Miranda Crump
My career goal is to become apart of a company that is continuing to grow and prosper in today’s society. 1500 Park way dr University City Mo 63130 314-***-**** *********@*****.*** WORK EXPERIENCE
Becky’s Carpet and Tile — Sales Associate
Eagle Flooring/ Rauk Installation LLC — Sales Associate/ Administrative Assistant Comfort Solutions Hvac — Human Resources
Hazelwood West
08/2008 to 01/2011, Hazelwood Mo
I sold irting to the general public as well as Commercial Companies in the area. I was responsible for answering the phones. I was responsible for completing sales tickets we would type up using a program called Rollmaster. 04/2012 to 03/2021, Swansea Il/ Mehlville Mo
I was responsible for scheduling all of the ooring installs with the customers. I was in charge of accounts/receivable for our special order materials. I also ran payroll/ w2 and 1099. I answered all the phones as well as emails. I also handled all of our store inventory.
03/2022 to Present, St. Louis Mo.
I handle all of the service calls and scheduling appointments for the customers heating and cooling issues. I am also in charge of all the ordering of materials needed for the Jobs. 1999 to 2002