designers Showcase & Larkspur Invitation 06/1987

Award of Distinction Redwood High Faculty Larkspur, Ca. 06/1987

Achievement Award Bank of America Marin, Ca. 06/1987

Honorable Mention World of Poetry Sacramento, Ca. 02/1987

Award Egger Scholarship Marin, Ca. 1987

Award Martha Orendorf Art Scholarship [2nd Junior to ever achieve honor] 06/1986

First Prize Marin Society of Artists Marin Art & Garden Center, Ca. 1985

First Prize Larkspur Invitational Art Show / Student Division Ca. 1979

2nd, 2nd, & Fire Prevention Poster Contests 10/25, 26, & 23

Honorable Mention Larkspur Fire Department, Ca. of ‘78, ‘79, & ‘80


(exhibits & honors)

Italian Street Painting Annual Festival (& still do impromptu) San Rafael, Ca. 2007 & 2008

Viking Saga Exhibit Melting Point Gallery San Francisco, Ca. 2003

Swan Memorial For Chris & Joe Pederson, Aldersly Retirement Home San Rafael. Ca. 1999 — present

Grad Show AAC Gallery San Francisco, Ca. 1997

Restoration Frank Lloyd Wright House, Private Contracting San Anselmo, Ca. 1996

Car Hood Installation Marin Brew Co. (incl. other illustrations & posters) Larkspur Landing, Ca. 1991 — present

Mural Project Johnny Love’s 2nd Anniversary Celebration San Francisco, Ca. 1990

Cable Car Drawing House of Congress Archives Washington DC 1989 — present

Creature Exhibition Hosted by George Lucas Marin Civic Center, Ca. 1987

Solo Exhibition Redwood Library Larkspur, Ca. 04/1987

Who’s Who Among American High School Students p. 58 & 178 1986 — 1987

Heritage Father, (Civil Structural Engineer/Travel Agent/Master Carpenter) 06/18/1931 — 11/ /1998

Mother, (Retired On-Call Night Emergency Surgical Nurse) @ Marin General 09/08/1935 – 04/12/2019

Brother, (Dr. of Chiropractic’s/Married w/Twins) 4 yrs. Older

A la Carte

(other info., letters of recommendations, references, & transcripts et cetera: Available upon request)

Patrick, Jeff & Loring Typical run-of-the-mill Clients (from Terra Linda to Tahoe)

Larry, Curly, & Mo Handyman Heroes (Sausalito, Ca.) 415-***-****

Lawrence Forest Marin Airporter Inc., Transit Supervisor (San Rafael, Ca.) 415-***-****

Inge Hansen Retired Surgical Nurse (Corte Madera, Ca.) 415-***-****

David & Deanna Hurley Jewelers (San Rafael, Ca.) 415-***-****

Lou & Phyllis Saliber Engineer/Homemaker (Corte Madera, Ca.) 415-***-****

Lesley & Tom Villasenor ECH Teacher/Chemist (Novato, Ca.) 415-***-****

(Skills, Talents, & Interests)

Resourceful & Socially Inclined Trouble-shooter/Problem-solver;

Crisis Intervention & Hostage Negotiation Trained; CPR/AED/Water Safety Certified;

Licensed class C, M1, B driver [air-brake, school bus (S), coach passenger (P), tanker (N) endorsements];

Traffic Violations School Instructor; Preliminary Credentialed Teacher (secondary Education BA);

Fine Jewelry; (GIA Certified Gemologist) Diamond & Colored Stone Grading & Identification; Inventor w/ patents;

Metal (raising, forming, fabrication, electroforming/plating);

Foundry, MIG/TIG/ARC/Gas Welding; Tool Making;

Custom Cabinetry/Carpentry/Furniture/Woodworks; Ceramics; Sculpture; Model/Mold-Making,

Silk/Screen Printing (textile & poster); Architectural/Anatomical/Figure/Other Illustrator;

Drawing; Graphic Design; Painting (oil/acrylic/water/air-brush); Finishes & Patinas;

Framing/Matting; Stained Glass; Neon; Clay Animation;

Building/Demo/Construction/Electrical/Landscape/Masonry/Plumbing (foundation to roof; inside & out);

Cooking; Arboreal/Horticulture/Husbandry; Camping; Skiing/Boarding; Chess; Non-Fiction; Writing; Conceptual Physics;

Anthropology; Astrology; Palmistry; Healing Arts & Crafts; Poetry; Intuitive Massage; Multi-Subject Tutoring;

(read/speak/write) both English and Danish Languages (+ dialects, fluently);

yo hablo muy pokito Español tambien; self-taught rudimentary ASL;

including: read & write backwards proficiently.

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