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Cfo Service

Atlanta, GA
37,000 - 50,000
March 03, 2023

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Mark C. Hood

**** *\i. Fulton Ave.

Hapeville, Ga. 3fi354

Cell {a$a} 345."5353

rn a rkhoad007 S bei lss uth. n et

ilSJfeTlvfi: To utilize my maintenance skills within the pr*p*rty rnailegement industry" Bei*g allowed the oppartunity of growth a*d advancements with a stahl* coryt$)any. [PA, 410A and CFO Certified,

WfiRK HISTORY: FIRSTKIY HOMfS LLC. 1850 Parkway Place, Suite g00 Marietta, Ga. 30S6?. ewned and managed over 50,000 Homes in the state of Georgia. Phone# {470} 63?-4S28 I was A Tech llfrcm t)SllV12021to 111S3/2022. Duties to make repairs in homes. Unst*p repair and r*place toilets, repair and replace kitchen and hathrocm faucets, repair and replace kitchen appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers and stoves alsa nrake repairs t* the HVACIHeating systems"

AVANTIe R[SIEf NTIAL {formerly VUKOTA fiealty and i!{anagernent} Hainh*w Forest Ap*rtrfients 31$fi Rainb*w Fsrest Cir, Secatur, fra" 30034. 156 units. Sffie*# i4S4) ?43-0646.

! was the Sr*pervisor from 05/1912018 to 02/20/?019. iluties are Fickup grounds, make rrady, IiVAC/l-leating rcpairs, Flumbing, work on the Gates and take eare of the pool, Atlantie Realty Partners, lnc. They sold Rainbaw Forest ta AVAf{TiC &[SiAf NTiAl- and i st*y on, Duties: ftepair Sates, HVAC/l-:leati*9, ileetrical. Fiek- up grounds, make re ady, and s*rn* carp€r'itry, Fh*ne# {404} 243-0646. Dates 0S115/?013 to *311*l?S1S. Ti{le Service T*ch lll. Alf\dfS Apartrn*nt Inv*stmsnt and Manag*msnt Compar:y" Fairburn Gcrdcn Apartrnents I & lf, A.tlanta, Ga, 1"S* units, and The Residences at Vining's 580 units between both prop*rty frorn *7109/7fr10 to S2/151?013. I was a Servic* Teeh llt. *uties - To mak* r*pair t* the properti*s frorn plunnbing, serving repairing and replacing alc unit picking up the grounds t* servicing the Bools to the make ready.

EDUCATION: Gideon fiernent*ry Schcol and L J. Price l'"ligh Sch**lGraduate Dipiorna fieferenees availahle upon request

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