Profile Summary
*+ years of professional experience developing publicly available Android apps using Kotlin and Java
Cultivate an environment of excellence, through code design, code reviews.
Designed various Android applications using optimal architectural design patterns (MVVM, MVP, MVC).
Work with various design patterns (e.g., Singleton, Observer, Factory, Builder, etc.).
Created screens that followed Material Design and UX guidelines.
Experience consuming RESTful services with Retrofit and OkHttp and using GraphQL.
Work effectively with UI designers and implement according to Android style guidelines.
Created various views included custom and compound to generate a better final User Interface (UI/UX) and improved the retention.
Familiar with the new Android jetpack compose to create complex views using composable fucntions.
Designed/developed apps using both API/SDK and business embedded logic to achieve Android mobile app’s desired functionality.
Utilize kotlin coroutines concurrency design patterns to simplify code that executes asynchronously.
Apply coroutines to support various functions within projects.
Created asynchronous programming with kotlin flows
Experience with Android JetPack components such as Room DB, LiveView and LiveData.
Conducted interviews and contributed to the continuous grow the engineering team.
Excellent understanding of Test-Driven Development and Test Pyramid in support of highly resilient apps with a high degree of code coverage.
Configured and initialized multiple cloud integration services including Parse, Firebase and Google Cloud Messaging on Android apps.
Considerable experience debugging and profiling Android applications.
Use of Continuous Integration Servers (Travis, Jenkins, Circle-CI).
Created unit and integration testing suites developed with Mockito and Espresso for use in Android development.
Experience with Git, Github, Pull Requests and Rebasing.
Designed the schema for and deployed SQL and MySQL servers.
Adapts easily to new technologies such as Smart Watches, Chromecast, and Smart TV devices.
Utilized Espresso, JUnit, Mockito and simulated design patterns to test and develop applications.
Work with other departments to achieve cross-functional goals to satisfy customer expectations. Mentor less experienced team members on technical matters.
Hands on with Android Bluetooth Low Energy technology.
Technical Skills
Programming Languages
Database & Data Analysis
SQLite, Firebase, Room
Web Services
Android Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ
Memory Management
Leak Canary, Bluetooth Low Energy, Android profiler
DeBugging/Issue Tracking
JIRA, DDMS tool, ADB, LeakCanary
Firebase Crash Reporting, Fabric Crashlytics, Splunk
Java Swing, RxJava, Retrofit, OkHttp, Hilt, Dagger2
Picasso, Glide, Fresco, ExoPlayer
TDD, Unit Testing (Junit), Automated Testing, Jenkins, Written Test Cases, Android Testing (Robotium), Espresso, Robolectric, Mockito, MockK
Architecture and Design Patterns
MVC, MVP, MVVM, Singleton, Builder, Factory, Façade, Proxy, Dependency Injection, Command, Observer
JetPack, Android SDK, Fabric, Firebase, Reactive-X (RxAndroid, RxJava), Kotlin coroutines, kotlin flows, Android JetPack (Room, LiveView, LiveData, Download Manager, Navigation, ViewModel, Work manager)
Project Management
Agile/SCRUM, Sprints, Daily Scrums, Sprint Retrospective, Sprint Planning, Backlog, Kanban, JIRA, Trello, Redmine, Basecamp, Slack, Atlassian Stack
BitBucket, Git, GitHub, SVN, Tortoise
Miscellaneous Android Technology
Coroutines, Push Notifications, Remote URLs, Dagger, Hilt, NFC (Near field communication) technology, GCM (Google Cloud Messaging), Firebase, Retrofit, Volley, RxJava, Metrowerks PowerPlant, Parse, Urban AirShip, Recycler View, Dependency Injection, WorkManager, Services, Foreground Services, BroadcastReceiver, Fragments, ViewPager, Moshi, Gson
Work Experience
Rue La La – Senior Android Engineer
Boston, MA – February 2021 to Current
Shopping your faves just got faster and easier. Not a Rue La La Member? No problem. It’s free and you can join quickly right from our award-winning app. With exclusive sales, delivery alerts, order tracking, and Boutique reminders, you’ll never miss a stylish beat.
Made significant use of Android Studio’s debugger to develop a deeper understanding of the large application’s infrastructure.
Implemented observable data patterns using Kotlin coroutines and kotlin flows to make server data observable.
Designed communication between the viewModel and the View with an observer patter using the LiveData from jetpack
Created dynamic and multiform screens using ConstraintLayout to flatten the hierarchy.
Used GitHub as a version control tool for the project amongst team members.
Used Jetpack’s Data Binding Library to bind UI components to data sources.
Used mostly MockK for unit testing.
Used Dagger 2 and Hilt for dependency injection.
Used Microsoft Teams and Slack for communication.
Implemented Recyclerviews to display all data to the user.
Implemented ExoPlayer to stream video advertisements to the app, and allow the user to click on them and navigate to the specific deals in the app
Designed and worked on the cart and checkout features modules in order to create a seamless and easy navigation for the user, creating components from Jetpack such as navigation, viewPager, VewBinding, LiveData, ViewModel
Applied sound mobile security practices such as Obfuscation, Encryption, SSL, Certification Pinning, Tokens.
Connected the app to Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, by integrating their SDKs.
Integrated third-party SDK for payment authentication such as Paypal SDK and Simply SDK.
OptumRX – Senior Android Engineer
Irvine, CA – July 2020 to July 2021
The OptumRx mobile app helps members manage pharmacy benefits without walking into a pharmacy. Compare drug prices, view all your medications, and transfer eligible medications to home delivery. Users can also refill their home delivery prescriptions, check order status, set up automatic refills, and more.
Added databinding from Android JetPack to add new features to MVVM architecture modules.
Worked on unit tests extensively following TDD best practices, using JUnit, Mockito, MockK and Espresso for UI testing in the development process.
Performed network API calls and responses using Retrofit with Coroutines to support multi-threading.
Worked with different ServiceNow teams for incorporating various platform capabilities into the architecture such as Security and Authentication, Session management, integrating with third-party systems.
Scheduled and managed large pdf files downloads in background with auto retry support.
Integrated Stripe dynamic payments API to implement authentication logic and create a custom checkout that brings Stripe’s payments platform to in-person transactions.
Refactored background operations in the form of foreground services and defined custom schedules with Workmanager API.
Implemented new features in Kotlin and converted some existing Java classes to Kotlin
Integrated several third-party modules such as Segment, Firebase, and Facebook SDK.
Incorporated Splunk MINT SDK to collect crash, performance, usage data and send it to Cloud servers.
Implemented MVVM architecture with a repository layer using kotlin flows and coroutines to make server data observable.
Created dynamic screens using ConstraintLayout to have the best performance of the UI thread when rendering the hierarchy.
Incorporated Amazon Alexa into the Android application for easy ordering.
Implemented Amazon Amplify Libraries to build custom onboarding flows, real-time chatbots, analytics and Offline synchronization and conflict resolution.
Used GitHub as a version control tool for the project amongst team members
Used Hilt for dependency Injection.
Hendrick Motorsports - Android Developer
Charlotte, NC – May 2019 to July 2020
Take the infield experience with you everywhere you go! The Hendrick Motorsports Mobile App gives you an all-access pass to our team and drivers Kasey Kahne, Jeff Gordon, Jimmie Johnson and Dale Earnhardt Jr., and keeps you up to date with the latest news, photos and videos.
Refactored code base from MVP architecture to MVVM architecture.
Started migrating existing Java code to Kotlin JVM language.
Improved adaptive video streams and customized behavior of ExoPlayer’s PlayerControlView to display a playback controller to the user.
Assisted web with automatic/ manual QA, and helped QA write Cucumber/ Ruby tests for web as well as for Android.
Used AndroidPlot API in different places to chart multiple data from server.
Refactored fragments to CustomViews to reduce the handling of multiple callbacks and reuse layouts in multiple screens.
Made devices discoverable using Bluetooth BLE.
Used Dagger dependency injection to inject network modules, viewmodels and repositories.
Used Jira for ticket issuing/tracking to make sure dashboard everyone is assigned work and backlog defect tickets are single digits.
Configured Git and Bitbucket servers as the software version control tools. Configured log-in feature with multiple sign-in options utilizing fingerprint device feature.
Created push notifications message from Firebase console and debugged message received from Firebase console.
Performed debugging using Logcat/ DDMS, crash reports with Crashlytics, and network issues with Charles Proxy/ Splunk.
Coldwell Banker Real Estate, – Android Mobile App Developer
Madison, NJ – April 2018 to May 2019
With the Coldwell Banker® app, you’re not just choosing a home. You’re choosing a lifestyle. We know that’s a big decision. So we bring you the most up-to-date and accurate information on homes in your area, instant updates when new homes hit the market, and details about local neighborhoods – and we connect you with a real estate professional who’s prepared to help you find just what you’re looking for.
Performed technical build work using Eclipse IDE.
Took a proactive role in peer code reviews to ensure consistent standards.
Collaborated with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features.
Performed majority of programming in Java language.
Began process of transitioning select Java code functions to Kotlin.
Implemented features and functions according to specifications provided.
Implemented user interface according to UI/UX design specifications in Eclipse using fragments, and compound views.
Implemented features and functionalities using an MVP architectural pattern and various design patterns for the app structure such as observer, singleton, proxy, façade, decorator, visitor.
Developed user interaction functionality between by delegating to the server using RESTful web services, and parsing JSON objects with GSON.
Participated in test-driven development by creating unit tests and running unit tests and functional tests each iteration with each Sprint.
Incorporated Facebook SDK and Twitter API for logging, posting and share experiences of the Android app and the service for marketing.
Incorporated Hockey App to distribute beta versions, collect live crash reports, get feedback from real users and analyze test coverage.
Worked with Flurry mobile analytics to find problem areas and debug or improve performance.
Integrated Google Cloud Messaging for sending notifications to registered users about weather events on the Android weather app.
Created Unit Tests in Junit and Mockito and worked with QA team to update test cases.
Utilized the Universal Image Loader library for image downloading.
Participated in the Agile/Scrum process of iterative development, using JIRA for working tasks, and Jenkins for continuous integration.
TIAA Bank – Android App Developer
Jacksonville, FL – September 2017 to April 2018
Manage your retirement, banking, and brokerage accounts using the TIAA mobile app. The app provides quick and secure access to all your TIAA finances and puts 100 years of top money management into the palm of your hand.
Stored sensitive data such as passwords by applying the cipher method.
Handled the network information lookup using AsyncTasks hosted in Fragments.
Implemented push notifications to alert users to save by creating notifications natively with notification builder.
Used SharedPreferences to store user preferences.
Added security by encrypting static and dynamic keys and sensitive application data with white-box cryptography using Arxan Key and Data Protection SDK.
Implemented MVP architecture and design patterns Singleton, Proxy, Observer, and Façade.
Added Broadcast Receiver logic to listen for events that can trigger a local database update.
Consumed REST API to display user history on the user interface.
Handled code sessions and inactivity management through internal timers and automatic logout.
Implemented Open Bank API to send payments from bank account, access user’s list of accounts and instant refunds.
Implemented the multithreading communication using the built-in Android frameworks like AsyncTasks and Handlers.
Worked with NineOldAndroids library to include animation rotations, translations, alpha variations, and scaling.
Applied solid relational DBMS skills using MySQL, PostgreSQL and other DBMS products.
Used WebView to render some HTML and JavaScript content.
Created Material Design layouts with different animations optimized for the ultimate User Experience.
Developed test cases using JUnit and tested UI using Espresso.
Implemented dependency injection natively in Java for object references.
Worked with product and user experience teams to support multiple screen resolutions on multiple Android devices.
Cricket – Android Developer
Atlanta, GA – July 2016 to September 2017
The myCricket App is simple, seamless and FREE. It gives you the freedom to manage your Cricket Wireless account anywhere, anytime with just the tap of a button.
Integrated Urban in new features for messaging and content delivery, including Push Notifications, Rich Media Messaging, In-App Purchase and Subscriptions.
Produced a custom SDK providing APIs to connect with the backend.
Utilized Figma in UI/UX development.
Applied technical work to AndroidWatch module to display notifications and send data from phone.
Programmed code using ReactiveX for asynchronous programming with observable streams for APIs using flatmap, filter, zipalign, map transformational.
Made use of Glide for image handling and caching in Android mobile app.
Consumed RESTful web services and threaded content with RxJava and Retrofit 2.
Refactored View layer with new Architectural components from MVC using lifecycle aware components and Room database with SQLCipher encryption.
Upgraded to PayPal Braintree's Android SDK to accept card and alternative payments to pay and manage bills.
Encrypted ID card details in Android Keystore system to store cryptographic keys in a container to make it more difficult to extract from the device.
Worked in Test-Driven Development to write test cases in Pay Bills ViewModels and automated UI test using Espresso for View Policy feature.
Angie’s List – Android Developer
Indianapolis, IN – September 2015 to July 2016
Angie’s List is here to help you complete all of your home projects, including major improvements and everyday maintenance and repairs — and it’s FREE to use.
Refactored the main system to use an MVP design pattern.
Developed highly efficient Java code and view layouts and the ability to diagnose performance bottleneck.
Programmed a module using Java language to communicate multiple components in the Android app efficiently.
Handled dependency injection with Android Annotations.
Implemented Parcelable to the classes for easier bundle transportation.
Designed and developed functionality between user interactions and delegated back to the server using RESTful web services and JSON parsing.
Established connection with local database using SQLiteOpenHelper.
Performed CRUD operations.
Wrote Javadoc for documenting the different modules, and software features.
Made use of Picasso library for Android to manage and load images.
Worked with Broadcast Receivers to receive system notifications, which were later used to send out reminders from the app.
Worked closely with designers, middleware, and back-end teams for the RESTful API.
Made effective use of Android tool ecosystem for development, testing, debugging, and performance benchmarking.
Made effective use of Robotium and Robolectric tools for testing the app.
Implemented data passing using bundles and serialized information among different activities.
Seven Eleven 7 11 – Android App Developer
San Antonino, TX – January 2014 to September 2015
Synopsis: 7-Eleven is a company that operates a chain of food and beverage convenience stores. With this app you can shop and earn rewards on your everyday purchases when you scan your app barcode*, then browse our rewards menu and use points to get free food and drinks. You earn faster with bonus points offers and point streaks on select snacks, drinks, and products.
Carried out technical work tasks using Android Studio.
Programmed Java and used both native and third-party frameworks.
Applied Retrofit to make asynchronous HTTP requests in an anonymous call back.
Created multiple Content Providers with a native approach to handle UI asynchronous updates.
Added Parcelable interface for marshalling and unmarshalling Setter and Getter classes.
Implemented Parse to simplify mobile push notifications.
Implemented Dagger to work with a Dependency Injection environment to help with the unit testing.
Involved in the decision making for the technologies being used.
Worked with ZXing library for the coupon bar code reading module.
Worked with PayPal Android SDK for making payments.
Implemented Otto library for decouple different parts of the application.
Implemented Picasso to download the image from web services.
Helped back-end team during the design of the new Restful API for the mobile platform.
Used Crashlytics to track user behaviour and obtain mobile analytics.
Performed extensive application testing with the Rob electric unit test framework.
Utilized Leak Canary to find memory leaks and optimize as well as improved the performance.
Secured information and user data with an SQL Cipher instance and worked with HTTPS requests.
Implemented SDK for Android to quickly scan credit cards in mobile apps.
Implemented Google Maps and Location services.
Bachelor of Science (Information Technology) – Marymount University