contact No.
v Passed General Cer ficate (Ordinary Level)
examina on of the department of examina on
Sri Lanka.
v Passed General Cer ficate (Advanced Level)
examina on of the department of examina on
Sri Lanka.
v The College of Nursing, Badulla (2006 - 2009)
Diploma in Nursing.
v Nursing Training School, Badulla (2011- 2012)
Midwifery Nursing Training
v General Hospital (Teaching) Kandy (2010.08.16 - 2011) Surgical Intensive care experience
v Teaching Hospital Kandy (2012)
Adult Cardio- Pulmonary Resuscita on Training
Department of Anesthesia
An experience and fully qualified registered nurse who is efficient, thorough and passionate about delivering the best levels of care to patients. Extensive healthcare experience in a wide range of key nursing fields and has the required physical, mental and emotional strength to stand up to the rigours of this demands profession.
v The Open University of Sri Lanka.
Bachelor of Science Honours in Nursing
v Energe c and hard working
Posi ve thinking / precision making
Self confident
Computer literacy
Promo ng good Health
Clinical Treatment
Pa ent Advice
Pa ent Care Plans
v Na onal Hospital Kandy ( 2010 - Present)
v Registered Nurse
- Administering drugs, medica on and injec ons to pa ents.
- Trea ng pa ent with respect and dignity, and giving a en on to individual needs and wishes.
- Priori sing workloads and alloca ng pa ents appropriately.
- Caring for pa ents who suffering from acute and long-term illness and diseases.
- Maintaining high clinical standards and high levels of quality care delivery.
- Providing informa on, emo onal support and reassurance to pa ents and rela ves
Implemen ng and par cipa ng in vaccina on and
immunisa on programmes for both adults and children.
- Experience of Surgical Intensive care.
- Taking pa ent samples, monitoring vital signs.
- Experience of chronic discase management.
- Responding calmly to emergency situa ons.
- Experience of pre opera ve management for
obstetric and Gynecology pa ents.
- Experience of post opera ve management for obstetric and Gynecology pa ents.
- Labour room experience in delivering babies, Iden fying high risk pa ents and detec on of labour related
complica ons and assis ng for labour room procedures in related to delivery and management of complica ons and emergences.
- Experience of maternity ward management as a midwifery nursing officer (12 years)
First Name
Date of Birth
Na onality
Marital Status
Current Physical Address
Years of Nursing Experience
Experience Nursing Unit
Whatsapp Number
Driving Licence
: Oyarawe Gedara
: Irunika Kanchana Kumari
: 05.02.1985
: Female
: Sri Lankan
: 5.3
: Married
: 10 C, Seminary Garden Road,
Thennekumbura, Kandy, Sri Lanka
: ***************@*****.***
: 12 years
: surgical Intensive care unit (SICU) - 01 year
Obstetric & Gynecology ward 11 years
: Yes
I hereby declare the informa on given above are and correct to the best of my knowledge. Date : Signature : Nursing Council Registration No. 12819
: ***************@*****.***
: +94-716****** / +94-774******
: 10C, seminary Garden Road, Thannekumbura, Sri Lanka.